15,127 Topics
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hi, i am using autcomplete to call my php page which displays results. all is working except when they click off the list it does not hide the search results again. so searching works and so does selecting from the results but if they did not want to select a … | |
I've got 4 great ideas for websites that I'd like to make. I've created the layout of each within photoshop, however, I have no real experience with html/css/php/javascript so that I could actually bring it into code. 1. Where's a good place to start learning web design/development (html/css/php/javascript)? 2. Would … | |
Hi all. I have got a code that detects the most mobile devices except Samsung Galaxy S3 (there may be other exceptions as well). Please advice how is it possible to detect the device Samsung Galaxy S3. My code is: <script type="text/javascript"> var isMobile = { Android: function() { return … | |
Hi can someone guide me how to write these code in oop? <script type="text/javascript"> return answer; var rslt=0; var answer= ""; var a,b,c; var fill = new Array(50); function Random(min,max) {return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;} function myTwoDArray(){ var string=""; var myArray= new Array (20); var … | |
I need to generate a pattern contain 3 numbers , 1 '+' or '-' and '=' in any order. for eg: 2 3 + = 5, - 4 3 = 1 ..... How can i do this? | |
I'm developing using Apache Cordova and currently testing on Android phone. The problem I'm having is when I click on something (a link, a box) it gets highlighted for a second before it's associated action occurs. Is this something I can disable in css, using cordova, or another method> | |
Hi, I'm developing a new website and wanted this to fit all screen resolutions type, so intuitively thought that eliminating the use of 'px' totally and using '%' to define dimensions would be better. Is this the right way to achieve what I'm trying to achieve? The strangest thing I … | |
Hi All, i was just wondering that can i store the data of a form using html,javascript. firstly i thought of using localstorage or session storage in html but if i save the data in my form others cant see the data if they open that page, and if i … | |
I don't know how to quite word this question but I was wondering how to make some jquery interact with programs outside the browser. For instance, if something is clicked on the website of a particular company, and a software from that company is installed I'd like to be able … | |
I would like to solved out the SESSION part in ALL files. SESSION is not working properely anymore. In addition, i need to solved out the javascript errors. Objective is to access the *dashboard.php and other pages* from LOGIN.php and CREATEACCOUNT.php **WITH validation and SESSION**. There are two files: login.php … | |
Hi I have a textbox and a button on a html page. On click of button I want to save the value in the textbox to a particular cell of the excel file I have written the following code [code] var ExcelSheet = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); ExcelSheet.Workbooks.Open("D:\\TEST.XLS"); // Make Excel visible … | |
Hi how can i randomnize the index of this array? var arr = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20"); i want to return the index of the array randomnly. Any help? | |
Hello, I have downloaded the plugin maskedinput from: [Click Here](https://github.com/digitalBush/jquery.maskedinput) Trying to use it on a site I am developing with codeigniter and foundation framework, the index.html file that comes with it works well on my site, I get this error: TypeError: $(...).mask is not a function The jquery files … | |
Hi i create a table and fill it randomnly with operand and operators. Now i want to retrieve every 3 element in each row. For example, have a look at the image i have uploaded, I want to retrieve : + 4 + 4 + 10 + 10 + 10 … | |
I want to retrieve every 3 elements in rows and push it in another array. for Ex:retrieve array index [0,1,2] [1,2,3] [2,3,4] [5,6,7] [8,9,10] it goes on like this for all rows. Can someone help? function drawTable() { var div_id = document.getElementById('div1'); var tbl = document.createElement("table"); tbl.setAttribute("id","table_id") ; tbl.setAttribute("border","1") ; … | |
Hello, I"m try to add hidden input by ajax, and i succeed but not 100% I want to add the inputs when a user select a value from select. but the selects not constant, maybe in the page one select or two or three. it's related to another thing. I … | |
Im trying to set a session variable using AJAX but it doesnt seem to work: This is my PHTML page: <?php session_start(); ?> //SOME CODE <script type="text/javascript"> $j(document).ready(function() { var variablecalle=$j("#listadetiendas").val(); var data = 'calle='+variablecalle; $j.ajax({ url: '../../updatesession.php', type: 'POST', data: data }) }); Then this is my "updatesession.php" page: … | |
Hey everyone! I'm looking forward to being a part of the community. I'll answer questions when I can, and I'll be posting questions for you 'gurus' out there that can shed some light on problems that I encounter. Recently I've been getting more into responsive design on the WordPress platform. … | |
I can't seem to get the jquery ui autocomplete to allow spaces as it ends the query. I need to be able to type a users first and lastname name and have the results returned, however on pressing space between the first and last name the query ends. I've tried … | |
Hi can someone help? I'm creating a 2 dimensional Array with a table but its not displaying anything. why this? var totalRows = new Array(10); function drawTable() { var div1 = document.getElementById('div1'); var tbl = document.createElement("table"); // creating rows for (var i = 0; i < totalRows.length; i++) { var … | |
I found a script but i cant make it to work to detect ie 9. need some assistance! http://www.devslide.com/labs/browser-detection | |
Hi all, Im trying to get some data from an Ajax callback and use it in another function (from a php file). I was just wondering if there was a way to pass data returned from the callback to another function. I could just do the function at success but, … | |
hi how can i implement a timer (minute-second-millisecond) using simple javascript? It will increment when click on a button. | |
is it posible to pass information held inside a MySQL database into a javascript array using PHP code? something like: $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uploads WHERE ref_id = '$refID'"); //javascript below var array = new Array() while(<?php echo $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)?>) { array.push(<?php echo $row['name']; ?>) } or am … | |
Hi. I have a php file with image links(mysql data) in one div, when a link is clicked the product_id is sent to another php file that builds the html to display all images(in another mysql table) with that product_id in another div. Someone else helped me out withsome ajax … | |
I want to add and delete 3nos of text field and label in a row dynamically using Add and delete button in javascript. Is any one help me in this regard... | |
is there any way to pass a variable from php into a variable in javascript? or do I need to revert to AJAX to get this done? | |
Sorry for everything being marked as code. It wouldn't let me post it unless I did (and, yes, I did try using the Inline Code option as you can see by the single quotes around much of what is written here). I have a page with an updatepanel that contains … | |
Hello people, I need an idea with u. I need to draw a grid 10 by 10 and then randomnly fill it with numbers, operators + - and =. then user will need to swap number or operator or equal sign to make matches like this 2+3 = 5. It … | |
Hi Guys, I've been searching the internet over this one for days now and am even more confused, so I hope you can point me in the right direction. I am basically trying to create a 3 tier cascading dropdown based on country/city/states. I'm using the following code to create … |
The End.