32,205 Topics
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Write a program to read 50 students’ marks, calculate and print the number of students who succeed and the number of students who failed (any marks below 40 should be considered failed). | |
The entire point of this dice game is for a user to first roll four dice, if the answer to this roll is a 9,11,18 or 24 the user wins. If they roll a 6, 12, 13, 17, 19 or 23 the user loses. But if the user rolls any … | |
Hi I need to show an image thumbnail in one of jTable cells But I don't know how to do it! I'm using netbeans to design GUI . How can I do that? Thanks | |
I want to make a program wher the user enters his password in a java program and as he is typing it, the letters turn to stars so as to hide his password (since I'm trying to design a multiplayer game). Is it even possible using java? | |
hi everyone I am currently in the process of designing a bank atm machine appliction and I would like to apply a backgrond color to some of the button, I tried some codes but it dont seem to be working, well what I meant was I dont know if the … | |
How to save image from computer client to server using java?? Give me the source code.. | |
Hi, I have been searching for freelance software developer on different websites for a while but failed to find him for the software I need. Been studying and researching a lot how could i come as close as possible to the solution i am looking for: what needs to be … | |
Hi, I've been doing research on a career in coding/programming and now I'm very interested and motivated to learn it. I'm a complete beginner and limited financially at present. So I'm confused as to how to go about it. I love reading a lot and sitting on my laptop, so … | |
I want to create a php function that i can use to get a particular user details and display the info gotten in my ProfileActivity when a user profile is been clicked in my app. so i wrote this php code to get user details from my database but when … | |
| Howdy All - I am just wondering if anyone has successfully converted a *massive* (subjectivity implied) COBOL application to another language. If so, into which language was your system converted and when was this done? What were the potholes you, no doubt, hit? Was the conversion far more expensive than … |
I have a program that is meant to display the total, average, student name and letter grade for a student. I'm almost done writing it but I have no idea how to make it loop so it goes back to step 1 from step 4. Everything I've read on using … | |
The API docs are now found at [ Java Development Kit Version 11 API Specification](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/) | |
I am doing a java caesar cypher application and i need your help.I am supposed to Implement a Caesar cipher, both encoding, and decoding. The key is an integer from 1 to 25. This cipher rotates the letters of the alphabet (A to Z). The encoding replaces each letter with … | |
Create a class called Circle contains: Two instance variables (attributes): radius (typed double) and color (typed String). Provide a set and a get method for each instance variable. getArea(), which return the area of this instance, respectively. Create another class called Circle Test to : Create two different objects “Circle”, … | |
Hello, I have a questions in TCP client to server communication: This is what is require me to do: First of all, if we run the program from multible command line or multible PC it will run the same program. ( of cource ) Second, the program should read from … | |
hi people I am building a atm machine but havent actually coding it as yet, just the gui interface part i have done so far because i am doing something else at the moment but in between i would do someting with it. so i have put in an if … | |
i am creating an app with android studio and i'm using mySQL.and i want to implement friends feature in my app to enable users send and recieve friend requests, i have created tables and writen the server side php code for that, i have also created an add as friend … | |
public class Gradesv2 { public static void main(String[ ] args) { //local variables int numTests = 0; //counts number of tests int testgGrades = 0; //individual test grade int totalPoints = 0; //total points for all test double average = 0.0; //average grade int test1 = 95; int test2 = … | |
Hello to all! I have added a jcombobox in a jpanel by dragging it from palette (Netbeans IDE). I am populating jcombobox with database without any problem. For example i have following 5 items in my jcombobox: Italy, Uganda, America, Canada, Austria When my jtable is focused and i type … | |
Hi all, I need to read a text file (I've attached it, you can take a look), and then store all the numbers in it into a 2D array. After which, I need to parse it. I need urgent help here! ): | |
hi everyone i have not been here in a while. so here I am practicing building a forensic managment java application but the thing, i am trying to connect to the database, so, like i am importing the codes that would help connect to the database, like I mean the … | |
Moderators: Please dont delete this post as it is featured A part of an assignment I have due. The assignment states - A program that prints out lines of asterisks, based on the values determined by the user input. The program first asks for the minimum number of asterisks, the … | |
Question from codility test Write a function: class Solution { public int solution(int[] A); } that, given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A. For example, given A = [1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2], the function … | |
I've written a code that creates a Checkerboard Array application. There are no errors when I compile the code. Once I run the application, the window pops up but its just a blank white window. The code is as follows: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Checkerboard extends Frame implements … | |
I've just started a class to learn automation testing via Selenium. I'm using Firefox 61.0.2 (64-bit) I'm noticing a possible bug; not something major, but something that prevents efficiency: When attempting to load a saved project into the IDE via Open Project or through drag-and-drop, it does not load. Usually … | |
Hi Guys, I am looking for career advice. I am currently pursuing my associate's degree in computer science here in Texas. And I wanted to know if you guys know how people with associate's degrees get a job. As an international student, I would like one year of work before … | |
I have class with main method like: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { long timeCheck; long periodOfTime; ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); long initialDelay = 0; // the time from now to delay execution long period = 1; // the period between successive executions scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new FeedReader(img, url, … | |
hey guys I'm new in perogramming the question is that (if your salary is 10000 after how many years will be doubled if each year increases by %5)??!! | |
Hello I am trying to create chaper links for my Vimeo videos on my site. I have managed to get a script working with direct links but cannot get it to work with a drop-down menu. Here is my code: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.js"></script> <script src="https://f.vimeocdn.com/js/froogaloop2.min.js"></script> <script> $(window).load(function(){ var link_1_track = 26; … | |
Praises be to the gods! Just when I thought all hope was lost, not just one but two proper Java questions. Maybe the road to recovery starts here? |
The End.