602 Topics
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I am little confuse , with a point that in IOS 4 we need a tool xocde that supports java...so i want to know about IOS 5, Does java supported by iOS 5 or not? | |
The iPhone 4 is one of the hot gifts for this festive season, and for good reason as Apple has managed to make the iPhone even better with the addition of a stunning 960 x 640 high resolution 'Retina display' screen with a pixel density of 326dpi (which is so … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]21884[/ATTACH]Users of the iPhone have stood accused of many things, from being more interested in form than function through to having more money than sense. However, the iPhone bashing has taken an unexpected turn as new research suggests that smartphone users are becoming increasingly rude both at home and in … | |
With the release of iOS 5 to developers, Apple has signalled the arrival of the much awaited iPhone 5. But when can we expect to see it, and how will it be different to the iPhone? As usual, the Apple rumor mill has been churning out specs for many months … | |
Hi! All.. It is asked that Can a C++ programme be converted to an i-phone app?, by means of any converter or something like that. | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]21548[/ATTACH]Earlier this week a hacker group called Dev-Team launched a revamped website service that enables owners of the iPhone 4 and iPad 2 (amongst a myriad other iOS-powered devices) to jailbreak them in next to no time, for free, online. The [URL="http://blog.iphone-dev.org/post/890709355/the-return-of-jailbreakme-com"]JailBreakMe site exploits a vulnerability[/URL] with the way that … | |
How do I authenticate a .aspx page in objective-c? I've googled and viewed countless results to no avail. I found something about NSURLCredentials but nothing helpful. Any pointers would be very much appreciated. | |
we want to do our FINAL YEAR PROJECT in Mobile please give some creative and innovative ideas, which could be approved for FINAL YEAR PROJECT | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]21685[/ATTACH]It doesn't take long to fill up a 16GB or 32GB iPad with stuff, but what do you do when that data storage capacity is reached? Apple has not opted for an upgradeable storage option with the iPad, for reasons which escape me to be honest, so if you find … | |
What does your Android, BlackBerry or iPhone say about you? That's what newly published research by YouGov on behalf of Intelligent Environments aimed to find out, but the results were a little surprising to say the least. [attach]20446[/attach] The research analysed the financial profiles of each smartphone to paint a … | |
I have made an application in which there are different buttons with images. When the button is clicked, it writes "hello" on the console because I have written in the NSLog("hello") statement in the funtion which is called on button click. But I want to print the database column record … | |
Cookery shows on the television have never been more popular, nor more populous for that matter. Celebrity chefs dominate the viewing schedules and best-seller lists alike, so surely anyone who wants to cook like a top chef has every opportunity to do so already. Why then, you might wonder, would … | |
Hello I am new to iphone application development. I making an application in which there are foods which I have to show on the iphone screen. I have made uiscrollview and buttons on it with images of dishes on it throgh loop but I am facing a problem that all … | |
Im a computer science undergrad student in my final year. its time for selecting my final year project. I have two projects in my mind which are as follows 1- create kernel for iPhone based on openiboot 2- create an iPhone to android code conversion tool The first project was … | |
I have created a pdf with links to a couple of websites, the links work fine if you open the pdf on a pc but if you open it on an iPhone or iPad the links don't work. I made sure the links have http:// Does anyone know a solution? | |
A [URL="http://bit.ly/appcelerator_idc_q4_mobile_developer_report"]new survey[/URL] jointly conducted by Appcelerator® and International Data Corporation (IDC) released September 27, 2010 reveals Appcelerator Titanium developers favor Android over iOS in TVs and other devices.[ATTACH=right]17397[/ATTACH] Although the market shows that Apple currently leads in iPhone/iPad sales and popularity, the survey reveals that of the approximately 2,300 … | |
News reports suggest that March has been a good month for lovers of, and developers for, the Android operating system in pretty much every regard. That good news comes at the expense of the Apple iPhone and iOS we are led to believe, which appears to be losing the fight … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]20689[/ATTACH]This week [URL="http://radar.oreilly.com/2011/04/apple-location-tracking.html"]on Oreilly.com, Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden[/URL] revealed their discovery that Apple tracks and saves your location via iOS4 through your iPhone or iPad. This has sent a wripple of concern across the country and many people are demanding to know why Apple stores this info and how … | |
Hi, all Any thoughts on why this code runs slow on device but fast on simulator in iphone, I am making a game in cocos2d, and I am moving an object from one place to another , throught CCTouchBegan , CCTouchMoved, CCTouchEneded (ccp function) and after that I take the … | |
I will be developing iPhone apps after some times, so i need to know some infos on the developer account: 1.Can anyone tell me what is the payment system? (like, explain from someone purchased my app, if i get notified or not, where does the money go, etc, etc..) 2.Can … | |
Hey people. Been having a problem when trying to use .gif files as images for sprites. When I try to use one, I get an error such as: [CODE]Documents/Code/Cocos2D/Cocos2D/Player.png: No such file or directory[/CODE] But in the code, I am calling for the picture "Player.gif" to be used, as you … | |
hello, ive been looking around for iphone programming book seen some on websites but there once I like seem to have bad review so I to know which book you like and recommend?? would like a book that has: good understanding of objective-c good chapter on maps and augmented reality | |
Hi, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction if I want to find a free program to make iPod apps. All help is greatly appreciated, Python01 ![]() | |
recently i have updated windows 7 from windows vists since vsita occupies all my HDD space in to trash . after that once it was done it tells me to "consider changing the battery" but actually the battery is completely full . what could be the trouble in my laptop | |
How simple is it for an iphone app to connect to a ms database? Also, could somone please provide an example of a select and update statement plus connection string? | |
Apple and Microsoft have not had a lot of good press lately, but in spite of the issues both companies have faced, their quarterly reports released this week showed two companies that are still extremely profitable. [B]Microsoft Comes Through [/B] In spite of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story295211.html"]giving up on the Kin[/URL] and a … | |
I have an old MobileMe account that has expired still logged in on my iPhone. I got a new computer, so my old MobileMe calendars show up with all their data on my iPhone, but I cannot get these onto my computer. I know there is a "merge information" option … | |
In a press release issued today, a new website and service is introduced that moves us one step closer to human-device equality. Yes, now you can marry your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Although it may seem like an April fools joke, the website [url]www.MarryYouriPhone.com[/url] is actually a clever way to … | |
Hi there! I am trying to figure out how to disable the iphone keyboard from popping up, when a text field is clicked. Is there a line a code to use? or maybe go into xcode and manipulate info.plist? Any kind of help is appreciated. | |
Hello there everyone, I have been thinking about developing for iPhone and iPad but I don't own a Mac, so I downloaded an installed JEdit on windows 7 to develop in Objective C. I downloaded a few sample codes and I tried to run them but I don't know how … |
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