366 Topics

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Member Avatar for kinesaren

Hello I'm new to Java so all help appreciated I have already searched for similar threads but with no results helping me I want to make the text in JTextField to search for the data in the JTable and highlight it. Here is my customer class: [CODE] public class Kund …

Member Avatar for kinesaren
Member Avatar for if10066

I have a project, it's simple game just to make a game called congklak. it is traditioanl game from Indonesia. The project has finished, and work, well compiled, all components like package, database (*.mdb), and all the pictures are read by programs. But when it's deployed, the pictures and database …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for jasleen12345

hi i am entirely new to eclipse, db2 and wasce. but for a certain project i need to make a project using the above tools in java. so i did the following 1. Installed db2 v 9.7 with username & password both admin 2. Installed wasce 3. Installed Eclipse my …

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hi there, Last night I switched to Ubuntu 10.04 (no, not 10.10, long story). And I wanted to get started programming as soon as possible, so I'm trying to find out how to install Eclipse Helios and the Java JDK 1.6 on my machine? Please note that [B]my machine is …

Member Avatar for newpaulman
Member Avatar for pankajagar2002

Hi, I want to customize the add unimplemented method in eclipse based on some condition. I wants to put some programming logic in eclipse based on that condition i want that it will generate the code for unimplemented method. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pankajagar2002
Member Avatar for stamatt45

[I]To make it easier to read, only the relevant code is below, and due to circumstances beyond my control im stuck using Xcode for the next week or so (hate this debugger).[/I] I need help fixing a seg_fault in my current program. It occurs the last time "buildPaths" is called. …

Member Avatar for stamatt45
Member Avatar for manju1438

hi all, i got stuck up in running a C program(project).it says 'binary not found error'. i am able to debug it,under ARM cortexa8 configuration. here what does refer to.....is it .exe file or .axf file. how can we generate those .exe and .axf files. anyone please clearly explain running …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

Netbeans is a free, open source IDE for developing software in Java. It's been around for almost 15 years, having gotten its start around the time Java began. Version 7.0 is about to be released, and I got my hands on the Beta release of this new version. In the …

Member Avatar for cyvre
Member Avatar for AurosGamma

Hello there. I'm making a simple Pacman game because I'm practicing C# (I've never programmed in C# before), but I ran into a problem. Here is my code: [CODE]void addGhost(object sender, EventArgs ea) { Random random = new Random(); int ghostNum = random.Next(5); // Here I use and enum I've …

Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

I'm wondering if any Dreamweaver users around can help me out. I'm new the program, having done most of my programming in Notepad++ until my new job and there are two features of Notepad++ that I would really like in Dreamweaver but can't seem to find if they exist (which …

Member Avatar for bdwild
Member Avatar for tobeeornot

Hi, New to wordpress and php so please bear with me. I am using WAMP as a testing server and Dreamweaver CS5 as a text-editor to manipulate the theme files. I have successfully set up a live local connection between WAMP, WP and DW and can view the live index.php …

Member Avatar for tobeeornot
Member Avatar for kyraa

This is my jsp code for saving back the data to .properties file after editing. i used 2 Linked properties as one LinkedProperties pro is to get the data from the path and the other one to get attribute (eg: id, name, age, gender etc.) from default .properties file so …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for SureshAbraham

I have developed some simulations in C++ in the old Borland 3.0 version. They involve only simple mathematics. I need to develop some graphics for them. I need to display different moving images simultaneously. Say, three graphics windows at the same time. I am familiar with the BGI library. However, …

Member Avatar for Dakot
Member Avatar for LondonJava

I want to attach User Instructions to a Java application, and allow the user to open it from the help menuitem. I'm not very familiar with classpath variables. If I use an absolute path name everything is fine, such as File pdfFile = new File("C:/Program Files/MyProgram/UserGuide.pdf"); But I want to …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I want to parse PHP entities (classes, variables functions methods and properties) and save information on database (function signature, variable name et al). I'm trying to see alternatives for how I can archieve that with any language (the technique). So far I'm thinking of using regex to match stuffs …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for jhamill

Hey so I've been working on a lab for my intro to software developing class and have been trying to get my program to work for several days now. It's a real basic program, im sure someone will be able to figure out the issue im having. Hopefully once I …

Member Avatar for jhamill
Member Avatar for v3ga

Hi everyone just started Daniweb! I have been using devcpp for some time.I am trying to make a switch from DevCpp to Visual Studio but find the latter confusing having so many options. Recently, I did a console application that will accept a word from user and prints its anagrams. …

Member Avatar for v3ga
Member Avatar for Birdmanskii

The #review section won't float left in Dreamweaver. For some reason when I use the float: left; command, the #review div stays underneath the #band_links div. I want #review to line up on the right side of the #share, #tracklist, and #band_links divs. I've tried everything I can think of …

Member Avatar for shibin vadayatt
Member Avatar for valestrom

Hey, I'm looking for an IDE with .NET capabilities, but not visual studio. As I need it to run off a flash drive. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for kaosjon

Hi, i have been learning to build websites for the past year and mainly focus on server side coding, however for my next website i want to concentrate on the client side usability and search engines. I was wondering what the best way is to design a website before adding …

Member Avatar for SiberForum
Member Avatar for rubai

i have dreamwever cs4 and wamp 2.1 . to practice php programs i need to connect dreamwever cs4 to wamp 2.1. how can i connect? please any one tell me step by step instruction.

Member Avatar for tjgolf

Hi, I'm looking for some code to enable me to force a link in Sea Monkey to open in IE.

Member Avatar for zaworko
Member Avatar for dunc_k

I'm a c++ server side developer, and someone has asked me to write a system for their small business, and I know nothing about the tools available. In fact, Im so out of date in this area, that my first thought was to use Ashton Tate dBase 4! anyone remember …

Member Avatar for Database Shardi
Member Avatar for muthukswamy

Hello everyone. I am conducting an academic research on the use of web based IDE. It will be of great help if you can give your suggestions. I have setup a survey regarding this. Please spare few minutes to answer them. Feel free to pass this survey to your friends. …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson
Member Avatar for Thorrak

I can not seem to figure out what I did wrong. I have been trying to build a website for a few weeks now. I have it looking good(Good is a relitive term)........I have been using Dreamweaver and everything looks good when I review it in Mozilla and IE8. Today …

Member Avatar for tiggsy
Member Avatar for Satyrn

I am trying to simplify Maven to use one POM to do both a 64 bit build and a 32 bit build. I have tried to separate the build into two separate executions however I am required to set the compilerExecutable tag specified by the maven-native-plugin to point to either …

Member Avatar for Satyrn
Member Avatar for ravenous

Question for anyone using KDevelop: Is it possible to have a "workspace" containing multiple projects, like in a MS Visual Studio "solution" (or Code::Blocks or Codelite etc)?

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Dannis86

Hello there, I am redesigning my website. This is the design: [URL="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/nieuwdesign.png/"]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/nieuwdesign.png/[/URL] How far I am right now, is not far enough in my eyes. The code that I am having right now is for the HTML: [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for taylordsmith

Greetings, I am attempting to paste a javascript music player into my site from the developers at cashmusic.org. The music player displays and plays files correctly in the 'live view' display in Dreamweaver, but will not display at all in browser preview (Chrome & Safari). I have brought up Chrome's …

Member Avatar for Raim

I've been working PHP in Dreamweaver. I've stumbled upon a problem though, the webpage itself runs smoothly in Internet Explorer 6.0, but when I try Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or even the latest IE version, it has certain errors such as not scrolling through the page, certain images jack into others …

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The End.