15,127 Topics
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I'm making a administration panel which is generated with Jquery's live and post it works fine.Inside the generated page I'm trying to be able to edit a user in their respective rows so i want to run a post function to retreive the input of a textfield and onkeyup use … | |
How can i make an ajax request through a link, i mean when i click on link <a href=.... it sends an ajax request to a php file which shows in my case a table? | |
Im new to Javascript stuff especially on JSON and Jquery. I have successfully implement the monthly view of FullCalendar but is there anyway to show or pop up the dayview based on the date when user clicked on monthly view? Any help would be much appreciated. | |
I wrote a code below. What I am trying to do here is, when the three right cells are selected, it should show a message saying "Right" , if not then should say "Try again". So far my code only highlights the cells. I am wondering how do I proceed … | |
Hi, I am working on google charts.Below code is showing tooltip in case of core graph. I am trying to show tooltip in case of Table chart. need sugestions corechart code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawVisualization); function drawVisualization() { data = new google.visualization.DataTable() data.addColumn('string', … | |
As many of you know, DaniWeb now has an API. It (optionally) uses OAuth 2.0 and it supports both server-side and client-side implementations. The server-side method I have down pat. However, I had to hack together the clientside implementation, and although it works, I'm not sure it's done "correctly". I … | |
Hi, I am using Kendo Web UI and am trying to filter a listView using multiple rangeSliders. I've seen a few examples of filtering, but never with a listview using range sliders. Pretty much all of the examples I've seen involve filtering a grid with a dropdown. I am curious … | |
So, i want to display data from a table in my db (Mysql), i click the buttonto get the data, it sends request via Ajax and Ajax calls getdata.php file. The table which is supposed to return the data returns in everyfield the written code like "$head" and "$value". I … | |
Is there anyway to view/download binary files from a folder in my server with Ajax? If not in ajax, in php? Can you show me any tutorial or page which shows this? | |
Hello, I'm trying to display a message depending on the value of an input field. But it stops working when going back to default. Here's the JQuery code: $(document).ready(function(){ test(); }); function test() { $('#quantity').keyup(function(){ var quantity = $('input:text#quantity').val(); if(isInteger(quantity)) { var msg = false; if(quantity > 1) { msg … | |
I have a button which uploads a background image to a folder and saves the file name to the database, but I cant figure how to re size the image before uploading it. Actually I am facing two problems. 1 - How to resize the image and upload it. 2 … | |
i want to add multiple texboxes on button click and store that value in database can any one help me out how to do this i know some javascrip and jquery neede but don't know how to store the all texbox value to database because for multiple texboxes in database … | |
Hi guys, I'm looking for comments and suggestions regarding the use and place of jquery/ajax in site development. I know jquery allows a lot of cool stuff and so does ajax, but when a site becomes heavily based on these tools, the use of PHP dwindles. I am used to … | |
here is the code, var images2 = ['images/index_19.jpg', 'images/details_10.jpg', 'images/index_23.jpg']; $(document).ready(function() { setInterval(forwardImage2, 4000); //This function will find the key for the current Image function currentImageKey2() { i = jQuery.inArray($('#slideshow2').attr('src'), images2); return i; } //This function will move the slideshow forward one function forwardImage2() { currentImageKey2(); if (i < images2.length … | |
I am not the greatest on javascript and was hoping someone could give me some help. I am trying to pass to the parent form action field from the child. The line I have in the child now which is not working is: `window.parent.document.forms['stopForm'].action = "command_stop_15264.cgi";` I've tried a few … | |
i want to select items from the result set using the arrow keys as well as the mouse how do i do this the code i added doesnt seem work work and i think its incomplete: $(document).ready(function() { $('.dropdown').hide(); $('.autosuggest').keyup(function (e) { // we also have to check if user … | |
Hello guys, I have some questions : * how can i play a sound when the contentChat.php is new. * How can i make a loading message? > <script type="text/javascript"> > setInterval(function() { > $('#contentChat').load('contentChat.php'); > }, 1000); > </script> Thank you for your help! Sanchixx | |
I am trying to add the ability to add an href to specific pictures in my slideshow, however I am not sure how to create an href in javascript or jquery, I have searched all over, however my web searching skills are weak and I have thus far been unable … | |
Hai everybody, <div class="whatever styledark myclass"></div> I'm interested in the search-add class. This can be search-cancel, search-remove I want to get this class name when i click on the div, how i do i change this class name to other classes in the div. onclick success remove class seaech-cancel and … | |
Hello, here's my problem. I am building an administration page that displays the users where you can edit or delete them. This page is built using jquery's $.Post ajax function and I am trying to nun jquery inside the page that is called by $.post but it doesn't work at … | |
I have a table that is populated by database and each of the rows is a from with a submit button. The idea is there is a drop down selection and upon selecting it then submitting the form updates the database. The problem is that the row form does not … | |
Hey All. Have a question. I have this situation: in JavaScript I have a parent window that opens a child window using window.open(). Now, through the course of the whole thing, comes a point where the child refereshes the parent window using opener.location.reload(). After the reload happens, I have realized … | |
Hi, I have taken the following code from youtube. As it is, without the function wrapper, it work in the address bar, tho I would like to modify it and call it to operate in one of my own pages. I need help to figure out how this can be … | |
Hey everyone So I attempting to recreated one of my game I created in flash to HTML5 with EnchantJS. I originally got my basic images to display but then because I have to have a grid of 6x6 squares, constantly typing everything over and over again gets annoying. So I … | |
Hi all, I have taken a script about **sliding text** from net. It has usage method. but inside it there is function that has four parameters and one of them was used. I dont understand it. Can you help me to understand it? below is script. in this script i … | |
I have a listener on canvas for whenever I click on it. At certain moments (like when a checkbox is checked) I want to disable that listener and make clicking on it do nothing. How do I do this? jQuery is allowed. | |
Hi, I am using jpgraph library for creating graph of patients and displaying their growth chart. The data is displaying correctly. But I want to add tool tip on each point that which point is pointing to which patient. When the user hovers on the point. The jgraph is creating … | |
Here is my code: $(document).ready(function () { $(".submit-text").click(function () { var startdate = $("#startdate").val(); /*This line returns mm/dd/yyyy */ var starttime = $("#starttime").val(); /*This line retruns hr:min AM/PM */ var dtstart = new Date("startdate" + starttime); alert(dtstart); }); }); ****On alert it displays invalid date... but if I use.. var … | |
Hello I know the title is horribly explained.... I want to store about Bob his name (string), last name (string), and age (integer). Basically that; Im thinking about a 3 demensional array. Would this be correct? Also I want easy; I dont care if it takes up more memory of … | |
can anyone help me with this error? INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11 on this line hr.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); |
The End.