602 Topics

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16606[/ATTACH]Apple released their latest firmware update for both the iPhone and iPad today, versions 4.0.2 and 3.2.2 respectively. Unfortunately for those who haven't jailbroken their device yet, this will prevent you from using the PDF based JailbreakMe tool in the future. In a similiar fashion, it will remove the jailbreak …

Member Avatar for Radovich
Member Avatar for b10hzrd

We all knew it was bound to happen. Apple’s journey to world domination was first set into motion with the Mac, then came the iPod with it’s market domination. The launch of the iPhone increased their kingdom exponentially and the iPad has continued the legacy. Details came to light today …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

Because it is unrealistic for companies to mandate a particular kind of smartphone for all their mobile employees, a new app will soon makes it possible for iPhone and iPad users to have the same access to their companies mobile "line-of-business" applications as employees carrying Android or Windows mobile devices. …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer

ITunes Library Persistent ID Editor. Sample usage: [CODE]fxml = 'iTunes Music Library.xml' # path to xml file fitl = 'iTunes Library.itl' # path to itl file itk = ITunesLibKeys(fxml, fitl) print itk.file_xml # prints path to xml file print itk.file_itl # prints path to itl file print itk.xml_key # prints …

Member Avatar for Buolbear4444

How hard is it to learn Objective-C for iPhone Apps if you know C++, C and Python already? Is it better to use that rather than just C++ code when writing Apps? If so, why? I want to start iPhone Development and recently got an iMac for my Birthday. How …

Member Avatar for papanyquiL
Member Avatar for happygeek

Despite [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story292997.html"]the ongoing signal strength problems displayed by the new iPhone 4[/URL], there can be no denying that the latest Apple gadget has been a runaway success. With Apple claiming 1.7 million units sold in just the first three days it would be hard to argue. One of the not …

Member Avatar for lapunluyang
Member Avatar for therstonsplace

so i am writing an app for iphone obviously. and i am reading that i can write in c++. It is in the contract for mac developers that you can do taht... so i was going to do the graphics in open gl... i havent' been able to find out …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16394[/ATTACH]Developers downloading the third beta of [URL="http://developer.apple.com/technologies/iphone/whats-new.html"]Apple's iOS 4.1[/URL], which became available yesterday evening, were disgruntled to find that in this release, Apple's dropped support for both the iPhone 3G and the second generation iPod Touch. The changes were made to Apple's Game Center, a social network centered are iOS …

Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16392[/ATTACH]Just a day after Research in Motion gobbled up all the day's buzz with the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story301696.html"]release of its new OS version 6 and Torch Blackberry[/URL], King Crackberry has been dethroned. Smartphones running Google's Android OS were the top-seller in the US during the second quarter of 2010, accounting for a …

Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16385[/ATTACH]Once an iPhone firmware is jailbroken, it is only a matter of time before the hackers that be are able to unlock the phone as well. Late last night, a group of iPhone hackers, the Dev-Team, released an update for their app, ultrasn0w. This allows people to remove the carrier …

Member Avatar for PCBrown

The same hacker behind the iPad jailbreaking software “Spirit”, and the iPad port of Flash, has released an easy to use jailbreak solution for the iPhone4. Comex and his cohorts have created a website that allows users to complete the job with a single swipe of the finger. [ATTACH=RIGHT]16317[/ATTACH]Users of …

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Member Avatar for b10hzrd

Intel is known for being…well, Intel. They have been making processors and the like for as long as anyone cares to remember and while they may be the current reigning champ in the desktop PC processors wars, the same cannot be said about the oh-so-popular “gadget” market. Intel is a …

Member Avatar for Nickair

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way to only use the microphone on a bluetooth device while connecting the iPhone to external speakers for audio playback during a phone call? Thanks

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Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16281[/ATTACH][URL="http://www.unwiredview.com/2010/07/30/apple-starts-patenting-mobile-app-ideas/"]Apple's filed three patent applications[/URL] that mobile app developers are raising eyebrows at. The three patents involve design ideas rather than hardware, and cover high end fashion, hotel, and travel shopping via mobile device. Here's what each application is designed to do. The [URL="http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PG01&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=%2220100191578%22.PGNR.&OS=DN/20100191578&RS=DN/20100191578"]high-end fashion app[/URL] is aimed at luxury …

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Member Avatar for Ubermatik

Hello, first off, I'm new to the forum and, more importantly, writing C++ and working with the iPhone SDK. I was wondering if anybody could help me - I'm really eager to keep learning, and everything has been okay until now. I'm getting an error that I can't resolve, no …

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Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

[ATTACH=right]16221[/ATTACH]iPhone users can now create Web photo albums straight from their phone, with the ability to update existing albums. No longer is uploading photos from the iPhone a time-consuming task. In the past, iPhone users needed to select photos one-by-one. The updated version of the photo sharing app from [URL="http://jalbum.net/apps/iphone"]Jalbum[/URL], …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=right]16070[/ATTACH]A new smart phone application, Virtual Test Drive, from [URL="http://www.vevdrive.com/"]Virtual Vehicle Company (VEVco)[/URL] will allow a phone to track the user's driving patterns in order to help them improve their mileage. The application uses the phone's GPS chip in order to track factors like when a user starts and stops …

Member Avatar for middleorder
Member Avatar for happygeek

While Apple continues to bask in financial glory thanks in no small part to the iPhone, although the iPad hasn't exactly done it much harm, the same smartphone success does not appear to have rubbed off on the Finnish mobile phone giant Nokia. As Apple gloated about having the most …

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Member Avatar for united4real

I recieved an Iphone 2g and wanted to remove all the content inside it. So i went to remove all content and data, and it told me it will take two hours. Whilst it was charging on my laptop, I let it progress until i saw that it was loading, …

Member Avatar for honanrobin
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

The iPhone Case Program was announced earlier this morning, just a week after Apple CEO Steve Jobs addressed the reception issues spreading through the news like wildfire. In his shrugging off of the recent headlines, Jobs explained that only 1.7% of iPhone 4s have been returned and that just 0.55% …

Member Avatar for eeeraser

I start reading about how to be iphone developer, but really didnt hit the right subject yet. So please if you have any materials or can you give me a link to start with I'll be more than happy and thankful for what you gave me.. Best Regards .. eeeraser.:)

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

Apple released on Tuesday that even amidst iPhone 4 woes and bruises left by “Antennagate”, there weren't any worms in their financial statements, posting second-quarter net income profits up 78% to $3.25 billion. Figures from April-to-June soared up 61% year-over-year to $15.7 billion, producing Apple’s highest quarterly profit ever recorded. …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I'm on vacation this week and the airlines lost my luggage; I mean they lost them big time. It took more than a week of cajoling before I finally got my my suitcase from Aer Lingus. I'm staying in France and can't use my iPhone here without incurring huge charges, …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The co-CEOs of BlackBerry developers Research In Motion, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie, have accused Steve Jobs of unacceptable behaviour and Apple of avoiding responsibility for its design mistakes. "RIM's customers don't need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity" they say. Meanwhile Nokia insists …

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

According to a recent survey of Apple iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPod Touch users, conducted by The NPD Group, more than a quarter of consumers participating had a strong interest in a free cloud-based music option. Many were willing to pay a subscription fee to access their own music libraries …

Member Avatar for 77wildhorses

Using a Flash menu generated by a 3rd party tool (flash menu factory). Need to implement a non-flash navigation for users who don't have/can't use Flash. How to I display an alternative menu for people like iPad/iPhone users?

Member Avatar for Brian Stephens
Member Avatar for 77wildhorses
Member Avatar for Brandlax

I have decided to buy a mac...but i just need this little info: is there iPhone SDK already installed in MAC? i dont mean like i have to download it, what i mean is that is it already installed in the hard drive?

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft and Apple haven't had a great time of it recently with mobile consumers. For Microsoft, the market roundly rejected the Kin, which just about anyone who follows the cell phone market knew would happen. Meanwhile, Apple is taking it on the chin about how they are handling the iPhone …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Apple had a great week last week when it launched the iPhone 4 to much fanfare. [URL="http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jun/29/business/la-fi-iphone-sales-20100629"]1.7 million units[/URL] reportedly flew out the door in the first three days alone setting sales records. People [URL="http://www.pcworld.com/article/199761/hundreds_wait_in_line_as_iphone_4_goes_on_sale.html"]waited in long lines[/URL]; reportedly longer lines than for the iPad debut or the iPhone 3G …

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The End.