366 Topics

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Member Avatar for supertux

I'm using Eclipse and when I try to build the JMS example included in j2ee tutorial, it return a NullPointerException at this: [code]connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();[/code]. Here's the code of that example: [code]public class Producer { @Resource(lookup = "jms/ConnectionFactory") private static ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; @Resource(lookup = "jms/Queue") private static Queue queue; @Resource(lookup …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kcott

Hi, all - I am not an IT pro like so many of you, but a marketer tasked with maintaining a few company websites and am struggling to get the hang of it again (I used to maintain a company website in a former life). One of the sites I'm …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Agnusmaximus

Hi guys. I'm trying to find a good open source project written in C (any kind: email, browser, chat program, communications program, music player) to download for the Mac os X preferably for Xcode. I would like to examine these open source programs' source and understand what they do (pick …

Member Avatar for Agnusmaximus
Member Avatar for somon

Hi, Please can anybody help me a little bit with my assignment , The thing is that I was kinda ill , so i missed many important lessons, but now teacher told that i need to do assignment, Can anybody help me with beggining , * we use Xcode. 1. …

Member Avatar for m.e.nergiz
Member Avatar for Lares007

Hi, I am currently working on an android application that requires interfacing with c/c++ libraries.So when i deploy my app on the device i get the message the application hellondk(the application name) has been forcefully closed. So when i go back and look at my code i see the in …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for gishi

Hi Guys, I was hoping someone can help me with this. I have a python program that reads and writes files in utf-8(unicode). When I run it in Eclipse, the output is perfectly fine. When I try making an exe file of my program it is not working. I also …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE

Hey! I started using java this year and I finished a java project but when I try moving it somewhere else in my directory it does not execute anymore. My project directory tree goes like this (I am using eclipse)... (ignore the "-") /Root - /bin -- JavaProgram.class -- JavaProgramMain.class …

Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE
Member Avatar for peterman.k

Hello all, So I am a college student learning c++ (planning to major in computer science). Just my luck, the computer science department using visual studio for their entry level classes, which I have been using with no issues for the last year via a VM; I can access the …

Member Avatar for Elihu5991

My friend downloaded Unity3d to get started in 3D game development for our site; but found out it costs. We are tight on budget and need a free solution for the time being. Thankyou so much for your help.

Member Avatar for Elihu5991
Member Avatar for koldhands

Morning guys, I've almost finished a new site i'm doing for a client but there's a few points that are causing me a headache and they're all related to the same thing. I've searched everywhere on the web for an answer and I'm beginning to think that there isn't one …

Member Avatar for tsp003

Quick question, i hope. How do you get an area to repeat horizontally instead of vertically? For example my site needs to show images related to a particular record and I have created a repeat region for this which works fine, but displays the images vertically in rows, With 1 …

Member Avatar for ad7u

Hi, I'm using RapidSVN to access the SVN repository for a project I'm part of. When I have an existing instance of Eclipse open and try to open a new file from RapidSVN I get a message from Eclipse saying, "Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for gtcoder

I've been trying to use the Eclipse IDE for php codes. I thought all I had to was to install some plug-in for it and that'll do. But it seems every time I need support for some new language I need to download a full >60MB Package for it. Is …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi i have probleam on run application , when i click on "Launch as emulated Java ME JAD" this message shown : [QUOTE]com.sun.kvem.midletsuite.InvalidJadException: Reason = 22 The manifest or the application descriptor MUST contain the attribute: MIDlet-1[/QUOTE] but its run true when i click on "Launch as emulated Java ME …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for johnnyturbo3

Hi, I'm currently using Eclipse for a C++ project. I've used Netbeans and MS Visual Studio before and these IDEs conveniently store Header and Source files in 'virtual' separate folders I.E. in the project folder on the HDD, they're not physically stored in separate folders. However, since moving to Eclipse …

Member Avatar for vponnoju

Hello All, I am not sure, if this is the right place to post this query. If not, please redirect me. Here is the brief explanation of I have a web application (GWT application) project in Eclipse. I have a server side code which interacts with LDAP directory for some …

Member Avatar for vponnoju
Member Avatar for Brandlax

ok, so i finally have a mac...now with the help of the CD's (2) i got with the mac, i installed Xcode and Snow Leopard.. but the problem is, in Xcode i only have template for creating Mac applications or something like that...so plz help me on how to get …

Member Avatar for coil
Member Avatar for jtok

It used to be, that when I would type: [CODE]#div{[/CODE] and hit "return", Visual studio would autocorrect to: [CODE] #div {[/CODE] as well as a number of other things. That is just the easiest example. It also doesn't automatically indent the next line... I am using Visual Studio 2008 SP1. …

Member Avatar for BrianHelp
Member Avatar for jwebb

Hello, I'm trying to create a program to calculate the factorial of variable int input. I am using xcode, and it's giving me an error saying "factorial was not declared in this scope" on the line within the else statement. I have found other programs on the internet, but I …

Member Avatar for jwebb
Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi , i download ADT-0.9.1.zip file but i cant add it to eclipse !!! please help me , how should i add this plugin to use eclipse to programming for android ???

Member Avatar for Rigved
Member Avatar for illstylez

Hi everyone. Im new here :) I did a search and found a few similar topics but was not able to narrow it down fro my specific issue. As I am not sure if its the flash move, my CSS, or the table code in DW Im a bit lost. …

Member Avatar for sammerth

I have two drop down lists in my form- catagory and the second one sub-catagory.When user selects a particular catagory corresponding sub-catagory should be displyed in the second drop down list for further user selection.I am using PHP-Mysql in dreamweaver.When i preview the first list is working properly but the …

Member Avatar for sammerth
Member Avatar for Annettest

Hi everyone: I need to find out about compile options in Xcode (I'm an Xcode and C++ newbie). The default compiler for OS 10.6 and XCode version 3.2.2 is apparently LLVM 2.0. Is this related to g++? Also, are there other compilers available within XCode? If so, how would I …

Member Avatar for gubbasrikanth

Hi, I have one more doubt in dreamweaver, how to export template based documents in a site to another site without include Template markup

Member Avatar for Kellyst

I am having trouble with my background in dreamweaver. I created a 800 x 800px web design in photoshop, optimized and imported into dreamweaver. Added a div tag and created a css style sheet which "wrapped around the selection (my 800 x 800px web page)" and everything previews beautifully in …

Member Avatar for drumichael87
Member Avatar for haribo83

I have a list that passes values to an sql statement to show relevant results. I have three options (All, Option One, Option Two) and cannot get the query to work. If I choose option one or option two then the results are fine but I cannot find a way …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Brian Perrigan

Hey guys I've tried searching the internet for an answer on this and have come up short. I was hoping someone that does this could help me out setting it up. I want to write C++ using Mac OS. I tried going the Xcode route but found Xcode to be …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for abbyo

I was given a font finder program, but I need to resize the applet... any suggestions on where and what code is needed to fit the applet to a specific size? If not, is there a setting in eclipse that will work? [CODE] public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(800,800);// …

Member Avatar for abbyo
Member Avatar for echellwig

Hi, I am trying to interface between Java and Python in a program called Eclipse. Specifically, I need to call a program I wrote in python while in java. Any insight on how to do this would be helpful. Thanks! Elise

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for echellwig

Hi, I am trying to interface between Java and Python in a program called Eclipse. Any insight on how to do this would be helpful. Thanks! Elise

Member Avatar for jcao219

The End.