1,537 Topics
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I am trying to load a background in full screen mode, but when i run my program the screen is just white. Can someone point me to the reason why? [CODE]import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class DrawComponents { GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration(); … | |
Hi! I'm trying to show 5 random images from my database and i seem to be stuck. Would appreciate some help or tips. I obviously dont want any duplicate images. Have tried to figure it out by googling butt my head hurts too much xD Got thumbnails for the picture … ![]() | |
I have made picture viewer in VB which also shows all the pics present in a folder as thumbnails using image list and listbox. The problem is whenever the user clicks refresh it takes long time for the image to load. I want to some how make a cache like … | |
The following code works: [CODE] public class Main { public static void main (String args[]){ final JWindow f = new JWindow(); JLabel l = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(Main.class.getResource("images/logo.png"))); f.getContentPane().add(l, BorderLayout.CENTER); f.pack(); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension labelSize = l.getPreferredSize(); f.setLocation(screenSize.width/2 - (labelSize.width/2), screenSize.height/2 - (labelSize.height/2)); f.setVisible(true); f.setAlwaysOnTop(true); } }[/CODE] When I … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]18689[/ATTACH]DisplayLink is a combination hardware/software technology that enables users to connect almost any kind of monitor to a PC via USB. It is designed to make adding additional monitors very easy as well. You can add up to 6 displays without installing another video card. Simply install the DisplayLink software, … | |
Hi everybody ^^ I'm quite a newbie in loading image file, so I've try to improve myself by loading the TGA image structure (You can found it at [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truevision_TGA[/url], I'm quite believe in the information there) My problem is after loading and draw it onto the screen using OpenGL ES, … | |
i have 3 images, 2 are feather's images and 1 is text image i am trying to put these two feather images(which are in png format so to be transparent) in opposite corners as well as in front and 3rd text image should come from behind of the start of … | |
Hi there, My computer has been working fine until this morning when it froze shortly after logging into Windows (mouse/keyboard unresponsive and frozen display etc). I switched the computer off and on again, and from this point my monitor has been displaying a 'no signal' message when the machine is … | |
Can you guys give a code or something. Any simple graphics would do. i have initiated my graphics.h I've tried using the codes i found online but they give me errors. LINKER errors. Please help me. Thank you! | |
I am trying to build an animation. It just has two pictures or scenes. I want it to start at one picture and end at another. When I run my project all I see is a blank screen. I have checked and made sure that my Image paths are correct. … | |
Hello. I'm going to show you how to make a basic php image gallery. Firstly, create the following files [LIST] [*]index.php [*]view.php [*]/images (dir) [/LIST] Now, for the code. index.php [CODE] <?php $img = array(); $img[] = array('title'=>'img1', 'src' = 'img1.jpg'); ?> <html> <head> <title>mygallery | homepage</title> </head> <body> <h2>mygallery</h2> … | |
Hello mates, I was wondering if in that vast amount of knowledge floating around here if any of you knew how I could save an image using Python 3.x. I know that PIL is a great, and easy option for Python 2, but I assume there must be some way … | |
I'm a web design student who has designed a website for a family member in my spare time. The website uses 5 html documents and all share one css document, it has no jscript docs. Recently, we learned how to use jscript to set up an image gallery in class … | |
Hi Frendz, How to set opacity for background images? | |
Hello, I have the following page: [URL="http://k-fez.com/example.html"]http://k-fez.com/example.html[/URL] If you mouseover an image, it doubles the size of the image and centers it. However, it displaces the rest of the images. I would like it to just overlay ontop of the other images instead of re-sizing the row/column. Also, I would … | |
I have one Access Database and in one of the column I need to store image file, how can I do that? Can anyone help me. I know how to do this is MS SQL Server Database but not about Access Database. | |
What happens is that when i run my program from netbeans it works fine and it shows all the images but when i run the .jar file it doesn't show any of them...the images are declared below the "//Imagenes automata" comment by the way, im new in Java so please … | |
Hi guys, Please help me out. I have a webpage in which there are multiple images. All i want is that when a user clicks on any image it gets displayed on the bottom left corner of the page and when second image is clicked it is displayed adjacent to … | |
Hi, I want a Jquery based Ajax solution for Uploading, Cropping and Saving Images... I have been trying to find it for 3 4 days but I am only finding tutorials and solutions with postbacks when cropping images. Please help. thanks | |
I'm trying to figure out how to allow users to upload images, I'm starting easy with something I know tkinter can handle with no coercion, gif files. I've figures a bit out, but I'm having issues getting the image to actually SHOW. [CODE]from tkinter import * from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename … | |
I'm having an issue displaying images in tkinter, I've tried the methods suggested by effbot and a couple other sources to no avail. Here are a couple ways I've tried so far:[CODE] gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image='gmail.gif') self.glab.image=gmail self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image=gmail) self.glab.image=gmail self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) self.glabim=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image=self.glabim) self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.lab=Label(self,image=gmail) self.lab.image=gmail self.lab.pack() [/CODE]the last one … | |
Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone can help. I have surryussface flu and I just can't seem to concentrate at all. I need to be able to select a colour from a list like the attached image. I've managed to code it right up to the part where it can … | |
![]() | New user to Daniweb in the hope i can get some help cus my brain is fried. Im relitively a n00b at php but i can handle the basics, working with images is beyond me at the moment but im learning. I have the below code, which works. it uploads … ![]() |
I wrote this 3D Breakout game as a sample project to learn both Python and the visual module, vPython. It is based on a similar game I had on my Amiga back in the 80s. I don't expect that my Python is either standard or as elegant as it could … | |
I want to draw a editable TextBox on top of picture box and the user is allowed to enter text into this box.After entering text the text box should disappear and the text entered should be painted to the picture in the picture box.Please help me on this,I'am doing this … | |
I'm creating a new functionality for an already existing software, made with VB .Net. This new functionality consists of rendering 3D objects on a specific form, and be able to move/rotate/resize/change,... those objects. For this task i've used XNA. I've created a new XNA Windows project and, in the specific … | |
Hi! I got this image uploading script that will upload the user's choosen picture, and save it in the user's folder with the users nickname. Now, when i got the picture uploaded i want to resize it to 3 exact sizes (3 versions of the image). 240x250 and 2 other … | |
So, I want to save an HBITMAP to different image file formats like BMP,PNG and JPEG. I believe that the most simple way to do it is by using GDI+. So here is what I came up with. [CODE]Gdiplus::Bitmap bmp(hbmpImage,(HPALETTE)0); CLSID pngClsid; GetEncoderClsid(L"image/png", &pngClsid); bmp.Save(L"D:\image.png",&pngClsid,NULL);[/CODE] The problem is that it … | |
I am new to Java and as an exercise I am trying to develop the following: 2 JPanels on a JFrame where 1 of the JPanels can be used for drawing. I started from an example from Daniweb from 2010 but can't seem to get a graphic context because the … | |
Hello, I'm currently trying to figure out how I can get the information in ASE file and put it in my own arrays. Heres an example of ASCII scene export: [CODE]*3DSMAX_ASCIIEXPORT 200 *COMMENT "AsciiExport Version 2,00 - Fri Aug 26 13:58:27 2011" *SCENE { *SCENE_FILENAME "" *SCENE_FIRSTFRAME 0 *SCENE_LASTFRAME 100 … |
The End.