15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for xega

Hi I've been searching for an example on how to created multiple dropdown lists in Ajax and finally managed to find one: [URL="http://www.coursesweb.net/ajax/multiple-select-dropdown-list-ajax_t"]http://www.coursesweb.net/ajax/multiple-select-dropdown-list-ajax_t[/URL] I got the example up and running on my server, but when I started to modify it to fit my own database, I got a problem with …

Member Avatar for chrisfozz

The code below was originally posted by langsor in 2008, I’ve adapted it to pass JavaScript values to a new page. I’d like the link to open the page in a new window, tab or iframe. I believe the code for a new window involves something to do with “target=_blank” …

Member Avatar for Tariqphp

Hi Sir , I have a problem in drop down menu .actually i make website in joomla ,so now i wanna change drop down menu of my website , i have download drop down menu "S5 flex menu" in this menu there are one file is mootools.php . when i …

Member Avatar for carlbrooks

I have a dropdown menu and some buttons below in my HTML: [CODE]<p> <select name="numberDrop" id="numberDropId" onClick="getButtons()"> <option value=""></option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> </select> </p> <p> <input class="answerBtns" name="answerA" type="button" value="A" /> <input class="answerBtns" name="answerB" type="button" value="B" /> <input class="answerBtns" name="answerC" type="button" value="C" /> <input class="answerBtns" …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for jovypinoy

[B]Hello guys, I hope someone can help me on my problem. Actually I insert a jquery funtion to pause my slideshow but it didn't work..[/B] [B]Thanks for the help in advance. Here is my codes Variables for the links and images of slideshow.[/B] [CODE]<script> var links = new Array(); links[0] …

Member Avatar for manjushreekaran

hello all, after tried so much now posting here. i have two programs sql.php and form.jsp. i want to do insert values into mssql database from user input form. sql.php is able to insert the values into database. i have connected database using ODBC.form.jsp is able to give user input …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for aa26i

Hi there, Script to show on the web page that how many times user loaded it or refresh it. the counter restarted from 0 on closing the browser and open it again. any help here will be appreciated. Thanx

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Virangya

why isn't this working? [CODE] $('body').find(".overcolor").click(function(){ alert("hi"); }); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for dendenny01

I had a given a assignment of java script as to form a script that changes the background image of the document after equal interval of time.as i am a beginner to programming I had formed a script that should change background and a loop stated for image name to …

Member Avatar for dendenny01
Member Avatar for gchurch

hey i'm trying to make a traffic light that when the mouse rolls over a certain light the colour will show. then if the light is clicked the colour will either turn on or off... this is what i have so long. [CODE]<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> #trafficLight { border:1px solid …

Member Avatar for gchurch
Member Avatar for 11349

Hi All, Hope your all well Im really new to the world of JSP & AJAX, my question is, I need to retrive names from a database and present them to a user on a JSP form, but I shouldnt show any database interaction on the client end, So as …

Member Avatar for malcolm p

I have a spinner where user enters in their value or uses the buttons to increase or decrease the value. When the user is happy with the value in the spinner the user submits the value. The value would then appears in another table inside a textbox. What my question …

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for Virangya

i wrote this code but noting happens.. can't find the error. even firebug is empty :( please help soon! [CODE]$(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "tinymce.xml", dataType: "xml", success: function(xml) { $(xml).find('userdata').each(function(){ $(this).find('dataset').each(function(){ var title = $(this).find('redo').text(); var id = $(this).find('redo').attr('id'); //var url = $(this).find('url').text(); alert(id); //$('<div class="items"></div>').html('<a>'+title+'</a>').appendTo('#system'); }); }); } …

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for mathieu89

Hey Guys, I have an issue with my checkbox and the values that are posted to the next page. The issue is that each time the checkbox is clicked it just adds another value. example - if i check it and uncheck it and check it again i will get …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for ctoz

I have a switch function with four cases: each case executes a sequence of six css changes. How to stop it, if the viewer wants to abort, by choose another menu option? I've done a trawl, and the closest I've come to finding something which could be adapted is from …

Member Avatar for ctoz
Member Avatar for rse

Hello, I need to show the date picker in an input field that is inside a form. I have index.php which has the code for the date picker, I just need to link it to the input field. I have the form in another file as follows: [icode] <form id="inputArea" …

Member Avatar for rse
Member Avatar for masada

Hi folks, I've been charged with coming up with a image-grid menu like what one sees here: [URL="http://www.theispot.com/dfullarton"]http://www.theispot.com/dfullarton[/URL] If you click on an image in the grid, the space just below the row opens and a div show a bio and additional images. What I'm confused about is that each …

Member Avatar for minghags

i need to sum anything that is input in input form numbers. And this has to be in order like 5,4,3 and then it has to sum like 5+4+3 = 12. Can anyone help? I came as far as the code shows above. this is the example of how it …

Member Avatar for minghags
Member Avatar for malcolm p

I included a jQuery handler for my dropdown menus so that when something is selected in the first dropdown menu, it will manipulate the options in the second dropdown menu. Now what the user does is pick the option type in the first dropdown (`OptionDropId`) menu and then in the …

Member Avatar for deshazer.jad

It makes since that, when working with javascript, document.getElementById() can't find the Id of an object that hasn't yet been added to the DOM, however when I nest document.getElementById() in a function and call it after the object has been created, document.getElementById() still can't find the object. is there a …

Member Avatar for deshazer.jad
Member Avatar for vectro

I have a block of JavaScript code that is designed to be embedded into any web page. It displays a list of items from a database. In the .js file is actually a lot of PHP code within JavaScript. The problem: The cut-n-paste widget does not actually show up. It's …

Member Avatar for vectro
Member Avatar for cheech74

I am looking for help creating a grid/table that is editable online. I have browsed online for solutions, but I am short of time & I seem to getting more confused the more I search. Basically I am trying to create a staff rota that the admin staff can edit …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for d1lu5ion

I'm working on a form and I'm wondering if its possible to have multiple enable / disable functions? I'm looking to have a drop down menu, file upload box (with button), and 2 buttons by themselves disabled when the page loads.. I then want a check box to be clicked …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for lsvife

Good day... I am new to javascript... I created a simple validation using javascript alone.but my problem is when I press enter the browser aumatically refresh.. this is my code js code.. [CODE]var validid=false; var validname=false; var validaddress=false; var validzip=false; var validemail=false; function idiit() { var uid = document.form1.userid; var …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for jeddsal

i have a data entry form in which i need to look-up to another page hence the pop-up page which contains a table from the database with a column named checkno. now from the main form i will clicked a button then it will display the popup page(i have already …

Member Avatar for carlbrooks

This is hopefully my last jquery question. I have a slight issue with my buttons and dropdown menu. What happens is lets say user chooses option type "ABCDE" in first dropdown menu and then second dropdown menu chooses the value "4" for the number of answers and then clicks on …

Member Avatar for emongs

any idea on how to make table in javascripts? its like the system will ask the user how many rows and columns he wants and it will input in to multiplication table

Member Avatar for minghags
Member Avatar for minghags

Hello i just want to ask you guys if you can help me with this problem: I need to write an javascript that writes out chess board like table, and that table must include onclick function that changes background color of that cell that is clicked on. I would really …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for buzzykerbox

Hello, I'm creating a blackjack game,and would like the function cardToString to return the file name of a card e.g "AceDiamonds.gif" and fill an array called deck,its only returning one card and not filling the array thank you in advance [CODE]<script> var dealer_hand = new Array(); var player_hand = new …


The End.