15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for pucivogel

I want to check for duplicates when inserting a new contact in my database, then showing a msg that the contact is already in the db. this is what i've done: function isDuplicate(names,phone,email,adresa){ var isduplicate=false; for(var i=0;i<addresslist.length; i++){ if(addresslist[i].names.toLowerCase()==names.toLowerCase() && addresslist[i].phone.toLowerCase()==phone.toLowerCase()&& addresslist[i].email.toLowerCase()==email.toLowerCase()&& addresslist[i].adresa.toLowerCase()==adresa.toLowerCase() ){ isduplicate=true; } } return isduplicate; } …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Ryujin

We list our daily opening/closing hours on a Google Calendar as Events. After some struggles with the Javascript API, we are *almost* able to extract the hours (events) for today and for tomorrow to embed elsewhere on the site -- but at 7pm local time (EST in the US) it …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Rizi004

Hi there, I m using jquery ajax function to get the data from server and i m getting the data in associative array on success, but now i want to convert that associative array in javascript, how i can convert PHP associative array in javascript array. Waiting for your quick …

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Member Avatar for numele

I have searched and have not found exactly what I need. I have a webpage with an iframe on the same domain. The function of the webpage is a form to select network elements and input commands to run on the devices. The real time output with the output is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for methuselah90

Is it possible to link jQuery menu to tabs? For example if the user selects "By Filter" in the menu below I want it to open up the Search By Filters tab. How can I achieve this? JS $("#menu").menu(); $("#search").tabs(); HTML <ul id="menu" style="border: 0px; background:none"> <li><a id="2" style="cursor: pointer">Search</a> …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ms061210

Hello, i'm kinda starting to feel out of my mind now. I am creating a simple web game. I am now in the process of putting some php codes here in game to have scores.My problem is that, My game's top score is the person who played the game very …

Member Avatar for ms061210
Member Avatar for fheppell

I need to have a script that warns users of leaving without saving changes $(document).ready(function () { $('input').change(function () { window.onbeforeunload = function () { return "You still have unsaved changes!" }; }); }); I found this code, but it goes off when I click the submit button, which is …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for livlikestar.jame

Problem : String : Hello World Output : H occured 1 times e occured 1 times l occured 3 times o occured 2 times W occured 1 times r occured 1 times d occured 1 times How to do it in Javascript...

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for oishi

I am trying to load php file with jquery into div. The php file contains pagination. However, when i tried it, it seems that, the jquery is not working. But, when I access it in website directly, its working. Do you have any idea how can I load the php …

Member Avatar for oishi
Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural

I am interested to know how styles work in textarea. when i am posting a question on this site, I type my text in the text area and i am adding styles to it like making selected text bold and also displaying the same on the html page. how does …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mpc123

Hi Hope someone can help with this. I have javascript set up how i want it in a normal html page but now need to ensure i can call a result using php with it. My code throws out an error The code states Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, …

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Member Avatar for tomparker

This may be a little 'outside the box' as far as mega menu's go, but I'm trying to do a 'flyout' or submenu off of a mega. Take a look at http://morningstartv.com, and hover over 'Channels'. When 'Sunday Services' is hovered over, I want a menu to appear to the …

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Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural

Hi i am working with an web application. in my webapp on the browser i am intiating an ajax call to update part of the page. I get the response as html from the server and i will insert the complete response into the div which displays it. I got …

Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural
Member Avatar for LOI_SE

I'm writing a VB.NET software application in which I want to plot some placemarks on a google map which is in a webbrowser control in the application. weburl = applicationpath & "/googlemaps.html" WebBrowser1.Navigate(weburl) To accomplish this I call a javascript function from VB.net in this button event: Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for mano7859

Hi :) I don' know how to hide some div with special class. This is my html code: <div id="subMain"> <div id="archivesResult_Content"> <div id="box"> <div id="categorie" cat="2"> ... </div> </div> <div id="box"> <div id="categorie" cat="14"> ... </div> <div id="categorie" cat="5"> ... </div> <div id="categorie" cat="14"> ... </div> </div> <div id="box"> …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for vinaysrk

`Inline Code Example Here`i have a page defalt.aspx <body> <div id="content"></div> </body> and i have genereated dynamic div through jquery reference to id "content" like #(document).ready(function(){ var a=$("#content"); $(a).append("<div class="scrollbar"><%--some content here-----%></div>") }); this above jquery work fine and seen in inside the "content" when i run the default.aspx but …

Member Avatar for menakshi
Member Avatar for pucivogel

I have this part of code, ajax will call a function saveContact with parameters name, phone, email, address, is this code ok? $.ajax({ url: 'addressbook.php', data: 'action=saveContact()','&name='+name+'&phone='+phone+'&email='+email+'&adresa='+adresa; dataType: 'json', type: 'post'

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for kitschkath

Hi there~ I am kinda coding a verrry simple information system which uses Javascript. I am not familiar with JS and I only know the basics, but maybe what I'll ask is a veeery simple one but oh well, should I be asking if I found a solution after searching …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural

i have to display a combo box with some dynamic values that comes from the database when user checked a checkbox on the currently being viewed html page. I am getting dynamic values from the webserver as json or xml. Now i have take the values from the json or …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for Violet_82

hi chaps, I am having some trouble decoding this regex in a javascript (wasn't entirely sure whether javascript was the right place to post this since it has more to do with regex). I am very new to it - this is the first time I look into that - …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Kavya_1

how could i run a javascript means with what extension i have to save it

Member Avatar for James_Smith
Member Avatar for scaiferw

I have a lab management webapp that lists servers on my network. With a click in IE I can open a terminal services session to that server. The code - shown below - works in IE, but not in chrome or firefox. Can anyone suggest how I can make this …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Travus

I am trying to submit a form using JavaScript however when I click my button the text in the form disapers but nothing is sent or posted to my php script. <?php require_once("../content/includes/validation.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Contact | Buffalo Bridal Association</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="" …

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Member Avatar for mehar89

It show error in the dreamweaver $('#left_bar .cart-info').append('<div>'+localStorage["myid"] = document.getElementById("myid").value =parseInt(localStorage["myid"] || "0", 10) + 1;+'<input id="myid" type="text" name="itemquantity[]" value="1"/></div>');

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello Im trying to modify something when clicking on a input text field. The id of that field is cart[1223686][qty]. Tried your standard: $j("#cart[1223686][qty]").click(function() { alert("Handler for .click() called."); }); But nothing. What is wrong? (Yes, $j is correct)

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for Venter

Hi i'm trying to save the data in local storage.But it Works Correctly As My code.But i want to save the data in different Manner. Here is my code Snippet Walk Through It And MAke Corrections.... <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> //function for \to check whether the input value is …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for mehar89

how to increment the input field value in javascript on page load?? for example <input type="text" name="itemquantity[]" value="1"/> after page load it should be like <input type="text" name="itemquantity[]" value="2"/> and so on on next page loads any help???

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for pucivogel

Can anyone explain me better the conpcept of the webservice. I'm using wamp for a school project, i'm creating an adress-book with JSON and AJAX. The Deitel's one if you have encounteered it before. I have the deitel's code and simply want to implement it in my website. It's requesting …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for JayJ

I think I'm just having one of those weeks where whatever I try to get this work simply does not work. At one stage I did not think that I was far off solving this problem, but now I feel as if I'm further away from the solution. I'm simply …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for ckjaseem

Hi , Can anyone tell how I will send the local time zone to the server and so that I can convert the unix time(coming from the database) to the local time and display it on the clients side using php (In short I dont want to use javascript when …

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The End.