602 Topics
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Everyone is all ga-ga this week over the [URL="http://www.t-mobileg1.com/"]G1[/URL], the new HTC phone from T-Mobile, which is the first phone powered by Google's Android phone OS. On one level, the geek in me certainly shares the excitement. It's open source. It's Google's first entree into the phone market. I'm not … | |
You really get the impression this should be a bad idea. Microsoft has announced a [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10048061-56.html?tag=newsLeadStoriesArea.0"]delay to Windows Mobile 7.0[/URL]. This, you'll remember, was going to allow people to release phones to rival Apple's iPhone and, we assume, Android. The announcement comes in the wake of the Android release. Could … | |
Some people, I have concluded, just have way too much time on their hands. Steve Jobs is probably not one of them, but I suspect that 'Grammar Girl' most certainly is. I also expect that this posting will fall victim to the grammatically correct squad, so have dropped a number … | |
Some things are just made to appeal to weirdy beardy nerds. Take the 'musical' instrument invented by the Russian nutter Leon Theremin in 1919 for example. I say musical, but anyone who has ever listened to the sounds coming from this truly bizarre combining of metal antennae and the hands … | |
A email is going around the internet telling people about the new popular iPhone game that is free! It is a .zip file and it's no game it's a trojan horse virus that infects windows and takes control of your computer. I am a big fan of the song "virus … | |
The BlackBerry Storm previously known as the BlackBerry Thunder was just rumors until Information on the Blackberry Storm was revealed to Verizon Employees who “leaked” the information onto the internet. The BlackBerry Storm Has a 3.2 megapixel camera, full HTML based browser, it runs on a quad GSM chip, and … | |
After months of speculation, [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/09/16/android-phone-the-g1-to-ship-mid-october/"]TechCrunch[/URL] reports that the first Android powered phone, the HTC Dream is set to be released in the US by T-Mobile on October 20th. T-Mobile did not return my calls to confirm or deny this rumor, but one thing is certain, the iPhone is no longer … | |
Here is the big announcement I promised you from VMWorld. [URL="http://www.mokafive.com"]MokaFive[/URL], a Desktop Virtualization company, originally created Desktop VMs (Virtual Machines) that reside on a USB flash drive. Now, MokaFive takes Desktop virtualization to the next level: Your Desktop on your phone. [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]MokaFive specializes in mobile desktop virtualization – meaning, … | |
Well it is here at last, and this time it seems to be all gravy as they say. Apple has made the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3135.html"]iPhone 2.1 upgrade as promised[/URL] at the Let's Rock event available, and oh boy is it a little beauty! The full list of bug fixes and improvements, according … | |
Telecom stocks are emblematic of how skittish investors are over the tech sector today. Some telecom giants are taking a beating over reduced consumer demand for their products, both here in the U.S. and abroad (especially around the once-robust Pacific Rim). Here's a quick snapshot . . . AT&T Inc … | |
So today, according to Tuesday's announcement, there will be new iPhone software available from Apple. We don't know exactly when, in the UK at 1.20 it wasn't there, but no matter - it's going to arrive. And it's going to address issues a few users have noticed, specifically poor battery … | |
Yahoo yesterday released an update to Blueprint, its mobile development platform that it says now allows developers to build stand-alone Java apps, and apps for devices running Symbian and Windows Mobile. Previously the platform was limited to building mobile widgets for its [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahoo!_Go]Yahoo Go[/url] mobile back-end system. Of perhaps greater … | |
The game that people waited to be released for over a year 'Spore' is now available to the iPhone and the iPod Touch. I don't think the iPhone needs any more parasites it has enough bugs already. Spore Origins is the iPhone and iPod touch game which is currently $5.00 … | |
Apple today had one of 'those' events in San Francisco. At 10am PDT, under the banner of Let's Rock, Steve Jobs made a number of important product announcements. These included a brand new version of iTunes in the shape of iTunes 8. This comes with support for HD television programmes, … | |
There's been no shortage of speculation about apple CEO Steven Jobs has up his sleeve for the media event he's about to give today in San Francisco at 10 am local time. There's even been a leaked [url=http://www.macrumors.com/2008/09/05/leaked-photo-of-4th-generation-ipod-nano-in-packaging/]photo[/url] of a new "taller"iPod that's also thinner and less costly. Apple today … | |
This is incredible. In the UK, police are worried that criminals can use mobile devices to [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-10032823-94.html?tag=nl.e703"]wipe a corporate network[/URL] if they know what they're doing Well, OK, I understand the concept. Same as I understand the threat to internal network security when someone can walk into their workplace with … | |
It was widely reported today that Apple will begin selling iPhones in Russia through agreements with at least two of the country's top three carriers. Apple might be better off settling for its current black market sales figures, which [URL=http://www.sci-tech-today.com/news/Russian-Vendors-To-Sell-Legal-iPhone/story.xhtml?story_id=00200081FB3Y]one report[/URL] has at about 20,000 units a month. Because Apple … | |
Here's an interesting question: just how much data do you think your iPhone consumes in an average month? I mean, it's the kind of thing you should know the answer to, given how obsessed everyone seems to be with iPhone service plan data caps and costs. Rather surprisingly, the carrier … | |
With dozens of freshly minted applications on hand to stock its shelves, Google's Android Market is all but ready to open-- right across the street from Apple's App Store. All Google needs now is for someone to start selling phones that use Android, its Linux-based mobile operating system. According to … | |
Google yesterday announced winners of the [URL=http://code.google.com/android/adc.html]Android Developer Challenge[/URL], which put up US$10 million in prize money to developers of the best applications for its nascent mobile platform. In doing so, Google also helped to stock the shelves of Android Market, a forthcoming online retail site for Android applications akin … | |
Although many people get lathered up about the iPhone 3G, BlackBerry enthusiasts know that’s not the only next-generation smartphone in town. Research In Motion is set to introduce the next hot new smartphone in its product line, the BlackBerry Bold. With its enhanced higher-resolution display, 3G capabilities, and GPS, [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24950650/"]some … | |
According to the [URL="http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/life/2008-08/26/content_6972421.htm"]China Daily[/URL] newspaper the latest Internet sensation, iPhone girl, will not be fired from her factory job despite some speculation to the contrary. It all started when a young Asian woman working at a factory making iPhones inadvertently left her picture on one device after it was … | |
The Advertising Standards Authority is an independent body, established by the advertising industry in the UK, to self-police rules laid down within advertising codes. It has just issued an adjudication against Apple (UK) Ltd over what have been referred to as misleading advertisements for the iPhone. The [URL="http://www.asa.org.uk/asa/adjudications/Public/TF_ADJ_44891.htm"]adjudication[/URL] comes as … | |
File under: what was the point of that? Apple iPhone 3G users have been blighted with poor 3G reception since day one. So bad is the problem that it prompted Apple to release an iPhone software update which has had mixed results. Apple says iPhone OS 2.0.2 improved 3G communications, … | |
Device maker Palm this week placed its bet on a pair of pros. First is the [URL=http://www.palm.com/us/products/smartphones/treopro/index.html?creativeID=SP_BB_treopro]Palm Treo Pro[/URL], its next-generation smartphone to rival Apple’s iPhone and RIM’s Blackberry. The other is Jon Rubinstein, the company’s executive chair hired earlier this year and now charged with the company's salvation. Rubinstein … | |
Despite India being something of an emerging technological powerhouse economy these days, the decision to launch the iPhone 3G there has to be amongst the more bizarre made by Apple of late. Heck, I would chance my arm and say that there is more chance of seeing someone really do … | |
Here we go again with the iPhone, Apple says it's issuing a fix without - as is Apple's habit - [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7569393.stm"]telling us what it's fixing[/URL]. Even as a satisfied user I can think of plenty. Searchable e-mail. MobileMe that really works on my iPhone (it still does nothing outside theb … | |
Nobody likes the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19936/53/"]iPhone kill switch[/URL] that was recently confirmed by [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2008/08/11/big-brother-apple/"]Big Brother Apple[/URL] as being very much a reality. Apparently it is there for our own good, just in case something nasty gets on to the iPhone by way of a rogue App Store application. Apple can then remotely … | |
[URL="http://www.gipscorp.com"]Global IP Solutions[/URL] has one big claim to fame in that it invented the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) iLBC codec standard. OK, you might not have heard of this if you are not a card carrying geek, but you have probably benefited from the iLBC codec. This narrowband speech … | |
A good friend of mine thinks that data technology access kingpin Qualcomm can be to the wireless market in the 2010’s what Microsoft was to software in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Granted, Qualcomm is smack in the sweet spot – the premier provider of high-speed data access products and services … |
The End.