602 Topics

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What's Apple up to now? Yesterday it became public that the company had acquired [url=http://siri.com/]Siri[/url], whose sole purpose in life appears to be to make [url=http://siri.com/about/]Siri[/url], a free iPhone app that helps you find things and make plans. To [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpjpVAB06O4&feature=player_embedded]watch Siri in action[/url], it does look pretty useful. But why …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The latest wrinkle in the lost iPhone story - in which someone left the prototype for the iPhone 4 in a bar and website [URL="http://www.gizmondo.com"]Gizmondo[/URL] got hold of it - has taken two unexpected turns. First, the police got involved. They have raided the editor's personal property and taken his …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.nokia.com"]Nokia[/URL]'s decision to back the [URL="http://www.symbian.org"]Symbian[/URL] operating system with its new [URL="http://europe.nokia.com/find-products/devices/nokia-n8"]N8[/URL] smartphone, which we can expect to see in Q3, could prove more important that you'd have thought initially. There are a number of reasons for this. First, it's the first phone based on the system since the code …

Member Avatar for newsguy

More often than not the consumer worries that it will be bad news when a popular software tool from a small developer is bought by a bigger company. However, in the case of Tweetie, one of the most popular Twitter clients for the iPhone, things could be very different. For …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14341[/ATTACH]There has been a lot of talk the past couple of days about[URL="http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/08/apple-announces-iad-mobile-advertising-platform/"] Apple's new ad network[/URL]. The way it will work is that ads will live within the closed environment of the App Store apps. This supposedly means that that Apple will fully vet each ad it allows in …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Well thanks for that O2, my iPhone was as much use as a chocolate teapot from lunchtime yesterday thanks to the pay monthly data network suffering a monumental failure. There I was, sitting in a (without wifi) Costa Coffee about to start an informal meeting with a potential client. I …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14321[/ATTACH][URL="http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/04/08iphoneos.html"]Apple released details of iPhone OS 4.0 [/URL]today, but let owners of older versions of the phone know that they wouldn't be invited to the party. Unfortunately, according to Apple, owners of first and second generation iPhones (and iPod Touches for that matter) don't have the processing power to handle …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I've been a freelance journalist for 20 years now, and can honestly say that the iPhone has changed the way I work more than anything since wireless Internet access came along all those years ago. But what are the essential iPhone apps that a jobbing journalist, or blogger for that …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

With the iPad dominating the news this weekend, what with the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story272722.html"]first units being delivered[/URL] and then [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story273324.html"]quickly jailbroken[/URL], you might think that there could be little in the tech world to upstage it, at least in terms of media frenzy, for a few days. However, it would appear that …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Apple today announced that it will begin shipping iPhones for CDMA networks, such as those offered by Verizon and Sprint, ending a three-year monopoly in the U.S. held by AT&T since iPhone's inception. Once the phones becomes available later this year, iPhone users in the U.S. that don't wish to …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14158[/ATTACH]I love my iPhone. It's a cool device with lots of free and low-cost apps at my finger tips, but I've been wondering lately if some of these Apps are a good thing. I mean, why do I need a dedicated New York Times app, for example? Why doesn't the …

Member Avatar for miss_kruse

I'm having some trouble finding a place to put this question, since I don't have any insight in coding. Please let me know if the thread is misplaced, and I'll move it. Question: I have an idea of an app for iPhone/any smart phone and before I move on with …

Member Avatar for Talguy
Member Avatar for happygeek

The annual [URL="http://cansecwest.com/"]CanSecWest PWN2OWN[/URL] hacking contest has [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story270028.html"]done it again[/URL] and provided us news types with the perfect headline writing opportunity as the Apple iPhone falls to the hackers in just 20 seconds. The hackers in question, Vincenzo Iozzo and Ralf Weinmann, picked up the prize of $15,000 and an …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

As the world awaits for the release of Apple's Next Big Thing, developers are putting the finishing touches on applications to be ready for iPad's April 3 ship date. And Apple is getting ready too. The company yesterday began accepting submissions for iPad App Store, its online application outlet for …

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Member Avatar for david101

Hello all, I was just surfing through net.....and came across some sites where Iphone developers are selling source codes [url]http://iphonedevelopmentbits.com/[/url] [url]http://tritoneapps.com[/url] the later site is selling it for $5 .....I think its great way to make money what do yo think??

Member Avatar for happygeek

I drive hundreds of miles every week, I write about technology for a living, I've been a TomTom user for years and I own an iPhone. It had to be done, I just had to review the TomTom satnav app for the iPhone. Being both an iPhone 3GS owner and …

Member Avatar for gregzeng
Member Avatar for newsguy

Two numbers that Apple fans won't forget in a hurry have made the headlines this week: 10 billion and 40 billion. The first refers to the 10 billion songs that have now been downloaded from the iTunes Store. The 10 billionth song was the eerily appropriate "Guess Things Happen That …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

A couple of weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of seeing [URL="http://stevegarfield.com"]Steve Garfield[/URL] speak at [URL="http://podcamp.pbworks.com/PodCampWesternMass"]Pod Camp Western Mass[/URL]. Garfield is the author of [URL="http://offonatangent.blogspot.com/2010/01/where-to-buy-get-seen.html"]Get Seen[/URL], a practical book on the ins and outs of web video production. He has been working with video on the web since well …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Now this is interesting. I'm not going to insult you by explaining Google Buzz in here - it's been done elsewhere and if you're a member of this site then you probably know about it already. But... I'm interested in the reaction. It's a sort of collective 'so what'? Granted …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When Google developed the Nexus One, they might not have figured on one huge unintended consequence. They [URL="http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/01/googles-dont-be-evil-mantra-is-bullshit-adobe-is-lazy-apples-steve-jobs/#ixzz0eaEaTQsI"]pissed off Steve Jobs[/URL] big time. "We didn't get into the search business," he reportedly barked, at a Town Hall style meeting, following the iPad announcement last weekend. "They got in the phone …

Member Avatar for debos
Member Avatar for happygeek

Apple has this week released a software update for the iPhone which addresses a total of five security vulnerabilities. But not, it would seem, the small matter of a year old glitch which could turn your iPhone into a spyPhone. First the good news, Apple has released [URL="http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4013"]iPhone OS 3.1.3[/URL] …

Member Avatar for iApple

I've got a new iPhone for only a few months, and I have no problem making custom ringtones, but sometimes, when i sync them to my iPhone, here comes the problem: "it shows up as a ringtone in iTunes, but it won't sync to the phone. I've restarted my phone …

Member Avatar for richman0829

Has anyone found a useful tutorial for the XCode IDE, especially the Debugger utilities? Rich

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Member Avatar for newsguy

Yes there are 100,000 or so apps for the iPhone, but thanks to Apple policy if it's porn you are after there's not an app for that. The construction of an Adult App Store for Android devices, however, could soon swing this particular market segment towards the iPhone competitor. The …

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Member Avatar for slfisher

Interested in following the Obama presidency? There's an [URL="http://itunes.com/apps/thewhitehouse"]app[/URL] for that. Timed for the State of the Union speech next week, TheWhiteHouse is a free application for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch that lets users stream video, browse photos, and read text from President Barack Obama's White House. According …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

According to[URL="http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jan2010/tc20100119_759795.htm"] various reports[/URL], Apple has approached Microsoft about making Bing the default search engine on the iPhone. I'm sure it's all enough to make Steve Ballmer come out from behind his desk and do a happy dance. His little search engine that could is being portrayed as the anti-Google, …

Member Avatar for DavidAKnopf
Member Avatar for newsguy

Lord knows I could do with shedding a pound or 50, but it never occurred to me that WiFi could help me do that. However, according to a press release that arrived today it would appear to be the case. Some French technology outfit has launched a set of WiFi …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein isn't looking to the stars for his comeback strategy. The inventor of the iPod was quoted last week saying he had never used an iPhone and that he doesn't pay that much attention to Apple. Was he kidding? If his strategy for competing with the industry's …

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Member Avatar for landeey

Many People always ask questions about iPod/iPhone at answers.yahoo.com. Here I collect some commen FAQ and provide the professional solutions to help the people getting difficulty in handling their iPod/iPhone to solve the questions about iPod/iPhone. It includes four parts: [b]1: How to put DVD on iPod and iPhone (Windows/Mac) …

Member Avatar for EddieC

I think we can safely say that Windows Vista was a flop. The only one that doesn't seem to know it is Microsoft. Or does it? This week at [url=http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winhec/default.mspx]WinHEC[/url], the company introduced a series of capabilities in [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7]Windows 7[/url] that it says will "make it easier for hardware partners …

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The End.