366 Topics

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Member Avatar for emorjon2

Hi all! I want to start making apps for android phones. The problem is that I have installed Android SDK, JDK 7 and eclipse, but failed to complete the install of the ADT plugin. I have install the plugin, but I can't configure it. the guide on android developer saids: …

Member Avatar for musicmaker001

I created a Javascript application that creates a moving quote.([url]http://economymoving.net/get_an_online_moving_quote.php[/url]) The quote page should insert a record in the db, display the record on a new page called viewquote.php and send an alert email to the company. Currently, the phpmyadmin database receives the record but viewquote.php doesn't display the correct …

Member Avatar for paulrajj
Member Avatar for Srin

I wanted to install a GUI toolkit for python and pyqt looked good but when I install the complete binary on the pyqt site and run designer, I get this error when I try to go to the code [IMG]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u154/Final_04/pyqtdesignererror.png[/IMG] Anyone know how to fix it? And if not, can …

Member Avatar for nabla2
Member Avatar for nishad_forums

hi, i m using windows 7(64-bit). I have external hdd-100GB. But it [COLOR="Red"]doesn't show up[/COLOR] in my windows. I have tried it in another pc(& in my desktop before i installed this windows) and it works fine, so it must be a [COLOR="red"]problem with my windows[/COLOR]. I have changed from …

Member Avatar for flagstar
Member Avatar for cmaheshwari16

Hi All, I am little bit new to struts framework though I have used tiles in struts application. Now I want to display charts in my application. After searching I found jFreechart library to create charts. (Though it doesn't generate all the charts, like box in web application). Now I …

Member Avatar for bizfreak22

I am a newbie, really need your help. I've been working on this for 2 days and can't get it to work correctly. I have a form that I want to submit to the database "New Lead" form. I am using the submodal feature for the customer notes. For some …

Member Avatar for ananthaninfo
Member Avatar for adam25

I'm trying to execute the following code in netbeans & eclipse but without success. [URL="http://read.pudn.com/downloads150/sourcecode/comm/651136/NmeaConverter.cpp__.htm"]http://read.pudn.com/downloads150/sourcecode/comm/651136/NmeaConverter.cpp__.htm[/URL] Program has command-line parameter: -f D:\nmea.txt Eclipse says: [CODE]Description Resource Path Location Type `endl<<expression error> >' cannot appear in a constant-expression nmea.cpp /nmea/src line 358 C/C++ Problem `std::endl(std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&)' cannot appear in a constant-expression nmea.cpp …

Member Avatar for adam25
Member Avatar for simplyit

i am currently working with jsp for building a travel based website and have to deal with GIS maps. now i am working with netbeans ide because it has glassfish server deployed with it so it is easy to work and configure what you need. but when it comes to …

Member Avatar for yurixzach

Hi. I am new in using Eclipse IDE, Tomcat 6... I can't run even the simplest project (Hello World) because of the error about ports. I've already browse the internet and do the configurations but still my problem is there. I have no one to ask about eclipse other than …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ahsan1

I have made an application in which there are different buttons with images. When the button is clicked, it writes "hello" on the console because I have written in the NSLog("hello") statement in the funtion which is called on button click. But I want to print the database column record …

Member Avatar for geekme
Member Avatar for ulyssey
Member Avatar for rayden150

Please Help, im trying to run the emulator on my WINDOWS VISTA I really dont know why it doest woork!, It just stays at this huge black screen which I know isnt normal, it should be smaller.. I have the ANDROID SDK 3.1 and have ECLIPSE HELIOS and I think …

Member Avatar for hithirdwavedust
Member Avatar for jordan0420

I am currently working on a project for my computer class and i am using it as an opportunity to learn pyobjc. i have a database file that includes a path to an image, reading this and getting the path to the image is no problem. my problem is, i …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

A couple weeks ago, Microsoft Research made available a project that had been under development for a while called Debugger Canvas. This is a visual tool for debugging applications where your functions appear as bubbles, similar to a database diagram or UML diagram. It only works on Visual Studio 2010 …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for SWEngineer

I have followed this tutorial for setting up Eclipse and OpenCV: [URL="http://carrierfrequency.blogspot.com/2011/05/opencv-22-in-windows-using-eclipse-ide.html"]http://carrierfrequency.blogspot.com/2011/05/opencv-22-in-windows-using-eclipse-ide.html[/URL], and doing it with OpenCV 2.3. But, I'm always getting the error: Type 'IplImage' could not be resolved for IplImage* img = 0; Why is that? Thanks.

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for johnbo100

Hi all, I've pulled most of my hair out over the last few days and need some help. Description: I am creating a db application with dreamweaver and using php and mysql server behaviour. My database consists of losts of many to many tables that are necessary. I have created …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for farisdnl

I've been wondering how to create a Blog Website using Dreamweaver. I mean, with the Archive and Comment System. The New post and the Old post thingy.. Or I've to use some special code?

Member Avatar for matricol
Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid

Hi everyone. I've decided to learn C++ and have come to the inescapable step of having to choose my development environment. I have a short list of IDE's I'm considering but, since I'm new to C++ and programming in general, I'm confused as to which I should pick. I've taken …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for jordan0420

I am Currently teaching myself PyObjC through tutorials and then modifying them. Now the time has come to open a second nib (addtv) and i cant for the life of me figure it out. [CODE] @objc.IBAction def open_(self, sender): addtv = AddTvControlleralloc().initWithWindowNibName_('addtv') addtv.showWindow_(self) #addtv.retain() [/CODE] What i am attempting to …

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hi there, I've installed the Android SDK on my Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) machine. I don't have internet connection on my machine so I couldn't simply go download and install the required stuff through Eclipse. Everything worked out pretty well, I'm able to run a virtual device, and I'm also able …

Member Avatar for JustmeVSI

Hey guys. A few days a go I bought my self a notebook and installed Ubuntu 10.10. I have not used Ubuntu before and recently started using PHP. I have used EclipsePHP as my IDE on my windows machine. Long story short, I want to implement SVN between my laptops …

Member Avatar for packofsunshine
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, im using dreamweaver and i have a table in which i have an image. When i add another table under the table existing it comes right at the bottom. What should i do to that table so i can move it and place it anywhere around the page. Is …

Member Avatar for Suetan
Member Avatar for ffej2ffej

I have been trying for some years now to learn Xcode in order to create Mac OS and now iPhone apps. I'll spare you readers the misery I've experienced and summarize by saying it hasn't gone well. One of the routes I've attempted is to read Aaron Hillegass' book. To …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, im using dreamweaver and i have a table in which i have an image. When i add another table under the table existing it comes right at the bottom. What should i do to that table so i can move it and place it anywhere around the page. Is …

Member Avatar for anuj6928
Member Avatar for gruebz

Hi all, I'm using Dreamweaver 8 and I am very proud of myself that I managed to work out how to create a Navigation Bar with a Drop Down using the Show Pop Up window feature. However, that only gives me one level of drop down and I was wanting …

Member Avatar for Jollyyy100
Member Avatar for RobBobSmith

Hi all: I would be very grateful for advice on an Xcode (3.2.2) problem. I use Mac OS X 10.6.7. I have written C++ code that requires outside code. The outside code 1) requires a license and 2) has dynamic libraries. The outside code does run in a terminal, but …

Member Avatar for OnnDay

Hi everyone. I'm using Tomcat 7.0.8 I have created servlet, which loads image to "webcontent\pic" folder of my project. Then I need to display this image. The servlet works, but with only restriction: i need manually refresh content of project, or directory (I'm using Eclipse). Otherwise ugly cross will be …

Member Avatar for OnnDay
Member Avatar for johnbo100

Hi all I am just getting to grips with dreamweaver database development but cannot figure out how I am supposed to update multiple tables to mysql when I have updated a form for a record. Any pointers from experienced dreameweaver developers please? Many thanks in advance

Member Avatar for initialise

Hi all, I'm stumped and can't seem to find an answer on Google. I am running a java application through Eclipse and it connects to mysql. It connects fine if I run it through Eclipse but if I make a standalone jar file and then run it through Window's Vista …

Member Avatar for initialise
Member Avatar for xXcody43Xx

You know those older machines that have IDE and you bought A SATA drive and having a hard time doing well this might help you 1.Look on the board for a little word called SATA (small print) and it has a light usually 2.You'll see a little plugin right above …

Member Avatar for xXcody43Xx

The End.