6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for david.roun.7

Ok, so here is the CSS code in an external sheet: #header{ position:fixed; width:100%; height:15%; } #hedr{ position:fixed; height:5%; width:6%; top:5%; left:30%;} #nme{ position:fixed; font-size:400%; top:3%; left:10%; } Here is the php document: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta name="keywords" content="Roun, David Roun, Rounsworld, Heather Roun"> <meta name="description" content="Personal website"> <meta …

Member Avatar for david.roun.7
Member Avatar for vishalonne

I have 2 drop down. In 2nd drop down items are added dynamically based on 1st drop down selection. Now I want selected value of 5th subject to store in MySQL table. I am not able to get the value of option which is selected in 2nd drop down. How …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for [NOPE]FOREVER

I have a php/mysql project and I am currently trying to display a table into an html table through PHP how ever Only the headers are getting returned not the actual table data, here is my query plus html table <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM store"); echo"<table border = …

Member Avatar for [NOPE]FOREVER
Member Avatar for zzmrzz

Hi there follow coders! I just found this awesome login hover menu...Thing. But can anyone make a code, to me, that shows me how to make that kind of hover... The website i know they use it is: http://www.badlion.net/ It is a Minecraft server website, if you wonder. Please put …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for billionair

I have four list items in my <nav> bar: Home, Projects, Resume, Contact Projects item has further five list items. When I hover on "Projects", these items appear as a drop down block, but they are not aligned with the parent element. /*Display Nav elements in row*/ nav > ul …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for Jory_1

[Click Here](http://pastebin.com/jstBrkaM ) [Click Here](http://www.pastebin.com/bAESQkSX) You should be looking at the "#Partition_Left_Wrapper" id in the CSS code. It's the third one down. I am following a tutorial, but the guy does not use a external stylesheet. Not sure if this affects css3 syntax/layout (relatively new here), but I can't seem …

Member Avatar for Jory_1
Member Avatar for nagarajfloret

Hi, I need free API or Plugins using php for converting Webpage to Image. i.e. Jpg or png format I've tried api's like 1.webthumbnail.org 2.http://www.w3snapshot.com/support.php

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I have a link that once clicked is suppose to make a div visible. So far it does but it only makes the div visible for a second then it returns to being invisible. I gave the div the value `display:none;` in Css and the javascript gives it the value …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for kannan mangalar

in this table how to extract table data and mainly get value after the <b> tag like email id, tel, address <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0" class="text"> <tbody> <tr valign="top" onmouseout="this.className = 'pa-nor'" onmouseover="this.className = 'pa-row-highlight'" class="pa-nor"> <td width="50%"> <span class="text1"> School name</span><br> <font color="#cococo"><i>Secondary School</i></font><br> <b>Principal Name:</b> kannan<br> <b>Name …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dhani09

I'm working on a website with a sign-up form. I've been able to perform validation without page reload, printing appropriate error messages.However i'm trying to implement an interface i've seen on a couple of websites, where a user is guided to fill certain fields like password that come with restrictions, …

Member Avatar for dhani09
Member Avatar for saucy6969

Working on a festival website and on the Programs page, there is a gap where one of the other categories should be. (Garage Sales is supposed to be in the blank space beside Dog Show) I have tried moving it up and it just bumps it back down. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for aseeman

Hi everybody I have a file(newfolder.html). I want to do preprocessing on its content. Some operations like tokenization, deleting stop words, counting the number of words. I know how to do these operations if I have a text file(.txt) .but now I have to do it with a html file. …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I am using Yii framwork. What I want to do is, I have a dropdown and one button. on button click, i want to send selected value of dropdown in url. <div class='box'> Change to another Skill Type<br> // IT IS DROPDOWN WITH VALUES AND ID of this input …

Member Avatar for 203428

hello everybody; up to what level can I use javascript (taking advantage of the strength of phonegap or Titanium) to create an android application. ex 1:can I create or run a service (in the android sense) !!! ?? or can I access to the GSM properties like provide package android.telephony.gsm. …

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Member Avatar for roxanne.martos

hi so im working on this school project (developing a website), im not be best front end designer and was hoping if you could all give me feedback on the design, colours and layout in order for improvement, i would really appreciate this thanks ![4321c7b71e0e04339105d210faa3c8b7](/attachments/small/4/4321c7b71e0e04339105d210faa3c8b7.png "align-right")

Member Avatar for silverice282
Member Avatar for hiiiiii@

hi i have a select(dropdown button) which displays various chioce for the user to select .. i want to validate it that if the user does not select any choice i should not able to do any action how to do. Is there any like required available for text box …

Member Avatar for hiiiiii@
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I'm working on an old project of mine that I used to self-study PHP which used Bootstrap 2. Revisiting the project a year on I'm looking to restrict the max-height of dropdown.js but can't - for the life of me - get it done. The best solution would …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for saucy6969

Hi there, I am working on a site for my organisation's festival and all seems to be going well outside of 2 pages having issues. I basically copied the same code throughout the site for the navigation buttons but once you are on the "PROGRAM" and "SPONSORS" pages, the rest …

Member Avatar for blackmiau
Member Avatar for cilla

[www.unitedinblue.com](http://www.unitedinblue.com) There's a lot of JS and ajax and extra scripts and things (far as I can tell at a first look) on this website, some of which don't even seem to serve any purpose. If you look in the source (via Inspect Element, not actually viewing the page source, …

Member Avatar for Siberian

Instead of using write, I decided to change to innerHTML. I want to write the variable get inside the id=one, what am I doing [wrong](http://jsfiddle.net/WildWind/9erW2/) ? ps > thanks for everyone who as helped me up to this point, it was very appreciated. Hopefully learning another language will come easier …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for giancan

Dear friends, I'm having a strange issue with a simple python code involving wx and HTML2. It is a code to run a local html page (on windows) but when I close the browser, the process stays in memory and I have to manually kill it. Here is the code, …

Member Avatar for giancan
Member Avatar for rajesh31

My code is like this below HTML Code : <select multiple="multiple" size="5" name="religion[]" id="religion" class="txtareamultifield" ondblclick="moveOptions(document.MatriForm.religion,document.MatriForm.RIGHTRELIGION,1);fnAnyChk(document.MatriForm.religion,document.MatriForm.RIGHTRELIGION);fnGothraChk();fnModifySubCasteChk(this.value);otherreligion();" style="width:355px; height:90px; font-size:13px;"> <option value="" selected>Any</option> <option value="Hindu">Hindu</option> <option value="Muslim-Shia">Muslim - Shia</option> <option value="Muslim-Sunni">Muslim - Sunni</option> <option value="Muslim-Others">Muslim - Others</option> <option value="Christian-Catholic">Christian - Catholic</option> <option value="Christian-Orthodox">Christian - Orthodox</option> <option value="Christian-Protestant">Christian - Protestant</option> <option value="Christian-Others …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rchawdhari

I have one zend form.In this form i have on dropdown and blank div. In view page on dropdown change blank div fill another dropdown. I want to validate div's dropdown so that without selecting second dropdown form could not submit. Plz suggesssst any help

Member Avatar for Dzenad

Hello, I have stored values in database via html and php form. Now I am creating form which will enable users to edit inputs. I am having trouble with input types radio and checkboxes. I have stored checkboxes values in database via implode function. ----- $products_rec=$_POST['products']; $products=implode(", ", $products_rec); ----- …

Member Avatar for Dzenad
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I have select(/dropdown) list.Below is code <div id="complete_form"> <b>Skill Type :</b> <select id="skill_type_name" onchange="load_div()"> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Language">Language</option> <option value="Database">Database</option> <option value="Framework">Framework</option> </select> <div id="id_skill_name" onchange="load_other_skill()"> <b>Skill : </b> <select id="skill_name" name="Skill[skill_id]"> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="test language 1">test language 1</option> <option value="test db 2">test language 2</option> <option value="test fw …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vizz

I want to create simple css3 effect like gallery effect [here](http://livedemo00.template-help.com/wt_47303/) How to create classess * **.animation{}** * **.scaleDown{}** * **.rotateFoldTop{}** * **.rotateUnfoldBottom{}** when menus are clicked **scale down main wrapper**, after **scale down** is **completed** then only **rotateFoldTop** main page & same time **rotateUnfoldBottom next page** (activeTab). After rotateUnfoldBottom …

Member Avatar for samertaha

see this [html page](http://jsfiddle.net/samertaha/hRTw6/) cant understand why they populated the anchor with text this way : `a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hide details'));` why not this way with the innerHTML method ?? `a.innerHTML = 'View details';` thanks

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I want to creat array/s in javascripts. But array/s numbers (how many to arrays to be created) is depend on dropdown div length. I have calculated length of dropdown list using `$("#skill_type_name option").length)` But how to create arrays in javascripts in foor loop. array names can be array1[] array2[] …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kshahnazari

I wanted to start learning to scrap data from web and someone told me to use [htmlunit](http://htmlunit.sourceforge.net/gettingStarted.html) if you go the the website the first page is using java to run the htmlunit and there is no example about how to add the htmlunit jar files to javascript and how …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rikb53

guys - most of the export to excel code i've found really doesn't wind up being excel. it's simply HTML w/ a .xls tag on it. and i've done this for years in asp.net, winforms in both c# & vb.net. but it's always a hack. can someone point me in …

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The End.