32,205 Topics
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Hi Everybody ! I'm using Apache Axis to invoke web service from internet. I can access a web service wherein no input parameters are required , but whenever I have to pass input parameters, I can't invoke it. Can somebody help me to figure out the problem. Here is my … | |
#Tutorial - Content extraction using Apache Tika From the official website: > The Apache Tika™ toolkit detects and extracts metadata and text from over a thousand different file types (such as PPT, XLS, and PDF). All of these file types can be parsed through a single interface, making Tika useful … | |
I am a beginner and want to develop a stock analysis software just like yahoo finance interactive charts. How and where to start. Is there any existing library I can use? | |
the text file has more than one word. the user to put the input from the jtextfield and get the input related word from text file, to display the jlist how | |
package hw2; /** * This class encapsulates the logic and state for a simplified * game of American football. * * @author YOUR NAME HERE */ public class FootballGame { /** * Number of points awarded for a touchdown. */ public static final int TOUCHDOWN_POINTS = 6; /** * Number … | |
how to export my table data which is in mysql database to a csv file I am not getting any error or exception but my csv file is empty after successful running this code. code what i did: import java.io.FileWriter; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; … | |
I want to convert my python code in JAVA. Please help | |
Hello everyone, I am new to Regular expression, and would like some hints, please if someone can direct me to right place. I have a bunch of files in a directory, and i need to rename them based on certain pattern. I think I need to use regular expression to … | |
I've been trying to have a button (Arduino) change the fill color of an ellipse in Processing 3. I thought an if statement like `if(button == 0){ if(fillValue == rgb){ fill(0,0,0);}`or something more or less. So if some one has the awnser please help. | |
Hello to all! I have an order of a simple desktop pos which i will develop in java. Actually i have to develop this pos for a person who is owner of a hardware shop(nuts,bolts,nails, hammers and screw drivers etc.). He needs features as follows: 1-Automate his sales transaction i-e … | |
So i've made a Node class : public class IntNode { private int _value; private IntNode _next; public IntNode(int v, IntNode n) { _value = v; _next = n; } public int getValue() { return _value; } public IntNode getNext() { return _next; } public void setValue(int v) { _value … | |
Modify the Week Two Java non-GUI console application using NetBeans IDE (or jGrasp) to meet these additional and changed business requirements: • The company has recently changed its total annual compensation policy to improve sales. • A salesperson will continue to earn a fixed salary of $35,000.00. The current sales … | |
please , tell me how i should start making a simple search engine.......what are the things i will need to learn.And how should i proceed? | |
Hi , I want to display a calendar in frontend and then I want to retreive the date selected by user in another java file within same project. Please help how can i acheive this Regards, Shivali | |
Hello. In my editor shows that there is a syxtax error in this function. Does anyone knows whats the syntax error? !function(i,t){var e=function(i,t,e){var s;return function(){function n(){e||i.apply(o,r),s=null}var o=this,r=arguments;s?clearTimeout(s):e&&i.apply(o,r),s=setTimeout(n,t||150)}};jQuery.fn[t]=function(i){return i?this.bind("resize",e(i)):this.trigger(t)}}(jQuery,"smartresize"),function(i){i.Gal=function(t,e){this.element=i(e),this._init(t)},i.Gal.settings={selector:".item",width:225,gutter:20,animate:!1,animationOptions:{speed:200,duration:300,effect:"fadeInOnAppear",queue:!0,complete:function(){}}},i.Gal.prototype={_init:function(t){var e=this;this.name=this._setName(5),this.gridArr=[],this.gridArrAppend=[],this.gridArrPrepend=[],this.setArr=!1,this.setGrid=!1,this.setOptions,this.cols=0,this.itemCount=0,this.prependCount=0,this.isPrepending=!1,this.appendCount=0,this.resetCount=!0,this.ifCallback=!0,this.box=this.element,this.options=i.extend(!0,{},i.Gal.settings,t),this.gridArr=i.makeArray(this.box.find(this.options.selector)),this.isResizing=!1,this.w=0,this.boxArr=[],this._setCols(),this._renderGrid("append"),i(this.box).addClass("gridalicious"),i(window).smartresize(function(){e.resize()})},_setName:function(i,t){return t=t?t:"",i?this._setName(--i,"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(Math.floor(60*Math.random()))+t):t},_setCols:function(){this.cols=Math.floor(this.box.width()/this.options.width),this.cols<1&&(this.cols=1),diff=(this.box.width()-this.cols*this.options.width-this.options.gutter)/this.cols,w=(this.options.width+diff)/this.box.width()*100,this.w=w;for(var t=0;t<this.cols;t++){var e=i("<div></div>").addClass("galcolumn").attr("id","item"+t+this.name).css({width:w+"%",paddingLeft:this.options.gutter,paddingBottom:this.options.gutter,"float":"left","-webkit-box-sizing":"border-box","-moz-box-sizing":"border-box","-o-box-sizing":"border-box","box-sizing":"border-box"});this.box.append(e)}this.box.find(i("#clear"+this.name)).remove();var s=i("<div></div>").css({clear:"both",height:"0",width:"0",display:"block"}).attr("id","clear"+this.name);this.box.append(s)},_renderGrid:function(t,e,s,n){var o=[],r=[],a=0,h=(this.prependCount,this.appendCount),d=this.options.gutter,p=this.cols,c=this.name;i(".galcolumn").width();e?(r=e,"append"==t&&(h+=s,a=this.appendCount),"prepend"==t&&(this.isPrepending=!0,a=Math.round(s%p),0>=a&&(a=p)),"renderAfterPrepend"==t&&(h+=s,a=s)):(r=this.gridArr,h=i(this.gridArr).size()),i.each(r,function(e,s){var n=i(s),r="100%";n.hasClass("not-responsive")&&(r="auto"),n.css({marginBottom:d,zoom:"1",filter:"alpha(opacity=0)",opacity:"0"}).find("img, object, embed, iframe").css({width:r,height:"auto",display:"block","margin-left":"auto","margin-right":"auto"}),"prepend"==t?(a--,i("#item"+a+c).prepend(n),o.push(n),0==a&&(a=p)):(i("#item"+a+c).append(n),o.push(n),a++,a>=p&&(a=0),h>=p&&(h-=p))}),this.appendCount=h,this.itemCount=a,"append"==t||"prepend"==t?("prepend"==t&&this._updateAfterPrepend(this.gridArr,r),this._renderItem(o),this.isPrepending=!1):this._renderItem(this.gridArr)},_collectItems:function(){var t=[];return i(this.box).find(this.options.selector).each(function(e){t.push(i(this))}),t},_renderItem:function(t){var e=this.options.animationOptions.speed,s=this.options.animationOptions.effect,n=this.options.animationOptions.duration,o=this.options.animationOptions.queue,r=this.options.animate,a=this.options.animationOptions.complete,h=0,d=0;r!==!0||this.isResizing?(i.each(t,function(t,e){i(e).css({opacity:"1",filter:"alpha(opacity=1)"})}),this.ifCallback&&a.call(t)):(o===!0&&"fadeInOnAppear"==s?(this.isPrepending&&t.reverse(),i.each(t,function(s,o){setTimeout(function(){i(o).animate({opacity:"1.0"},n),d++,d==t.length&&a.call(void 0,t)},h*e),h++})):o===!1&&"fadeInOnAppear"==s&&(this.isPrepending&&t.reverse(),i.each(t,function(e,s){i(s).animate({opacity:"1.0"},n),d++,d==t.length&&this.ifCallback&&a.call(void 0,t)})),o!==!0||s||i.each(t,function(e,s){i(s).css({opacity:"1",filter:"alpha(opacity=1)"}),d++,d==t.length&&this.ifCallback&&a.call(void 0,t)}))},_updateAfterPrepend:function(t,e){var s=this.gridArr;i.each(e,function(i,t){s.unshift(t)}),this.gridArr=s},resize:function(){this.box.find(i(".galcolumn")).remove(),this._setCols(),this.ifCallback=!1,this.isResizing=!0,this._renderGrid("append"),this.ifCallback=!0,this.isResizing=!1},append:function(t){var e=this.gridArr,s=this.gridArrPrepend;i.each(t,function(i,t){e.push(t),s.push(t)}),this._renderGrid("append",t,i(t).size())},prepend:function(t){this.ifCallback=!1,this._renderGrid("prepend",t,i(t).size()),this.ifCallback=!0}},i.fn.gridalicious=function(t,e){return"string"==typeof t?this.each(function(){var s=i.data(this,"gridalicious");s[t].apply(s,[e])}):this.each(function(){i.data(this,"gridalicious",new i.Gal(t,this))}),this}}(jQuery); | |
is there anyway to improve my code's time complexity or memory's complexity ? (without using advanced methods - im a beginner) its a method that gets an array filled with zeroes and other numbers, and it changes each number(which is not a zero) to the distance of the closest zero … | |
i tend to make a method which compares between 2 strings, str1 and str2 and should return true in the terms: -every character in str1 must show up in str 2 at least once or more and in the same order -str2 must be the same length or longer than … | |
I wrote the program up, but I'm getting all types of errors. Which I'm new to this whole Java Application class. I keep getting errors : Please help. 1. employee is not defined. 2. NewSalesPerson is not defined. 3. UtilnumFormat is not defined. 4. Variable declaration not allowed here. 5. … | |
Part 2 to Salesperson Java Application, still new to this. class SalesPerson { /** * Fixed Salary */ final double fixedSalary = 35000; /** * Current Commission Rate */ public double curCommissionRate = 0.15; /** * Accrued Commission */ public double curCommission = 0; /** * Total Compensation */ public … | |
Just as the title says im trying to get the sum of a string's characters values, but in a recursive way and without for loops i tried to do this, but it says that a return type required? private stringSum(String s, int i) { if (i==a.length) return 0; return ((int)s.charAt(i)+ … | |
Moderator edit> Original text deleted Original post was just a copy of a homework brief. No effort shown, not even a question. Will everybody PLEASE read this advice before posting https://www.daniweb.com/programming/threads/435023/read-this-before-posting-a-question | |
Hi, I am creating a program that when you print an author, you must show all the information of all the books that the author has written. Add a new attribute in the Author class that will be "BooksWriting: List (Book)". I have expanded the program so that it also … | |
hi everybody I am currently creating a simulation of a pizza ordering system in object oriented program. I have some question. the instruction and guideline is long but I will try and cut it down a lot. the instruction is to create a program that simulate a pizza restaurant using … | |
Good Day Lets say i have a array of integers.... -always differs in length I need to know all the possibilities the numbers in the string have to add up to a certain number. let say 5; and my array contains 1,3,4,3,5,8,2,1; than the possibilites would be.... (3,2)(4,1)(3,1,1) But i … | |
source code for android games | |
i want retrive a multiple images from the database in java. pls help me. | |
Hey guys! Working on a project that I am stuck on at the moment! Any help would be really appreciated! I need to get my JLabel to display a count of the three differnet shapes my RandomShapesGenerator program. I know I need to use a String.format but just dont know … | |
public static void sentencesChecker(String essay) { int count = 0; int countcap = 0; int i , j; for ( i = 0; i < essay.length(); i++) { if (essay.charAt(i) == '.') { count++; } for ( char e= 'A'; e<='Z';e++) { if (essay.charAt(i)==e){ countcap++; } } } System.out.print("\n\t\t" + … |
The End.