32,204 Topics
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Here is my code for word count from command line. Ive got it reading what is in the command line but its not reading the file it just reading the words from the command line. [CODE]import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.*; public class WordCount { public static void main(String[] args) … | |
Hi Everyone, I am searching the most effective way of sorting a list of objects. Say i have a bean [CODE]public class MyClass { private string name; private string id; // Getters and setters } [/CODE] Now say we put some values in a List [CODE]List<MyClass> myClassList = new ArrayList<MyClass>(); … | |
Hi all! I'm making an MMO in Prof. Mark Overmars' GameMaker 7. I am making an applet for it, which I will embed into a webpage. When loaded, the applet will execute the .exe which will be stored in the same directory. Anywho, I want to make a loading bar … | |
Hi all, I have a question that , can we use java program as c++ program? Means, when we compile a c++ program we get a .exe file and we can run it anywhere or send to any one. Is the same possible in Java? As I know java creates … | |
Hi guys I would like some help with creation of Java ME class I have only been capable of coming up with the peudo-code Can someone please assist? Thanks CLASS ImageGetter Method 1: CREATE a connection to a remote server to request the image Method 2: RECIEVE the image and … | |
here I have code in python and now I want to transfer it in Java. import logging import urllib import re from waveapi import events from waveapi import model from waveapi import robot from waveapi import document from django.utils import simplejson from google.appengine.api import urlfetch def OnDocChanged(properties, context): #Get Contents … | |
Hi all, I'm writing a card game but I can't seem to set the cards in the deck. I'm getting a runtime exception error, whether I first try to set the suit or the rank. Here's my code: Card.java [CODE]public class Card { private String suit; private int rank; Card() … | |
I have a small desktop application created, i wan to create a login function for this. i have a database using MySQL which stores user name and password. i wan to know how to compare the user name and password entered in the text field with the data in the … | |
Hi all, I'm basic programmer of Java..I tried to use JFormattedTextField for the first time.. It's giving error in importing sentence only.. I hav written import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField; It shows error "Cannot resolve symbol class FormattedTextField" I don't know what the problem is..Everything seems right..Please help me.. | |
Write an addressBook class that manages a collection of Person objects,An addressBook object will allow the programmer to add,delete,or search for a Person object in the addressBook. code: import java util.*; class AdressBook{ private String person,inputstr; private int age; char gender; Person Bob; Bob=new Person(); for (int i=2;i<names.length-1;i++) names[i]=names[i+1]; for … | |
[CODE] public class TryCatchTest { public static void MyNumber(String x) throws TryCatchException1{ try{ String y = x.substring(0,200); }catch(TryCatchException1 e){ System.out.println("BBBBB"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(); }catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e){ System.out.println("AAAAAAA"); e.printStackTrace(); e.getMessage(); } } } class TryCatchException1 extends java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException{ TryCatchException1(){ super(); } TryCatchException1(String msg){ super(msg); } }[/CODE] why is my exception not caught on … | |
Ok following the suggestion from another user I have switched over to a GroupBagLayout. Following the java tutorial in hindsight this seems easier. But alas, I have ran into a problem which does not make any sense to me. See screenshot: [url]http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/1060/groupbaglayout.png[/url] I have started from a top down approach … | |
Hi, I want to connect the jasper report with netbeans...........If any know please reply..............thanks in advance. | |
hello guys... can you help me to find coding for grading system for my new assingment...( grade n grade point) grade A= 4.00 A- = 3.70 B+ = 3.50 B = 3.00 B- = 2.67 C+ =2.50 C = 2.00 C- = 1.67 D+ = 1.33 D = 1.00 E … | |
i think i have converted my application to an applet..... it use to read lines from a .txt file i have on my hard drive but now i want it to read a .txt file from a URL: [CODE]import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.JButton.*; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; … | |
Alright I'm trying to design a GroupLayout but running into troubles and lots of confusion...I have read the java tutorial on them and I'm still at a lost. Here is a makeshift design I painted: [url]http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/2757/grouplayout.png[/url] The thing that is stumping me is how do I go about stretching the … | |
Hi everyone. I am new to this website and I could use some major help. Basically, I am taking AP Computer Science and my teacher has no idea what he is doing. The school thinks that since he can do web design and adobe teaching, he can do java programming. … | |
I need to find the smallest index in an array, my math must be wrong because i am finding the smallest number not the smallest index. can someone check my smallestIndex method and give me some help? for example: if i put in these four numbers, 2 3 0 1, … | |
Hello all! I'm working on setting up a program to go about some files in a directory, do with them what I need, then delete. So, I started with the unfamiliar part for me, as the rest I am sure will be easy as pie. I tried to just write … | |
plz help me with code import java.io.*; public class FreqOrder { String[] word=new String[30]; int chars[]; public static void main(String... ar){ FreqOrder fc=new FreqOrder(); try{ fc.getWords();}catch(IOException e){} } public void getWords() throws IOException{ FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream("abc.txt"); StreamTokenizer st=new StreamTokenizer(fin); st.eolIsSignificant(true); st.wordChars(33,255); st.whitespaceChars(0,32); int i=0; int nooftoken=0,tokenno=0; while(st.nextToken()!=st.TT_EOF) { switch(st.ttype){ case … | |
Hi Everybody............ M programming in JAVA............... I want to display text in JTextArea .... The text to be displayed is [TEX]Unicode words[/TEX] which are stored in the MS Access Database in table and my applet is linked with MSAccess using DSNLess connection.... Any can tell me how to get Unicode … | |
Okay, I have read through all of the average grade java swing threads I could find on this site, but I can't seem to fix this problem. Everything seems to work correctly, but the average grade won't display in the JTextPane. I am going to get rid of the extra … | |
I got a project, it want us create a application that can keep track of your collection of DVD and allows a user add a new DVD to the collection. The DVD information contain Title, Category, Year and Rating. In this application must use list (ArrayList or Vector or LinkedList) … | |
hi, first time i am using 2D array, so not much familiar with this(just learning). below, in my program trying to return the values of 2D array that i m calling from different class and showing in JTable. its working but when i am using condition then getting some null/emty … | |
hey guys very sorry for creating a new thread here but i couldn't find my queries in available threads I just want to connect the java applets with mySQL database, so that the project i am working on, should move forward. Any suggestion would be thankful. The code specs would … | |
Hi, I am trying to learn exceptions using "throws". So , my code is [CODE]public class A { public static void main(String args[]) { A a = new A(); int x1; int x2; x1 = 7; x2 = 0; a.printer(x1, x2); } void printer(int x1, int x2) throws ArithmeticException{ System.out.println("Add: … | |
Hi there, I did not see an Android thread, but its pretty much an extension of J2SE so this is probably the best place for it.. I'm currently developing on minimum sdk version 3 (Android 1.5 - cupcake) and I'm having a strange unexplained issue that I have not been … | |
[CODE]public class Employee { private String name; private String SSN; private Employee e = new Employee("ME","MYSSN"); Driver x = new Driver(32); public Employee(){ } public Employee(Employee e){ this(e.name,e.SSN); } public Employee(String name, String SSN){ this.name = name; this.SSN = SSN; } public static void main(String [] args){ Employee e = … | |
Good Day! I'm a little bit lost right now on how to implement trees in java. We were ask to do a program that will display relationships (1st/2nd degree friends). I'm thinking of using vectors but our teacher said that we have to use Abstract Data Types (Trees). I've tried … | |
write a program using 'for' loop to display the following pattern, where '*' is displayed at a time |
The End.