32,205 Topics
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Hi, I'm trying to find a creative project for my Java Mini Project which has to be done this summer. I just cannot find satisfaction with most of the projects in 1000projects.org or any other website. I'm looking for a project which is moderately heavy to code and can be … | |
hi guys, j how are you all doing, i havent been here for a while, anyone miss me, jus kidding anyway i am trying to build this program, it is just a practice thing but I am getting this error and havent got a clue how to make it work … | |
How does a person go about adding an item to a queue within a gui? I have a textarea and a textfield. | |
hi ^_^ I want to write a code to set an (error) text in the Jtextfiled if the number contains more than 1 dot (eventHandling)! but my code actually didn't concatinate with the next digits I've enterded ,for example:(2. ) and stop ! so what is the right solution ?!! … | |
hi everyone :) I have a problem here >>which I can't add 2 numbers >> and I don't know what is the solution for that !!>>it always gives me an empty result !and that is because (num2) always parse a (null) value ! so how can I edit the value … | |
I'm painting a grid on the JPanel and trying to scroll the grid with a JScrollPane. I have a feeling the scrollpane is getting the actual size of the panel, instead of the size including what is not being shown. Something along those lines at least, I can't quite wrap … | |
Hello Everyone Im trying to call my paint method inside my ball class but cant seem to get it to work.Repaint wont call paint nor update Any help would be greatly appreciated public class Bounce2 extends Applet implements ActionListener,AdjustmentListener, Runnable { //Create and initialize objects private static final long serialVersionUID … | |
I have a GUI with two JSpinner's and a Spinner Model attached to each of them. When changing one value, the other changes. I suspect this is because I'm using the same model. This is obviously not what I intend to do, is there a better way than creating another … | |
Hi! Straight to the problem: I'm building this server application which will monitor SQL databases. I want it to remember any number of connections so I've made a few methods which I thought would do the trick, except they don't. The program should add any new SQL connection to a … | |
Hi guys I need help creating an unordered list of objects.I am supposed to create a file of name and phone number pairs, such that each name is on a separate line and each phone number is on a separate line. Then I am to edit the Phonetest and phone … | |
Hi, Im slightly stuck with a java project ive been asked to do. The problem is the game is a simon game so I the computer picks a letter randomly and the player has to copy it, if the player picks the wrong letter in the sequence the game informs … | |
i am working on an infix to postfix project and have reached a troubling point. one by one i must extract a string token from the string being inputted to the method infixtopostfix and one by one input them to the front of the deque named postfix. i dont understand … | |
How can I sum only the first and the last item in an array list? ex.: list = (300, 450, 150, 800, ...) | |
So, I've written a Custom Binary Format outline but I'm not sure how to translate it to code. I was looking for a few tips on where to get started? Here's my outline. MAPDATA { signature // U24 0x4D, 0x41, 0x50 (MAP) version // U8 0x01 width // U16 (MAX … | |
Hi, Guys. I'm calculating the correlation coefficient between two HashMaps of Stock Prices keyed on Dates. However, the Dates do not always line up perfectly. So, I need to line-up the two HashMaps by their Keys. Thus far, I'm creating two ArrayLists of the Dates, doing retainAll between them and … | |
i need to connect my PC to Micro controller through Bluetooth,to make it simple my PC will continuously send string to Micro controller depending upon string micro controller performs task ,can this post will be useful to my problem else can u please guide me? Thanks in advance | |
Hello my name is Leonard Norwood Jr. I'm doing a little Poker thing right now on my own time for practice, but I have a heck of a problem. I'm making two classes called Poker.java and PlayPokerDriver.java right now, and I'm almost finished by somewhere between initializing the decks I … | |
Hello Everyone Please share any complete example on protocol buffer with Java.I also need instruction to compile java code which use these protocol buffer (protobuf). | |
hi i want to convert string binary number to octal.how can i do it?. without using predefined methods in java help me thanks | |
how do I print all elements in an ArrayList?? this my code below. import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Write a description of class PetDatabase here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class PetDatabase { private String name; private String species; private int … | |
please help me. can you suggest the easiest system. loaning,inventory, etc i have to do the system asap. for my finals. if do you have a system using JFrame pls can you send it to me <EMAIL SNIPPED> Thank you very much .! | |
i need desperate help with this one nested loop program: 123454321 1234-4321 123---321 12-----21 (the '-'s are actually supposed to be spaces) | |
I need to make an app in Java that must add in a database all the files (with folder structure) from a hard drive. I need to add the metadata of this files as well. What it will be the best aproach ? Using SQLite with multiple tables or Neo4j … | |
Hello im a total noob in java, im learning game development, i made this game and when i thought i was finish i tested in another android with a smaller screen and puf all the game was ugly. I started rezing evrything by screen width, example batch.draw(position.x, position.y,Gdx.graphics.getWidth()/7, Gdx.graphics.getWidth()/7 ); … | |
I have two textarea in my code.I have a connect button and on click of connect it gets connected to the server. I have a send button. When i type anything in the first textarea and click send button it should be received back and printed in the second textarea. … | |
anybody can help me how i can run a java database program code in eclips software i have tried many times but give no result when run this please help me | |
can you anyone say How to Create a .dll file of java from the .net dll | |
Lets say I have a file like this: 'Line 1' "Line 2" "Line 3" | |
I am sending a file over datagram sockets, all of the packets arrive perfectly fine except the last one, since it does not fill the buffer of bytes when it is sent through the network those bytes in the array which didn't have data now have junk information that corrupt … | |
Is there anyone who can start discussion on "naive bayes classifier" |
The End.