602 Topics

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Member Avatar for hasbuy
Member Avatar for Linda_3

Recently updated IOS. Don't know if that's the issue. My phone had randomly started flickering really badly. The whole screen shakes horizontally or on the home screen sometimes the way it flickers is from the second row of apps and below...help! It's doing my eyes and head in.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22094[/ATTACH]Facebook Vice-President Chris Cox has [announced](https://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=10150251867797131) the latest in a seemingly never ending run of privacy updates for the worlds' biggest social network. The improvements can be summed up as tightening up the question most often asked by those users worried about their privacy, namely "who can see this?" Unless …

Member Avatar for kategirdlelock
Member Avatar for erer002

Hi. My Mac's hard drive recently crashed and everything is wiped out. I have a new hard disk now. My question is: How do I transfer data from my iPhone... back to my Mac? I would like to transfer data from my iCal, iTunes, iPhotos, SMS and contacts. Would appreciate …

Member Avatar for Mjendo
Member Avatar for happygeek

If my iPhone 5s fingerprint data is walled off from the rest of A7 chip and the rest of iOS 7 in a 'Secure Enclave' and is never accessed by iOS or other apps, as Apple claims, then how come it all vanished when my iPhone crashed and I had …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

I would really appreciate some help here and some serious answers. I work at a coffe shop and an man came up to me if i could charge his iphone (his battery was a 0%). He looked suspicious, i ve never seen him around the community. At first i was …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for hira.syed

I am buying new phone for myself. but i am confuse . Lumia got good sepecifications , its graphics, camera and speakers. on other hand Ios is best. and SIII is no.1. what to buy?

Member Avatar for Ejim Kingsley
Member Avatar for happygeek

Which? magazine [has revealed](http://blogs.which.co.uk/technology/phones-3/apple-iphone-5s-fastest-phone-samsung-galaxy-s4-lg-g2/) the new Apple iPhone 5s to be the fastest smartphone of all in the latest round of processor benchmarking tests, despite it having less cores that rival handsets. Not only was the 5s almost twice as fast as the iPhone 5 in testing, but also around …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for happygeek

If you have an AirPrint-enabled printer, the act of wireless printing from your iPhone or iPad is pretty much a no-brainer. If you don't, then there are a number of apps that use a laptop as a print server. While these, on the whole, work OK they do require that …

Member Avatar for larin83109
Member Avatar for pooja.lapasia.5

hello, I just want to Apple mobile phone which OS is used in Apple Iphone 5C Any body can tell me about that one ??????

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

Thanks to a federal copyright law ruling on Monday by the Library of Congress, jailbreaking your iPhone doesn’t have to be kept to the underground forums like it's alcohol during a digital prohibition. The process is now completely legal under US law. Grab a glass of e-freedom![ATTACH]16137[/ATTACH]The resulting decision was …

Member Avatar for CaptBah
Member Avatar for happygeek

In my [DaniWeb report](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/tablets-and-mobile-devices/news/462936/apple-iphone-5s-the-worlds-first-64-bit-smartphone) on the launch of the new iPhone 5s from Apple, I stated that you could "forget the fingerprint scanner built into the new circular home button" but I knew all along that was never going to be the case. In context, I was focusing upon what …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for maryebach

Last time I was at Apple they did something so I got my gmail back on my phone. Since then, or maybe since my daughter set up an iCloud account, two things happen: 1. I get all my daughter's contacts and notes (which isn't a bad thing, she's a teenager …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for theashman88

When I'm listening to music on my iphone and I pull up the control center It won't let me go to next track. Any solutions

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for muhammad.sadaqat.3192

Hello Everyone! I have develop my iPhone puzzle game and wants to promote and wants downloading so please help me and share some tips how I get a lot of downlaoding thanks :)

Member Avatar for HoverportMedia
Member Avatar for rockingsparrow

Hi everyone i am collectiong iphons guritar apps. You have such apps please share with me.

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Member Avatar for happygeek

So here it is, or will be by the end of the month, the world's first smartphone to use a 64-bit chip. Immediately I would suggest that you can forget about most of what was announced yesterday: ![dd1371f031db48fc9bf7389ae52caab5](/attachments/small/0/dd1371f031db48fc9bf7389ae52caab5.jpg "align-right") Forget the new colours that everyone is drooling over (gold? really? …

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Member Avatar for Anima Templi

Hello, I'm really interested in developing apps for iOS. I do already have everything setup and I'm ready to start programming. What I'm curious about is; Is it worth buying the apple developer account already? I don't have anything ready to release yet, but I have read that they also …

Member Avatar for happygeek

A jury in the US has, after just three days deliberating, ruled that Samsung must pay Apple more than $1 billion in damages. The lawsuit had focussed on alleged patent infringements by Samsung in terms of both software and design relating to Apple's iPhone and iPad devices. Although not all …

Member Avatar for jimmyparker
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

after formatting my iphone 3gs, (4.1 ios), would it have a maintained IOS or i vl need to install it again, simply i mean that if i format my iphone then ios 4.1 would need to be installed again or any oyher issues would arise ? please guide me about …

Member Avatar for Myronz
Member Avatar for happygeek

The PowerBank 2000 is the latest in a long line of solar-powered chargers from Sandberg. It's far from being the most powerful backup battery for your smartphone (and yes it will charge Droids as well as iPhones, but as I'm an iPhone user I can only talk about my experiences …

Member Avatar for Erling.Hoff.Petersen
Member Avatar for adamhmiles

iPhone is not the safest of the devices but certainly one of the most used devices. In the modern era smartphones are also used as a mobile data backup. As these phone can perform almost like a computer, many of the important folders are saved in iPhone. As research suggest …

Member Avatar for aVar++
Member Avatar for happygeek

So, you've either bought the [brand new iPhone 5](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/apple/apple-hardware-and-devices/news/433802/apples-disappointing-iphone-5-sells-out-within-the-hour) or have upgraded your existing iPhone to iOS 6 and discovered, like half the Internet it would appear, that the new Apple Maps which have replaced Google Maps are, to be polite, an utter and total stinking FAIL. I'm no Apple …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for adamhmiles

Apple has captured the market of elite. However, in the middle and lower class markets Huawei (Chinese phone company) is giving tough time to apple. Can Huawei outclass iPhone? Huawei has already introduced the slimmest smartphone and the first water and dust proof smartphone of the world.

Member Avatar for happygeek

It started as just another early morning at work, arriving at 5.30am outside the converted mill where I rent a small space in amongst the myriad industrial units and office lets. I pulled up outside in my Fiat 500 and removed my backpack that doubles up as my laptop case …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mat0pad

So I'm making a IOS game and when I try testing my game in xcode simulator I get these errors below. Anyone have an idea what's wrong. Btw the behaivor is for unlocking new levels if actor collides with an object: Error in line 49: invalid operands of types 'objc_object*' …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for happygeek

This one is for UK-based DaniWeb members, or those of you who are visiting the UK and want to be able to charge your smartphone via a USB mains charger that is neither bulky or heavy. I'm not usually the type of person to get excited by a plug, honestly, …

Member Avatar for kasi123
Member Avatar for hypernova

Hi all! I am trying to listen to plug in/out event for headphones while in background. The problem is that while the events are generated in real-time, I am not able to do handle them in real-time. Whatever code I run in the background gets executed all at once when …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for sushants
Member Avatar for ret801

do you need software to jailbreak an iphone is it that simple? is there no coding? .

Member Avatar for kasi123

The End.