32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Koldsoul

I am writing a method (public static void reverse(String word)) that accepts a String as an argument, then returns the word in reverse order. The easy way would be to just have the recursive method print each letter but that wouldn't be my instructor. He wrote the main and the …

Member Avatar for bobocqu
Member Avatar for jazza_hayward

hi im trying to check if two strings are equal but ignoring the vowels so that "hello" can equal "hallo" or even "hll". i have a recursive defination for looking at the vowels but i cant get it to work for ignoring the vowels. at the moment i get an …

Member Avatar for bobocqu
Member Avatar for gowrishg

Is it possible to establish a jdbc connection within the jar. The jar I will be using has the database file. For eg. The database used is sqlite. (uses file). The file is been archieved with the jar. How to initialize a jdbc connection with the db file in the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for tonief

I have 2 examples for inheritance in Java The first works but the second not. I wonder why. Does the extended class must implement constructor with [B]super()[/B] [code] class Counter { int i = 0; public Counter() { i=1; } Counter increment() { i++; return this; } void print() { …

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Member Avatar for AmyxD

Hey guys =] First I just wanted to say I am excited to have found this forum, it looks like the members are very helpful and friendly! Hopefully I'll be able to contribute what I can but I'm not very knowledgeable :P Anyway, I am to create a grading program(utilizing …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for ankie

Hello people, I am trying to run a simple web application using spring in eclipse. My directory structure is as follows: Java Resources: src A.java DispatchController.java Libraries: Spring.jar,Spring-webmvc.jar,Commons-logging.jar, WebContent: index.jsp view.jsp WEB-INF: web.xml dispatch-servlet.xml Application-context.xml I am using a Tomcat server. When i click on the link on my jsp …

Member Avatar for jsully1

I am taking a web design and development class and we have been thrown into MySQL along with java without much knowledge beforehand. Was wondering if anyone could help me with understanding how to query the database and update entries, as I am confused on how to accomplish this. I …

Member Avatar for jsully1
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

This is supposed to draw a line through the JButtons when square9 is clicked. It doesn't work but there are no errors and I don't see what the problem is. Ezzaral gave me the code to draw the line earlier. Obviously, the winning squares aren't always diagonal, so I will …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for onidarksheik

I'm currently writing a program that requires me to check several char values using a while statement and I keep getting the error "operator || cannot be applied to char, char". My code works fine with a single value but as soon as I add || or && I get …

Member Avatar for onidarksheik
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

I have a TicTacToe board and I need to draw a line through the X's or O's when someone wins. I know how to use the paint method, repaint, etc (as far as how they're called & the basics). I'm just not sure how to go about actually drawing the …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for dipsn

Thank you for reply. Actually I want to hash the URLs that I crawl and to index them. That's why I want the guidance on hashing.

Member Avatar for destin
Member Avatar for dimples09

I have this program and I have made the changes. Now I am trying to implement the stack within my code and im confused. I need to push the environment_types onto the stack but I dont know how. Here is what I have [code=syntax]int X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ; /* Evironment …

Member Avatar for destin
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi Folks, I am making an RMI call to a remost host (Weblogic) and am getting the following nested exceptions [code] weblogic.rjvm.PeerGoneException: ; nested exception is: java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Incoming message header or abbreviation processing failed ; nested exception is: java.io.InvalidClassException: com.ic.framework.exceptions.ExceptionLevel; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 2325229144791754421, local class …

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Member Avatar for britto

hi...... Im doing my main project... im creating an IDE for c,c++,java using java lang... i need to link the program written, to the c compiler... any ideas... then whr can i download the source code for net beans IDE

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for mahvash

Hi.. is there any way thwat i can convert my csharp tool to java, since now iam using linux and it doesnot support chsarp, i have to submit my final project in december so need urgent help... <snip>

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for allpool

Ok here is my problem ive got no code as not sure were to start java is a mare for me im not sure im undersatdning it very well. problem: Times Table Tester 2 rand numbers between 1 and 12 displayed on screen 2?3=6 the operator is also calculated using …

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Member Avatar for freudian_slip

Hey all, I use Windows XP and atm, I need to increase the memory allocated from default 64M(i think?) to 500M. So I'm in the directory where the jar file is (I'm using JFLAP if anybody is familiar with it, it's for statemachines/automata) and i type the following: java -Xmx500m …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for edensigauke

hello everyone. i have been trying to code an MP3 player, but Java does not support this, it only supports wav, thus wma, mp3 and other music or audio formats are denied. i thought of incoporating a converter, but still the converter is even failing to make the conversion: here …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sakkiharry

Hello , Can any one tell me the major differenses between JCanvas3D and Canvas3D? Using Canvas3D in my application is affecting the Lightweight components. Can I use JCanvas3D instead of Canvas3D? Is there any way to achieve transparency using JCanvas3D? Thanks&Regards, Hariprasad

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for manelBH

hi all, I should develop a print server using tcp connection to test on an embedded system, The print server should accept more than one client but it shouldn't serve the client i+1 until serving the client i without saving the flux in the buffer because it isn't enough space …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for zyaday

I have these java packages, There are different games in java with menus, buttons and everything. Now i want my software to be jsut like the other softwares which one can install and use. My problem is I don't know how to create a set up file in java. I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sakkiharry

Hello , Can any one tell me the major differenses between JCanvas3D and Canvas3D? Using Canvas3D in my application is affecting the Lightweight components. Can I use JCanvas3D instead of Canvas3D? Is there any way to achieve transparency using JCanvas3D? Thanks&Regards, Hariprasad

Member Avatar for DeadJustice

I can add a new node if the head is empty, but I can't attach a new node. Instead I get a null pointer error. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong. I think I've been staring at this for too long. EDIT: Forgot to say I'm adding the Nodes …

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Member Avatar for jbennet

Okay i need this quick please i am kind of stuck basically i have got to find the highest and lowest numbers out of four integers. Is there a function in java.math or do i need to make one using a loop maybe?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for dnmoore

I have the following GUI code but my JLabel for results doesn't work when either of the buttons are pushed [code] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class TempConverterPanel extends JPanel { private JLabel input, results; private JButton output_f, output_c; private JTextField temp, fahrenheit, celsius; public TempConverterPanel() { setLayout …

Member Avatar for dnmoore
Member Avatar for programmingme

I need to make this program pass by reference. How can I do that? [CODE] import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Convert { static Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); public static void main(String[] args) { int pounds; int lb; int oz; int totalOz; int lbs; int ozs; int totalOzs; //Calling …

Member Avatar for programmingme
Member Avatar for MrDiaz

Hello, I'd like to create a function that accepts two objects and compares properties between them. Example [code=java]public boolean (obj1, obj2){ if obj1.property1 = obj2.property2 return true else return false } [/code] How can I do this?

Member Avatar for MrDiaz
Member Avatar for vladdy191

I'm trying to read in a text file character by character. However, when I try to read it in it using the readChar method in DataInputStream it gives me a IOException. Heres what I have so far [CODE] FileInputStream stream; try { // Open an input stream stream = new …

Member Avatar for destin
Member Avatar for gowrishg

Developing an applet , which queries information from database and displays. Database used is sqlite. Application Envi:: Application runs on the local machine and the database file is present locally. The application is run inside Web browser and not in the appletviewer. Due to security restrictions, applet doesn't allow application …

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Member Avatar for AirmanTheGreat

Sorry to everyone, I figured this out just after I posted, But i do still have another question, For a certain operation I am required to use log's in determining a variable for example Var3=log(Var1/Var2)/log(8) but java doesnt seem to accept log. What is the appropriate way to use logarithm? …

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The End.