602 Topics
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I get the feeling a lot has been written on these blog pages about the iPhone 3G and MobileMe and a lot of people are probably not all that interested. It's worth mentioning, though, that a leaked memo from Steve Jobs basically admits the MobileMe launch was [URL="http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2008/Aug/05/steve_jobs_mobileme_launched_too_early.html"]premature[/URL]. I have … | |
That didn't take long! Apple has started rolling out the first update to the iPhone 2.0 software in the shape of the mysterious iPhone 2.0.1 which iTunes told me was available when I fired it up this morning. I say mysterious with good reason: Apple isn't exactly shouting loudly from … | |
Apple has grabbed lots of headlines this week, some for things it has done, others for things done to it. Of all the major Apple products, only the iPod has escaped mention. With perhaps the potential to affect the most people is the deal announced this week with AT&T to … | |
By most people’s measure, it was quite a quarter for Apple, but apparently not for the geniuses on Wall Street. While Apple sold almost a million iPhones in the first week (think about that for a second) and had what [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jul2008/tc20080721_851111.htm?link_position=link1"]BusinessWeek[/URL] called a “blowout quarter,” an off-handed remark by Apple’s … | |
AT&T’s stock is up two percent today after announcing that second quarter revenues rose 30 percent – an uptick that many pundits are ascribing to its booming wireless business. Me? I’d say that, more directly, the high profile partnership with Apple and the iPhone have fueled that boom in wireless … | |
Sometimes the financial media should just, well, shut up. This week, using Apple’s most recent guidance statements, is good proof of that. By any measure, Apple just had one of its best quarters ever. The new Apple iPhone is a mega-hit. Consumers love the brand. Even Mac PC and iPod … | |
Since everyone else is speculating like mad about Apple's plans following their warning on profuts due to a [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-9996169-37.html"]product transition[/URL], I thought I might as well have a go. I'm doing it with a difference, though; this isn't what I think will happen, it's what I want to happen. 1. … | |
Wow! That's a lot of kit being shifted by Apple. With the publication of its financial results for the fiscal 2008 third quarter ended June 28, Apple announces revenue of $7.46 billion and net quarterly profit of $1.07 billion, or $1.19 per diluted share. International sales accounted for 42 percent … | |
Apple's doesn't make too many missteps, but the company continues to stumble implementing its [URL=http://www.apple.com/mobileme/]MobileMe[/URL] e-mail service. Apple issued a second apology over the weekend for service outages which left users without e-mail; the first came last week for similar reasons. The service was launched on July 9 along with … | |
I laughed out loud when I saw this headline on the ars technica Web site: “[URL=http://arstechnica.com/journals/microsoft.ars/2008/07/16/monkey-see-monkey-do-microsoft-launches-mobile-app-site]Monkey see, monkey do: Microsoft launches mobile app site[/URL].” It’s so typical of Microsoft in recent years to desperately emulate companies it perceives as its competitors, even at the expense of its own embarrassment. The … | |
Will the new iPhone chomp into Blackberry’s market share? Some thoughts on the subject are bubbling up on Wall Street, with the sentiment leaning toward Research in Motion, the company that manufacturers the Blackberry, being in good shape for the short term. After all, the iPhone is great if you’re … | |
Here's an idea for an iPhone app project with a guaranteed user base: Build a tool for adjusting the display's color temperature. It's not officially possible, according to Apple, but don't let that stop you-- there's evidence that it can in fact be done. Because the day you purchased your … | |
My colleague Ron Miller makes some excellent points about the iPhone shortage in the US in his [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2782.html"]blog entry[/URL]. If this were any other company we would indeed be taking them to task. Hang on though, let's think a minute: everyone's talking about a hardware shortage, the iPhones aren't in … | |
By all rights, iPhone consumers should be storming the gates of Apple headquarters this morning in true [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastille_Day"]Bastille Day[/URL] fashion after Friday's mishandling of the iPhone 3G launch, but as far as I know all remains calm in Cupertino, and consumers remain strangely silent over the whole affair. In a … | |
It has not been a good day for Apple. Actually, let me rephrase that - it has not been a good day for Apple customers. Here in the UK supplies of the Jesus Phone, the all new iPhone 3G, were scarce to say the least. Those people who did brave … | |
I have an iPhone on my desk. Don't get excited, though - you'll have read a number of accounts of difficulties getting hold of them in the UK, and they're right. I have one on my desk because mobile phone company 02's media relations department kindly sent it over so … | |
Having worked out the cost of an iPhone 3G on any contract anywhere in the world as being just too expensive, and learning today that the Pay As You Go option [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19363/53/"]will not be available until Christmas[/URL] here in the UK at least, I wondered if there was any real … | |
The other day, my buddy got a shiny new 32GB iPod Touch. This morning he was kind enough to let me play with it and I’m glad he did because I learned that using that touch keyboard takes some practice. The bad news: you can get frustrated in a hurry … | |
We now know that developers working on applications for the iPhone [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/07/07/here-comes-the-iphone-app-store/"]had to submit[/URL] those applications to Apple on Monday if they were to be included in the launch day offerings for the all singing, all dancing, all new Apple [URL="http://www.apple.com/iphone/appstore/"]iPhone App Store[/URL]. The developers were told "Have your application … | |
Interesting story starting to appear across the pond on the UK news wires, with sites such as [URL="http://www.electricpig.co.uk/2008/07/07/o2-sells-out-of-iphone-3g-in-hours/"]Electric Pig[/URL] reporting that things are either looking good or bad for the Apple iPhone 3G depending on which way you look at the news. That news being the sole network supplying the … | |
According to a [URL="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/07/04/iphone_security_patch_lag/"]report[/URL] at The Register Apple is failing to keep iPhone software up to date with security patches. This despite the iPhone 1.1.4 software being nothing more than a "pared-down version of Mac OS 10.5" it says. The Jesus Phone is said to be vulnerable to a number … | |
Could it be that Apple, [URL="http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20080702PD209.html"]having placed an order[/URL] for some 50 million 8Gb flash chips, is planning to sell rather a lot of the new iPhone 3Gs? At the very least it will mean that the competition, such as Samsungs other customers, will have to go hang. Indeed, Samsung … | |
You might have woken up this morning to a distant noise not unlike the pounding of hoof beats. Yesterday you could see the dust cloud forming far off on the horizon, but today, July 1st, it’s a little easier to hear the slow and steady march toward July 11th when … | |
The market recouped some of its gains today, but tight credit and – here we go again – high energy prices are scaring the hell out of investors and keeping them out of the market. My gut tells me we haven’t hit bottom yet, even at a Dow Jones average … | |
Is AT&T pricing itself out of a good profit margin with the new iPhone? A growing number of Wall Street onlookers seem to think so. A few weeks back I wrote that AT&T would be charging $200 for the new iPhone 3G – that’s down from up to $500 for … | |
Just off the phone for a piece I'm writing for one of the UK press - I'll link to it when it's up. It's about smartphones, and one of the points was that the iPhone (not strictly a smartphone as far as I can see, more a feature phone) is … | |
Browsing through the trading numbers early this morning reveals that the chip sector, which I wrote about on Monday, took a hit with the news that Texas Instruments might come in with lower revenues than expected. TI tightened its revenue outlook Monday, slightly raising its midpoint but also pointing to … | |
No doubt you’ve been reading a lot about the shiny new iPhone 3G. The gurus on this site can help you with the gizmos and gadgets way better than I can, so I’ll focus on the business side – and iPhone carrier AT&T has just announced an interesting new strategy. … | |
Fellow DaniWeb blogger Guy Clapperton [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2585.html"]makes some excellent points[/URL] about why, as a "self-employed Mac user," he bought himself a new iPhone following yesterday's announcement of the new 3G model. Are there any compelling reasons to get a new iPhone if you're a corporate employee or business owner, though? Actually, … | |
OK, the iPhone launched yesterday. Apple aims at the corporate market with support for MS Exchange e-mail and at the consumer with a snazzier connection to the Net wherever you are. I have to admit I was a little underwhelmed with the phone - which is ironic when you consider … |
The End.