6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for pkasar91
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for shuvobd71

I want to be an expertise in html 5.can any body inform me about some platform of learning html 5

Member Avatar for Ewald Horn
Member Avatar for rithish

hello <input type="date" name="dob" required> this is the html5 date picker String date=request.getParameter("dob").toString() how to get value from tat date picker

Member Avatar for Ewald Horn
Member Avatar for elanorejoseph

Hi, i have script ,and i want to useit inside iframe ,does any one know how. for eg:<i frame src=""></iframe> is the normal way to use iframe. i wantto know cani use a script inside iframe.

Member Avatar for nauticalmac
Member Avatar for twiggy145

I'm trying to create a dropdown list in a HTML form populated by results for a mysql query. However it is not loading and i am just given a white screen. $query = mysql_query("SELECT eventName from sgt")or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<option value=\"$row['eventName']\">" $row['eventName']"</option>"; } Any help would …

Member Avatar for twiggy145
Member Avatar for mkweska

Hello everyone! Needing some help with styling a DOM parse. I have been toying around with the style but continue to end up with whitespace parse errors... So first of all here is the working code Sorry about the paste however the code snippet continued to display: The code snippet …

Member Avatar for nauticalmac
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

Hello, I have a few links that I have given a relative position. They have the widths set to 200px, however they do not follow this at all and only have the width wrap around text. When they had the position of float, they followed the width rule of 200px. …

Member Avatar for nauticalmac
Member Avatar for shivendu

**Hi 2 All,** I am getting problem with email images. The TD width and height is fixed but the image is coming dynamically from databse which might be bigger or smaller. If I apply **overflow:hidden** also, the image is showing up like squized or streched. Is dere any solution to …

Member Avatar for samc36
Member Avatar for Phanindra Reddy

I am developing a wordpress site for my client. I am using Sahifa theme in wordpress.The problem here is, the styles what i have written are loading in chrome and working well. But those styles are not working with Firefox and IE. I have stuck with this problem for a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for tekagami

Sometimes a css file wont load because of a slow connection or a conflict between scripts (or just any other reason). This specially problematic on mobile websites (looking at you IOS) where many standards are applied. So this little script will add a link tag to the head tag and …

Member Avatar for tekagami
Member Avatar for Nadeem_2

Hi folks I want to universal website crawler using PHP, so my crawler will work on any given site. By using my web application, user will input any site, will provide input, what he needs to get from given site and will click on Start button. Then my web application …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for momonq1990

hi sir! little bit lost here in php. Pls help! how can I add css file for may xml created from php? <?php bla bla bla..... ---------<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="markers.css"?>-------how can i add this line? echo '<markers>'; while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ echo '<marker '; echo 'name ="' . parseToXML($row['name']) . '" …

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Dear All ! I am facing very strange issue of my online application. There are two images are attached with this post: 1-Snap shoot of my PC 2-Snam shoot of client PC There is a asp tab control having menu. At client end its visibility is hidden i dont know …

Member Avatar for David_30
Member Avatar for george61

Hi all I've created simple javscript gallery using previous and next links. The problem is that I want fade effect between images like this: [url]http://tobia.github.com/CrossSlide/[/url] I've pasted few lines of jquery code in my javascript functions but the fade effects aren't the same. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Best …

Member Avatar for Mukund_1
Member Avatar for terryds

First, here are my code HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style_v2.css"> <title>Far Far Away - A folktale at Faraway Island</title> </head> <body> <header> <div id="logonslogan"> <a href="#">Well-Designed Blog</a> <p id="slogan">Created by Terry</p> </div> <div id="navnsearch"> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Portfolio</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Wordpress Theme</a></li> <li><a href="#">Blogger …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for Abdul_19

Hi dear all i am new in java i don't know how identify the background and foreground color of image if any have idea please help thanks in advance

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for sql_1

$result123=mysql_query("select *from semdropdown"); <td><label for="textfield8">Semester </label></td> <td colspan="3"><select name="semester" value="<?php echo $semesterid; ?>"> <option value="">Select Semester</option> <?php while($row123 = mysql_fetch_array($result123)) { if($semesterid == $row123[semesterid]) { $selvar = "selected"; } echo "<option value='$row123[semesterid]' ". $selvar . ">$row123[semesterkey]</option>"; $selvar =""; } ?> </select> </p> <p></p></td> </tr> $result123=mysql_query("select *from semdropdown"); <tr> <td><label for="textfield8">Semester …

Member Avatar for sql_1
Member Avatar for Tu Dinh

I have some problem with my HTML code but I cannot figure out why, hope you guys can help me. My website here http://caycanh.url.ph/ although **displayed fine**, I saw some problem when I use Firebug to detect the code. This is how it displayed in Firebug dock: <html lang="en-US"> <head> …

Member Avatar for Tu Dinh
Member Avatar for tian93

Hello everyone... sorry,I just come and ask you something hmmm...I'm still learning about css my problem is I can't convert from psd to css what should i do ? please tell me...

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for SwedishS

Hi. Im trying to fix the CSS stylesheet of my webshop. I only got the css stylesheet to work with so cant use the html basic code. I have made changes to a lot of things but two elements I cant find the code for. I want to change the …

Member Avatar for vani krishnan
Member Avatar for ultmt.punisher

I'm wondering how to detect IE11 and its version with javascript and debug my css style with jquery or by just if(//IE11){ <style> #sms-cont { height:315px; } </style> } or by if(//IE11) { $(document).ready(function () { $("#sms-cont").css({ "width": "385px", "height": "315px" }); }); } how to do this any idea? …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for sassy_94

while(1){ new=accept(socket, (struct sockaddr*)&peer_addr,&peer_addrlen); if (new<0){ break; } else{ recv(new,mesg,sizeof(mesg),0); if (strstr(mesg, "GET") != NULL){ printf("\n%s",mesg); FILE *write = fdopen(new, "w"); fprintf(write, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-length: 47\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n<html><body>< H1>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</H1></body></html>"); fflush(write); } else if (strstr(mesg, "POST") != NULL){ strcpy(resp,"POST\nContent-length: 47\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n<html><body><H1>POST</H1></body></html>"); c=send(new,&resp,sizeof(resp),0); printf("%c",c); } else{ strcpy(resp,"HTTP/1.1 500 Server Interval Error\nContent-length: …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ZeroEddy

Hi guys one problem I have been having lately is when I create a template for a website my container div does not surround all of the elements inside it. The only way I can get it to do so is to give it a height but I dont want …

Member Avatar for shivendu
Member Avatar for naveen2k12

When I am using the meta tag css is not getting loaded properly. Here is my meta tag that I am using. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"/> I am using the above tag to disable the auto zooming of input fields in phones(iphone), but I have observed that, unfortunately …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Hers2keep

I am using asp.net 4.0 and c#. I have a page at work that is used one time per year by one person to run several stored procedures on January 1st. In order to make it more interesting (since she has to work every New Year's Day) I try to …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for razamughal67

hello everyone i want to fill description box below the link in vb6 when we press a command botton we use already many types of commands to fill this page form fields. everything is ok but description text box not fill. please give me a source code . what can …

Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello firends i have more tha 30 div block as list of product it containt like this <div class="itemlist" id="itemlist"> <ul> <li><img src="cover/imshge.jpg"</li> <li class="iteminfo" id="iteminfo"><"item desciption"></li> <li> <?php echo ['price']; ?></li> </ul> </div> and i want to description can have 4 or 5 line of text but i want …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for johmny

Hello to all the members of the daniweb My question is what is the difference between the Fluid website or the Responsive website. Which elements to use the fluid and responsive website. And which one is Good Fluid or Responsive Website Please elaborate more of your answer.

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I have a function that I would like to return products based on a usermade filter via check boxes. Basically: > Each product has multiple data-attributtes, for example: data-brand="acer", data-price="2995", data-screensize="15.6", data-processor="intel" So say i'm lining up 40 products, the users need to be able to narrow down …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for Raju_3

my question is how push menus from bottom to up are displayed. this is example site http://www.askaspension.gr/ i have no idea about that code. please help me. i want same as it as code in that web site

Member Avatar for stultuske

The End.