602 Topics

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

If Apple doesn't release the iSlate at a conference on 26 January then it's going to cause some of the biggest disappointments in the history of the IT industry. Latest strong tip that it's happening comes from an [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-10423353-37.html?tag=newsEditorsPicksArea.0"]ex-Apple insider[/URL], albeit one from a while back. I can't help wondering, …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Augmented reality has been a bit of a Star Trek thing until now - you know, one of those things that seems a good idea but won't really work outside of a few sci-fi shows. Well, maybe it won't be for long. The [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8421684.stm"]BBC[/URL] is among the sources suggesting it's …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton
Member Avatar for happygeek

If you are expecting a nice shiny iPhone or BlackBerry as a gift this Xmas, your joy may be short lived if network crashes this week are anything to go by. Earlier this week Twitter users in the UK were reporting data network access as being down for close on …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for SergioQ

[B](Admin, sorry but I can't find what I would think the proper forum is. Please feel free to move this)[/B] Hello All, I am an old time developer. By old time I mean have been programming since the early 80's, my forte's are C, Win SDK, and more than dabbled …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

The Android has landed. 17 percent of people in the U.S. currently planning to buy a smartphone within the next three months are considering one that runs Google's mobile OS, while 20 percent indicated that iPhone would be their choice. That's according to [url=http://comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2009/12/Android_Crashing_the_Smartphone_Party]a report released yesterday[/url] by analyst firm …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The news that Google is going to start making its own mobile phones to run the Android operating system might seem odd at first but it's actually quite logical. I should stress it's unsubstantiated as yet but it's appeared on a number of websites. The doubters have pointed out that …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

My son needs a new phone, so yesterday at my suggestion, we took a trip to the local AT&T retail store to get a look at the options up close and personal. Instead of eager sales people trying hard to sell us phones, we found they preferred to send us …

Member Avatar for kjdlsjdal
Member Avatar for EddieC

Tired of parsing all the source code involved in building mobile apps? Or perhaps the approval process for Apple's App Store is getting you down. Or maybe you're an aspiring commercial developer in search of the next must-have platform to tap. If you think Android might be the one, then …

Member Avatar for kronos2

I have been asked to look at a windows mail/ iphone issue, mail can be sent from windows mail but will not let you see the complete history of all the emails in the inbox. The iphone on the other hand allows you to see all previous emails in the …

Member Avatar for Archenemie

Ive been told that i can make Iphone Apps using java, but what IDE/File Extension/Code Structure do i use? can i simply use a converter program to swap my current java code into an iphone App or would i need to code from scratch? Any and all advice is greatly …

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Member Avatar for dealrocker

Last week my iPhone headphone stopped working, so I looking for a new one. In your opinion, whats the best headphones for the iPhone? Well, I was using the ones that came with the iPhone but I was not happy with the sound quality. Wondering if there were decent in-ear …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Mike Elgan, the veteran technology journalist, mused last week in a [URL="http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9141437/Elgan_7_reasons_why_e_book_readers_make_lousy_gifts_this_year"]Computerworld article[/URL] that eBook readers would make lousy gifts. I don't necessarily agree with all of Elgan's points, but it got me thinking about how useful a one-trick device is for users. If you think about it, we began …

Member Avatar for Archenemie
Member Avatar for newsguy

Apple has long been criticised for the way it handles iPhone App approval. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4408.html"]Inconsistency[/URL] and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4276.html"]mind-boggling logic[/URL] are the order of the day, or at least that's the way it appears to an increasing number of iPhone application developers. The application review process has been rigorously defended by Apple, although …

Member Avatar for Immomakler
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Mike Elgan, the veteran technology journalist, mused last week in a [URL="http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9141437/Elgan_7_reasons_why_e_book_readers_make_lousy_gifts_this_year"]Computerworld article[/URL] that eBook readers would make lousy gifts. I don't necessarily agree with all of Elgan's points, but it got me thinking about how useful a one-trick device is for users. If you think about it, we began …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Reports in the UK indicate that [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8378267.stm"]Apple is about to start selling the iPhone through Tesco[/URL]. Given that this is an American site (see the way I spelled 'rumors' up there? I'm getting the hang of this) I should explain that Tesco is like our version of Wal-Mart over here. …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Pretty much anywhere you live, it would appear that the iPhone consumes at least 50% of all mobile data traffic. Whereas the Android has a little catching up to do with just 11% of that mobile data bandwidth consumption. Of course, the iPhone entered the restaurant first and is already …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

At a time when prices are being driven down across the spectrum of electronics, one company clearly has avoided this trap: Apple. While others struggle to squeeze profits from a market that is becoming increasingly commoditized (sub-$200 netbooks anyone?), Apple maintains its edge and its hefty profit margin. It got …

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Member Avatar for richman0829

I got interested in writing these small apps, so I started with C++; my next class will be doing C++ for object-oriented programs. After that, it looks like I'll have to go slideways and take an iTunes University course from Stanford, because they're the only ones I know of that …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Verizon made [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37NKnDRPFKU"]an ad[/URL] making fun of AT&T's 3G coverage (and it's manliness). AT&T wasn't happy because it suggested their 3G coverage was spotty. So [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/03/atandt-sues-verizon-over-theres-a-map-for-that-ads/"]they sued[/URL] saying the ads were misleading consumers, and anyway they had way more customers and their customers loved them, and Verizon just couldn't handle …

Member Avatar for ezsurfer
Member Avatar for happygeek

Over the weekend news broke that a worm had started infecting Jailbroken iPhones in Australia. Nobody really took the exploit too seriously as all the 'ikee worm' did was change the phone wallpaper to a picture of 80's pop singer Rick Astley in a kind of warped tribute to the …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

The [url=http://www.blackberrydeveloperconference.com/overview]BlackBerry Developer Conference[/url] concluded yesterday, but not before Research in Motion had the chance to unveil enhancements to its [url=http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/]BlackBerry Application Platform[/url], which now supports [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenGL_ES]OpenGL ES[/url], a subset of the desktop graphics API specification for embedded systems. Useful for development of 3D games development and other graphics, it's …

Member Avatar for JeffBach
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Netbooks are becoming more popular these days. Its portable and easy to use. Though an iPhone allows users to be connected online, I know a friend who bought a Netbook to better type up blog postings and updates. So would you buy a Netbook to increase your online connectivity?

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

One of the great things about the iPhone is of course the App Store, which is a growing eco system of interesting applications. I tend to stick to the free ones, and not long ago I went and downloaded a bunch of new freebies. These are my favorites from that …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

An Apple iPhone virus is on the loose in Australia. According to reports it's an odd one; it replaces your wallpaper with a picture of singer Rick Astley and an inoffensive slogan. It affects only jailbroken phones, in other words phones whose owners have fiddled with the operating system to …

Member Avatar for stong034

Do you have a lot of SMS messages, some of sentimental value? Do you need to backup your SMS from your phone to pc? I found third party software for Windows Mobile Phone to transfer SMS to your desktop computer. Here is the user’s guide (3 main Steps) 1. Download …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I just read on MediaPost about a study that found iPhone users are mean. I dont like that conclusion but it was probably based on the fact that iPhone users watch porno. Who knows? So what do you think? [url]http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=116903[/url] Disclaimer: I am NOT involved in any way with this …

Member Avatar for happygeek

What do you wake up to? An old-fashioned alarm clock with small hammer and large bells atop a round clockface? Maybe a clock-radio or perhaps a straightforward digital alarm with a loud beep-beep-beep to get you moving of a morning? If you do, then you are in the minority as …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

If you're yearning to break free from Apple-sanctioned iPhone carrier AT&T (and you don't mind trading your warranty for the privilege), then reach out and touch George Hotz. The iPhone hacker yesterday posted a [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g23e9e9zOVI&feature=player_embedded]video showing an iPhone call on T-Mobile[/url], and Wednesday is expected to post the code that …

Member Avatar for didyouthink76

Help. I have looked all over the internet and cannot find what I am looking for. I need assistance in setting up exchange 2003 on iphone 3.1.2. i cannot get it to activate. Do i need the actual server address or vpn address?Can someone please instruct me? Thanks

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Member Avatar for smadamij

Hi guys, hoping for some pointers on this one - On a website i run there is a simple 2 image flash animation advertising 2 store openings. However, it cannot be seen on an iPhone which the client is asking me to ensure visitors be able to see it in …


The End.