365 Topics

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Member Avatar for stevenfagan

Is there is any way to either change the inner content of a new php page to whatever you want in dreamweaver OR create a template for a php page that is completely customizable and doesn't have those nasty templatebegineditable & templateendeditable html comments in there. If so, how?

Member Avatar for mnewsome

Have an old MAXTOR D740X-6L IDE drive. On the drive is jumper information not fully clear to me. An image of the drive information is uploaded to: [B][url]http://cid-63220807a7f4accb.photos.live.com/browse.aspx/MAXTOR[/url][/B] I am familiar with cable select but not the others. Just want to set it for master but hopefully I can learn …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for BobTheLob

Hello, I think I have the right location for this thread. I'm working on a C++ project where I need to create a GUI. I'm using wxWidgets, which is cross platform compatible. Now I know that Cocoa/Objective-C/not C++ is the option of choice for GUI programming on the Mac, but …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for >>> isaac = []

First I have to say, Eclipse works wonderfully except for this minor problem. I've tired looking for help on this for about a week and so far the only soluctions relate to content assist not working at all. None refer to content assist missing some major functions, libraries, classes. Some …

Member Avatar for >>> isaac = []
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

When I first started working on this article, I was originally planning on reviewing a different product, a new project from Eclipse called Orion. However, it turns out that project just isn't ready for prime time. It's still in a very early stage, and I don't feel I would do …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell
Member Avatar for 1ML

Hi, I've started developing for Androind [ditched Symbian but that's a whole diferent styory], and I'm not what you'd call a naturall Java developer [much prefer c++]. Eclipse seems to run rediculously slowly on windows 7 (64bit), and running a dual boot system with Linux [on which it seems to …

Member Avatar for 1ML
Member Avatar for Verandaguy

I'm currently using Dreamweaver to rework my site. This includes a mix of HTML for most of the content, and a JavaScript menu bar on every page. When I preview the page in my browser, the menu bar is aligned left. Below is the code for my entire page. [CODE]<!DOCTYPE …

Member Avatar for Verandaguy
Member Avatar for falina2

I'm creating a Dreamweaver CSS site based off a template I purchased. In this site, I want to have page with a gallery of my company's products. So I went to [url]http://smoothgallery.jondesign.net/[/url], used the "Gallery Set" setup, and put it into my web page. It all works GREAT...except the gallery …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

i have a game in eclipse that when i used to run would open up and work but i made a couple changes to it and now it just runs for a couple seconds(doesnt open up any windows) and then it says terminated down by the console in eclipse?

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer
Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

I'm wondering if its possible to program using xcode for ios(I pod touch, I phone, I pad) on windows?

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer
Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

I am currently using eclipse but thinking of NetBeans because of gui. I don't want to download it yet because i dont want to have unused programs on my computer. so should i download it for gui?

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer
Member Avatar for baldwindc

I am taking a data structures class and we are using the standard gcc compiler on a unix system. This is fine and I have no troubles using it, but I would like to begin using an IDE for my labs. I am trying Visual Studio 2010 Professional with my …

Member Avatar for baldwindc
Member Avatar for amh216

Hi! I've been searching for a solution to this problem for almost a week now and I can't find anything. I'm building my first website in Dreamweaver and using a horizontal spry menu bar for the navigation. The bar shows up perfectly in Firefox (at the bottom and center of …

Member Avatar for DemianL
Member Avatar for becool007

Hey daniweb forums, Okay so my question is, what is the difference between VC++ (visual C++) and C++ with any other IDE (or none at all). I know for a fact that VC++ is an IDE but according to some people that I have met. They say, stay away from …

Member Avatar for becool007
Member Avatar for MoShapes

Hi, So, I have a client that wants a new background image every time page is reloaded. I thought I have to script and thought I had it working but when I applied it to all my pages from a template I made in dreamweaver it doesn't work. It only …

Member Avatar for SEOCoder
Member Avatar for beejay321

so for my computing project we have just started to work with using input and output of text files, the tutorial my teacher gave said to include these libraries, which i did [CODE]#inclue <fstream> #include <iomanip>[/CODE] and explains how to use [CODE] ifstream fin; //fin is my file input variable …

Member Avatar for beejay321
Member Avatar for KunalPatel

Hello, I'm a newbie to Objective-C & iPhone development, hence please bear with[ICODE][/ICODE] me. I'm working on an app which loads with UITableView and upon selecting one particular cell called "Address Book" it should load with another UITableView containing all the addresses retrieved from a web request. Using NSXMLParser's delegate …

Member Avatar for KunalPatel
Member Avatar for Eric Cute

Hello Guys, Im having a bit of a problem here. Im trying to deploy an EJB project that i developed using Eclipse Galileo Version 3.5.2 using JBOSS 6.0.0.Final as server. When I try to deploy my test EJB its giving me an error that it cannot instantiate class [org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler] ClassNotFoundException. …

Member Avatar for replax

Hello, I made a website and embedded a flash gallery to display images. In dreamweaver, to flash gallery shows up perfectly fine and beautiful. However, in any browser, it does not. Does not matter if the file is local or on a server, either. It is however (discovered through firebug) …

Member Avatar for replax
Member Avatar for insanely_sane

Ok.. so uptil now I've been using the DOS compiler and IDE for C++, version 3.0 by borland...(which is like ancient history).. But now I think it's about time to upgrade :P So since I have been away from C++ for a loooooong time, I need to start from scratch. …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for jasonslater

I'm looking at moving development of my games from ActionScript 3 to XCode - has anyone else made this move and are there any gotcha's I should watch out for?

Member Avatar for Xavier33x

Hey, Ive been working a site for my church and it looks fine on my screen but when i use my other laptop which has a bigger screen i find that i have white space on the right edge and on the bottom. My background picture was done in photoshop …

Member Avatar for Xavier33x
Member Avatar for aligajani

How do I put the jar file in eclipse inside the workspace folder so it does not have to be re linked or re path changed when I use it in another computer. Currently, my problem is that even when I keep the JDBC MYSQL connector (jar) file in the …

Member Avatar for jtnevers

Hey, Pretty new to Dreamweaver, but have been developing sites for a few years. Been having problems laying out these AP divs (previously called layers). How do I keep my text from being misaligned when the browser window changes sizes? (view attached screenshot to see what I'm talking about) [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/dreamerjordyn/Screenshot2011-01-04at32900PM.png[/url]

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for jaycastr

Hey guys im getting back into Java after a break from programming. And i was wondering what is the best integrated development environment for running java.Im sure there is no one Best, but your input would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for helplessa

For the final part of this assignment I need to do the following: Any help/advice/starting pointers would be great! 1) Create a row of Alien attackers, class RowOfAlien, patterned after the partially filled array. Put five Aliens in the row. When the row hits the left or right of the …

Member Avatar for Elihu5991
Member Avatar for MorisK
Member Avatar for MasterMic

First I'd like to say how much I appreciate these forums. They have helped me before, but this is the first time I've posted a question myself. My problem is that I use a different IDE than my teacher does (probably not the best idea) so I want the program …

Member Avatar for MasterMic
Member Avatar for Eric Cute

Can anyone pls suggest if there exist a java IDE that has drag and drop functionality in creating GUI's?? Much like the VB.NEt IDE's. Thanks (",)

Member Avatar for RushabhShah1110
Member Avatar for supertux

I'm using Eclipse and when I try to build the JMS example included in j2ee tutorial, it return a NullPointerException at this: [code]connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();[/code]. Here's the code of that example: [code]public class Producer { @Resource(lookup = "jms/ConnectionFactory") private static ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; @Resource(lookup = "jms/Queue") private static Queue queue; @Resource(lookup …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.