15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for davidp994

I have code which displayed a person's info in a table(fields:name, surname, address, etc.) and one of the inputs is a checkbox. The code is as follows: $("#table").append('<tr class="trow'+j+'">'+ '<td class="ids" id="z'+i+'">'+totrecs+'</td>'+ '<td>'+member[i].jdate+'</td>'+ '<td class="users" '<td id="contact'+i+'">'+member[i].fname+' '+member[i].lname+'</td>'+ '<td id="myaddress'+i+'">'+member[i].address1+' '+member[i].town+'</td>'+ '<td><input type="checkbox" name="whome" id="showMe'+i+'"'+ 'class="boxes" onclick="getMe('+i+')" /></td></tr>'); totrecs++; j++; …

Member Avatar for radow
Member Avatar for McLaren

Yesterday I accidentally found game creator for html5. https://www.scirra.com/ I follower beggingers tutorial and in more than 2 hours I created a game where player walks in the terrain, and zombies are attacking him. Player shooot them, then those zombies explode. I cannot imagine how much time it would have …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for scholarwithfire

Hello guys, im writing a calendar booking system and i want to populate a combobox where it will only show the time that has not been reserved based on the data inside database. The problem is, i'm using javascript to return the date when user clicked on the calendar and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for flynismo

Hi all, I'm pretty new to jQuery, and have no idea where to start with this issue that I am having. What I am trying to do is this: On my website, members are allowed to send messages to each other. What I would like to happen is that when …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DEAD TERMINATOR

I am working on a drag and drop tic tac toe game. I had everything working, including the function to check for a winner. Then I added a function to deal with which player's turn it is with the idea being that whichever player's turn it isn't, their images are …

Member Avatar for ttkh2011

I'm trying to pass the youtube URL to the embed src. It's working in Firefox but not IE or Chrome. Can someone please help me? <script> function videoplaying() { var myvideo = "http://www.youtube.com/v/2wBe3SDCcz8"; var myEmbed = document.getElementById("myvideo"); myEmbed.setAttribute("src", myvideo); return false; } </script> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="videoplaying();">Video</a>

Member Avatar for Sogo7
Member Avatar for angelali2013

Ok, this is not a question where I am having issues, but seeking an advise from you on JQuery plugin development. We have to agree, there are many JQuery plugins in different categories such as image gallery, form validations, effects and so on. I was about to create a basic …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I managed to get the tutorial from the below link to work. http://www.blueicestudios.com/chained-select-boxes-using-php-mysql-ajax/comment-page-11/#comment-34199 I would love to know how to edit this script so as to get the first dropdown to populate an already existing dropdown without the loader image and without the hiding of any dropdowns. I would …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for leffects

Good day to you all am a newbie in this forum and am new to java script and programming I need a script that can generate students grades and performance. pls i need somebody that can put me through. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I want to display message box. I don't know why it is not working. Instead of "Already Registered..!!" message it displays " Duplicate entry 'test' for key 'nom' " . Thanking you in advanced. $query = " SELECT * FROM Humeur_log WHERE prenom = '".$prenom."' AND nom = '".$nom."' AND …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for Asan23

i am having a problem getting my js file to work with my html file here is my jsfile function calculateTotal () { var hours = document.getElementByName("hours")[0].value; alert(please enter a number) var payrate = document.getElementByName("payrate")[0].value; alert(please enter a number) var pay = document.getElementByName("pay")[0].value; if (hours <= 40){ pay = (hours …

Member Avatar for dcdruck
Member Avatar for ttkh2011

I have this code that is working on Firefox but not on IE or Chrome. Can someone please help? Thanks!! <object width="533" height="300"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2wBe3SDCcz8"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2wBe3SDCcz8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="533" height="300" id="myvideo"> </embed> </object> <script> function videoplaying() { var myvideo = "http://embed.break.com/MjM4NTM2Ng=="; var myEmbed = document.getElementById("myvideo"); …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hello, could you explain me why in my code it does not work when I put the ball with the mouse inside red road path. http://pasteboard.co/BtiWYXE.png I think it 'thinks' that the space inside red is not empty and pushes the ball out. What could I do? http://images.thumbshots.com/image.aspx?cid=1162&v=1&w=300&url=http://www.html5canvastutorials.com/labs/html5-canvas-physics-engine-with-curve-detection/ I was …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for Mitnick06

**can u help me how to convert a pdf to docx file extension using a php or javascript?**

Member Avatar for SautinSoft
Member Avatar for rooparaj

Hi everybody, I am facing problem in javascript. I got javascript code for menu creation. That code is saved as menu.jc file. My Doubts are: 1) How do i use in my mainpage.aspx? 2) How do i create dll file for this javascipt file so that i can use it …

Member Avatar for aaaa222
Member Avatar for angelali2013

Hi, I am new here. Well, I made a rich text editor using IFrame and document.execcomand. All is ok, except I want to add something like displaying the HTML code of the text written in the IFrame to a div or a textarea. For example, if someone has typed "Hello", …

Member Avatar for angelali2013
Member Avatar for keltik

I found this script which generates a row in a table. I additionally want it to alter the name-field of the row it generates, because the data of each newly generated row is needed to be saved into a database later. However clicking only creates a row without renaming the …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for SMode55

I wrote a very simple validating script and I can't see what am I missing it just won't run at all <title>Untitled Document</title> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script> <SCRIPT type "text/JavaScript"> (function checkform(){ var user = document.getElementById('user').value; if (user.lenght<5) { $("#username_error").html("Please enter a Username"); return false; } else {return true} }) (function checkuser(){ …

Member Avatar for SMode55
Member Avatar for M4rt1985

Ok so i have created a Javascript/PHP/Ajax application. I have a sequence of 6 select boxes. The first is hardcoded in HTML. When you change the selection it sends a variable via Ajax to PHP which uses the variable to query the database. When the second box changes it then …

Member Avatar for M4rt1985
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey everyone, I'm having a trouble with the navigation bar when redirecting users to other pages. For example, if a user logs in, then they will be redirected to the main page (mysite/index.php) but the url displays as mysite/login.php which is the pure PHP script that doesn't contain any HTML …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for waynesargent

Hello everyone. I am new here but have lurked quite a lot. I have multiple forms that contain drop downs that need to be summed together. My current JS passes through a couple check box values then calculates. All of this works swimmingly. The place I have been getting stuck …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for AliHurworth

Evening all, I'm trying to create a javascript loop to output a range of radio buttons numbered 1 to 10. This is part of a form, which will display the input on the next page. So I have two problems. For testing only, I'd like to alert the value of …

Member Avatar for adam.adamski.96155
Member Avatar for DrChocolate

Dear All, With help from you all, I have a successful instant search on the current draft of our website. I'd love help with three minor issues of following convention: 1) Clicking on your link of choice brings about its appearance in another window -- that makes going back difficult …

Member Avatar for DrChocolate
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm creating a table with X amount of rows (Importing from a Database table). I need to be able to click on a row in the table (any specified row), and onClick, the row number that was clicked on must be printed. Can anyone give me some advice on …

Member Avatar for ChandraSekaranU
Member Avatar for rpjanaka

[COLOR=SeaGreen][COLOR=Black]hi all, in javascript normaly page redirection can be done as follow with a parameter. [/COLOR] window.location = "add-new-cos.jsp?id="+id; [COLOR=Black]but this id value is send to the next page with in the GET method. but i want to send it with the POST method. is there any way to do …

Member Avatar for NavedAhmed
Member Avatar for davidp994

hi, I am generating records through php/sql, as u can see the code displays 5 records, what Im trying to do is program so that when the next button is pressed the next 5 records will show?? any help much appreciated thank you, the code - function show(qstring,qtype){ $("#vsdiv").show(); var …

Member Avatar for dcdruck
Member Avatar for HelloJarvis

So I'm working with popovers using Twitter Bootstrap. I want to change the popover's content dynamically later on in my program, so after setting the popover: $("#test").popover(selector:$("#test")); $("#test").html("test"); I try setting the selector of the popover so I can manipulate it later. This doesn't work, however, so how do I …

Member Avatar for HelloJarvis
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, This is my website: [website](http://www.rustoleum-indonesia.com/Rustoleum1-3.php) I would like to include [google map](http://gmap.nurtext.de/examples.html) I have been trying to replace the static map with another type of map just like map #3 Well, the one that I have been working on is still offline. This is the only code that I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Phil Moore

Hi all. I'm wondering if anyone can point me to some javasript that is easy to set up for tabbed tables?

Member Avatar for Phil Moore
Member Avatar for fcvolunteer

I'm working on a dynamic form where based on a visitors selection of radio buttons certain <div> text and additional fields are shown or hidden. I would like to make some of these additional fields required but only if they are shown. (I tried making them required even when they …

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The End.