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I'm currently developing a webpage that when user input the data needed in Advance Filtering and click on the button'Search Result',the table will show the data needed,but the problem is i get the error of DataTables warning (table id = 'DataTables_Table_0'): DataTables warning: To retrieve the DataTables object for this … | |
I am following this **tutorial** to display **custom opacity control** in wordpress **default** color picker scheme, [Click Here](https://github.com/BraadMartin/components/tree/master/customizer/alpha-color-picker) i want my color picker looks like this, after adding opacity bar. ![dani.PNG](/attachments/large/4/735831d60c76788bcc1ce819a383ce49.PNG "align-center") I am using **twenteen seventeen theme** to display alpha color picker in the **apperence->customize->text**, but it is only … | |
<div class="list-group"> <div id="id1" class="list-group-item" data-target="@Url.Action("Index","DayilyProposials")" > <span class="badge" style="font-size:10px;color:#fff" id="DailyPropNumber">0</span> <span style="font-size:10px;font-weight: 900;font-weight: 900;">Daily Proposals</span> </div> <div id="id1" class="list-group-item" data-target="@Url.Action("HotG","home")"> <span class="badge" style="font-size:10px;color:#fff" id="HotGamesNumber">0</span> <span style="font-size:10px;font-weight: 900;">@index.Index.hotgames</span> </div> <div id="id1" class="list-group-item" data-target="@Url.Action("Index","home")"> <span class="badge"style="font-size:10px;color:#fff" id="TodayNumber">0</span> <span style="font-size:10px;font-weight: 900;">Today</span> </div> <div id="id1" class="list-group-item" data-target="@Url.Action("Index","home")"> <span class="badge" style="font-size:10px;color:#fff" id="ByTimeNumber">0</span> <span style="font-size:10px;font-weight: … | |
Hello, I wonder why the same code on different server causes tawk not working? On both of them, I install original prestashop template - which is belong to prestashop and free: Is not working on this server: http://ecommerce.advance-web-studio.com/index.php Is working on this server: http://ecommerce.fresway.com/ Can you guess why this code … | |
Hey. Any ideas on how I can apply a given text on a certain 2D object, so the text would follow the object shape? Imagine we have this object: http://prntscr.com/gmdv9w I want to be able to type some text in a textbox and have the plugin automatically place in on … | |
Hello i want to put a shorten text-*SeeMORE* function inside another function $(function() { var showTotalChar = 200, showChar = "Show (+)", hideChar = "Hide (-)"; $('.show').each(function() { var content = $(this).text(); if (content.length > showTotalChar) { var con = content.substr(0, showTotalChar); var hcon = content.substr(showTotalChar, content.length - showTotalChar); var … | |
I have static website I want to add web dictionary which run from server but not connected to internet.plz help me | |
Hello, I am having coding error since my client fb_profile_image uses d'Fiens (this ' mark). How to change my script so that the error disappears? It causes my rotary menu disappears? http://dfiens-sewncraft.com/ profile_image = '<div id="fb_profile_image"><img onclick="showProfileInfo(this)" data-name="d'Fiens Sew N Craft" data-first_name="d'Fiens" data-last_name="Sew N Craft" data-email="percapolkadot@gmail.com" data-url="https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/1692543144123148/" data-about="" data-gender="female" data-location="" … | |
hi frinds. hope you are well. as i writte this writting im thinking about a my [site](http://Iraniantranslate.com) .... how can i introduce my site to other people? and how can i popular it in google search? best regards, | |
Hello, I am trying to write email confirmation with javascript: <div class="step"> <h4>Enter your email address:</h4> <div class="container"> <input type="text" name="email" value="Enter your email here" title="Enter your email here" class="field" /> </div> <h5>Step 2 of 2</h5> <span class="progress"><span style="width: 100%"> </span></span> <input class="email-btn button" type="submit" value="Send" /> </form> </div> ... $('.email').click(function() … | |
I have this form I've cobbled together from found sources and experimenting - its a page count copy calculator. Each page is worth 5¢, and the user enters the amount of pages to copy (first field) and the amount of copies needed (2nd field) *this may also need to be … | |
can anyone send me a htlm code/template for "meet the staff" page or "about us" page if you look our site its not formatted correctly now is the moble version. Any help formatting or coming up with a generic template would be greatly appreciated.. https://www.astarsafety.com/about-us | |
I have this code which highlights the selected table cell in green color by default. I am seeking help with a function where there will be three buttons for three different colors, so when I click one of these buttons, the default highlight color will change to that selected color. … | |
Using desktop push notification when the title and body written using right-to-left languages like Arabic language, the browser detect the language and change the direction even if dir and lang param not provided in the object the new notification is created for example: ![bug.png](/attachments/large/4/205e6cd409e97bf2495c59adfc2e5477.png "align-center") The title is under the … | |
Hi guys, I'm fairly new to angularjs 2 (I've only used 2) and I have a small application with a form. Currently I'm able to get the form data as an objects and print it to the console.log, onSubmit(form: any):void{ console.log(form); } producing this: Object {author: "Author test", title: "Title … | |
Hello, I wonder why I keep failing saving data. I keep getting this message: "please fill the title and content article" - eventhough I already fill them in. article.blade.php <div class="backend-form create-article-form" style="display:none;"> <div class="form-top"> <div class="form-left"> <h4>Create Article</h4> </div> <div class="form-right"> <a href="#" class="btn-save-article setting_save"></a> <a href="#" class="btn-cancel-article setting_cancel"></a> … | |
Hi DW. I have built a website using Mobirise and now what I want to do is to enable the site to accept comments from people and also display them on the page on the section COMMENTS, now the problem is that I want the comments to use the themes … | |
Hi Dynamic Dependent Select Box last one not working Bank,State,District is working branch ont working please check below code Please help. index.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <style type="text/css"> .select-boxes{width: 280px;text-align: center;} select { background-color: #F5F5F5; border: 1px double #FB4314; color: #55BB91; font-family: Georgia; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; height: 39px; … | |
i know how to do the link thing that if u click it it closes the window. but im wondering if theres a way to automatically close a window after the php code is done running. cause i have an inbox and theres a link to delete the message if … | |
Hello, I am receiving this error message while trying to process the following javascript - "Error, the configuration is failed to save". What might be wrong? How to troubleshoot the javascript? partial/setting.blade.php function onSave(el) { var parent = $(el).closest("li"); var form = $(parent).find("form"); var editel = $(parent).find(".edit_form"); var beforeText = … | |
Hey guys, i need your help. I want to embed this JavaScript code in Html, but i don't know how. Can someone please help me? The Code is Below: var JavaScriptHighlightRules = function(options) { var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({ "variable.language": "Array|Boolean|Date|Function|Iterator|Number|Object|RegExp|String|Proxy|" + // Constructors "Namespace|QName|XML|XMLList|" + // E4X "ArrayBuffer|Float32Array|Float64Array|Int16Array|Int32Array|Int8Array|" + "Uint16Array|Uint32Array|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|" … | |
Hello, the functions are called in the XHR (status 200) but dont return anything as it should,. Even when i put an echo it doesnt return the echo. The path is correct example javascript function userDetails(uid,apiBaseUrl,baseUrl,public_username,msgID,groupID) { var encodedata=JSON.stringify({"uid": uid,"public_username":public_username,"msgID":msgID}); var url; url=apiBaseUrl+'api/publicUserDetailsTest'; ajaxPost(url,encodedata, function(data) { if(data) { some code.... … | |
**Hi, everyone** I need little bit help related to creating Coupon script. Let me explain my idea, for example I have 100 coupons and I want to give each one to only one customer. And I want when one cupon is loaded next time it dosen't load. Let say Coupon … | |
Hi I'm trying to make a website. But I need to make a syntax highlighting program that Categorize commands based on what they do. For example, when i type a code in C/C++ or Java on my site, the colors will become highlighted instantly. One group would be I/O, another … | |
hi admin or others i want to use this script to display trading comment with number of comment in post eg 54=”veryhot” please check this script and correct error thanks <script> function myFunction() { var count = <?php echo $comment_num; ?>; if (count>=10) { document.getElementById( "Trending!!" );} else if ( … | |
Hello, I'm trying to get a javascript to work, unfortunately i'm not that good with javascript. What i'm trying to make is the following: I have 3 input fields: Total amount of dossiers: Total amount of cleared dossiers: Total amount of filed dossiers: The first one is the total amount … | |
Hi guys, I have a form that have below condition: 1. when the "Printing Form" button is clicked,the form will popup and prompt user to fill in the required details 2. when the "Complete"button in the table is click,the same form will be popup and prompt user to fill in … | |
Hi all, I had created a function updateprintingqc() that work like this 1. user will click on a clickable button to update the data 2.when user click on OK,the dummy data will be create based on the main data shown in below image's link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B46VQHVMeBTNMzVodDRxZEw3dGs/view?usp=sharing When the user click the … | |
I tested over and over and it seems there is something conflicting between these 2 scripts: bootstrap toggle and jquery validator. If I remove data-toggle=" toggle" the checkbox is required for validation, otherwise it just passes regardless of being checked or not! <form id="regiration_form" action="action.php" method="post"> <h1></h1> <fieldset> <h2>Pasul 1: … | |
I'm not extremely great at coding, but I'd like to have players in my basketball program be able to copy and paste some code (on their phones) from a textarea. The catch is I also want the button to turn green and say the words "Copied! Now open the app … |
The End.