602 Topics
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Hi all, this is just a quick question with regards to php session data. . . I have a php built website and I am trying to develop a mobile html / php website to connect to the desktop website. I can enter my username / password / and secure … | |
Hello I previously created an iPhone app that displayed the top trending topics on Twitter. The user could drill down into the tweets about that topic before selecting an individual tweet that would launch the twitter page for that tweet displayed in an in app webpage. However Twitter has recently … | |
BlackBerry Vs iPhone? I know it’s a question that is not only as old as time itself, but has been answered many times. But as a BlackBerry user migrating to iPhone I thought I’d have a go myself. You don’t have to look too far to stumble across numerous reviews, … | |
Hey I am developing a responsive web site and one of the requirements is to have elements that are only 'clickable' on mobile devices, especially iPhones and iPads (not on PC browsers). Say for example, displaying phone numbers which can only be clicked on an iPad or iPhone ... not … | |
Hi all! This might be a thoroughly simple question, but as I am unable to formulate it in a simple sentence, Google cannot really help me. Since I will soon be buying a place of my own, I have certain desires which are of a geekier nature. A friend will … | |
Recently a friend suggested to me that one can make iPhone GUIs in Adobe Catalyst... I am really skeptical about this, can one really make the user interface of iPhone in Adobe Catalyst or Flash and then import it in the Xcode as a .xib for it to properly work … | |
Hello,everyone!I am trying to sync my photos to my iphone. In itunes, I am able to check the box to sync, then check to sync a particular folder. After that I have tried clicking on Apply AND File>Sync iphone and then the photo box will gray out and the photos … | |
Hi Guys, Is there a way to put home videos on the iPhone, without it being classed as a Film or Music Video in iTunes? I like to think of Videos, Films and Music Videos all as separate groups... Unless Apple considers films, movies and videos to be the same. | |
I'm trying to make a camera app using AVCaptureSession. For now I just want to see if the video input works or not. But it looks like there is no input and I can't seem to understand why. - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; session = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init]; [self addVideoPreviewLayer]; … | |
I set a reminder in my phone for this date. Remember the "January 3rd" glitch? Hopefully it has been fixed. Either way, tonight I will be using a backup alarm. [url]http://blogs.computerworld.com/17592/iphone_alarm_clock_glitch_still_not_working_ios_bug_fail[/url] | |
You might think that there's not much further for a high-end low budget home entertainment remote control unit to go than the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/home-theater-home-entertainment/reviews/324398"]One For All SmartControl that DaniWeb reviewed just over a year ago[/URL] now. However, One For All does not seem to agree as it has just launched the … | |
I love the fact that iCloud contacts saves changes to my contact list immediately to my iphone. It's a great way copy/paste directions and other info from the computer to iphone and it's instantaneous! However, recently I got a message saying that the update was not synced to the iphone … | |
I am making an iPhone App which requires user to go to a website and then download a file from which then ill extract the data and display/use it as i please.... I can go to the website using safari from within the app, but can i download a file? … | |
I would like to know whether if there is any Objective-C MSN API. I have searched for a while and could not really find one. | |
Hi there, I have a tiny issue about windows 7 restore, does anyone knows how restore it just like the option which iPhone has? Thanks in advance. | |
I am looking to design a program in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 in C# obviously in Windows that will read an iPhone backup folder and display some of the main contents, for example the SMS's and the call history. The main problem I face I think is interpreting the file … | |
Hi Which have more secure future between Iphone or Android? I am just started to learn java for Android. | |
I've been searching for a long time for a way to make an iphone app... but I do have some limitations... I can't buy anything (free versions of stuff wil work fine for me)... I'm NEVER gonna get a Mac. I'm an advanced vb.net programmer and I was wondering if … | |
Reallusion is perhaps best known for developing a range of award-winning 3D cinematic tools, so it came as something of a surprise to discover that the company has just released an iPhone app. The surprise did not diminish any when the press release arrived on my desk and proudly, not … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]22271[/ATTACH]It's official: Android now has a greater market share than iPhone across the EU5 countries of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. According to newly published data from the [URL="http://www.comscore.com/Products_Services/Product_Index/MobiLens"]comScore MobiLens service[/URL], nearly one in four smartphone users in the EU5 region were using smartphones running on a Google … ![]() | |
Hi, Does anybody here do any iPhone app development? I have a number of questions regarding this specific area. If you are how is it going? Do you develop for yourself or for others without programming abilities of their own? How long did it take you to gain proficiency in … | |
I have an iPhone 3g. I use the Notes app, and the Voice Memos app. I'd like to transfer the notes I have written, and memos I have recorded, to the Mac. Can this be done? The iPhone is synced (and therefore backed up) daily, so there must be backup … | |
Apple has been holding a highly unusual press conference to clam fears about the iPhone 4 and the 'death grip' problems some users have experienced. Unfortunately, Steve Jobs seems to be in two minds about what message to get across. On the one hand he says there is no problem, … | |
Hi guys, i have a emergent problem for my iphone 4. My old computer crashed. I now need to sync my iphone to a new computer. How can I do this when the iphone is only made to sync to one computer? help please! | |
hy! i am designing game in JAVA as my university project, i want to make myself unique by doing something different ---soo i though of making iphone game that runs java...I designed the iphone app, which is just a icon and few other things...when u click nothing happens but i … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]22424[/ATTACH]When it comes to robotic pets I still have my heart set on one day owning a Sony AIBO as I always wanted one when they arrived on the geek scene, but could never justify the cost. The Desk Pet TankBot is no AIBO; for a start it's a tank … | |
[attach=right]21629[/attach]There is an app for most things, but flying a helicopter has been (perhaps understandably) absent from the list. Sure, you can pilot a virtual helicopter or play a game involving a helicopter on-screen, but how about flying an actual helicopter in the actual sky using an actual iPhone? Griffin … | |
SRS has released an attachment for Apple’s iPod, iPad, and iPhone devices. As a musician, I really have a deep understanding of how tonal range works on audio devices. I was very pleased to hear that I would get to do a review of this, although I have to admit … | |
Until very recently the idea that [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] might have to recall a product would have seemed ridiculous. It's one of the best manufacturers of stuff in the world, people would have responded; you can't make them do that, people love the products too much. Then the iPhone 4 came out. … |
The End.