15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for pentasoft4u

Hi Anybody can resolve my request for printing the webpage using javascript without asking for print dialog box properties , directly using the default printer setup in our local machine. Please revert back if any concerns. Regards, rathna

Member Avatar for aniseed
Member Avatar for Peggy

I need someone to point me in the right direction or just hit me over the head and tell me what I need to do. I feel comfortable doing the html coding - javascript is not my friend as of yet -- but I am working on that. The other …

Member Avatar for Exelio

hi guys, I need to create an image with a plain background and a color.and in that ,i need to bind a text and an logo. The text and the logo(a jpg file) are dynamic. How can i do this in javascript? Hope I am clear with the question..... Plz …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for big dummy

All of a sudden my internet explorer 6 will not display any css attributes. Neither on the web nor locally. Any info on this would be greatly appriciated.

Member Avatar for big dummy
Member Avatar for NuGG

I want to print a html file by clicking on a hyperlink/button in a small popup window. I already have the popup that is not the problem, i was just wondering if this script can be modified to print the main window from the popup. [CODE]<!-- Begin function printWindow() { …

Member Avatar for flub

Hi All, I wonder if any Javascript experts can help me. I have the following code on my site which create a rotating graphic in the header every time the page loads. This works great. However what I want to do is to change the way it works slightly so …

Member Avatar for flub
Member Avatar for NuGG

I want a ".doc" file to be printed when you click on a hyperlink, however so far all i have been able to print is the page on which the link is situated, and not the doc file. Im using this script: [CODE] <!-- Begin function printWindow() { bV = …

Member Avatar for CooperDee

Hi everyone, I've been trying to pass a parameter to my popup window but I still can't do it. I think that I am close because a browser window opens but it's a "Page cannot be found" page. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Do I need the …

Member Avatar for NuGG

Ok, ive created a login script and i have saved it as login.js. See below: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function Login(){ var done=0; var username=document.login.username.value; username=username.toLowerCase(); var password=document.login.password.value; password=password.toLowerCase(); if (username=="someone" && password=="something") { window.location="page.htm"; done=1; } if (done==0) { alert("Invalid login! (try lower case)"); } } // End --> …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for RiverKqj

Hi everyone could anyone find or know the code for the above? I've looked but can only find it for add to fav's. Any help would be great.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for noman78

Dear All i am totally confuse in how to explain the issue. i will try i am web master of one site [URL="http://www.makepakistanbetter.com/why_how_what_forum.asp?GroupID=5&Group_title=Pakistan&ArticleID=351&Article_Title=Burney’s%20concern%20for%20thousands%20underage%20missing%20jockeys%20in%20Dubai&ArticleFName=350-2-5.html"]www.makePakistanbetter.com [/URL] if you check this link,there is one issue you will be seeing there this txt 1 "Burney’s" but this is not what i entered. in the …

Member Avatar for SnowDog
Member Avatar for hasleweb

Hi All, First post here - so high hopes! I have created a rollover button that I want to use as a print button in DW MX but when I add Javascript print button code it doesn't work on my rollover. Can it be made to work or is it …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for lpyyceb

Hi, I've been having major problems with my Internet Explorer for a while now. Anything that is a popup or requires JavaScript simply will not open- I've tried downloading Java and it doesn't make any difference, as well as fiddling about with my Internet Options. There was a website recommended …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for EnderX

I have two questions, somewhat linked together. I'm trying to create a webform, and for a few pieces of it I'll need to be able to enter descriptions into a field. I've been requested to make the fields in question larger, much like the reply-box field here, so as to …

Member Avatar for SnowDog
Member Avatar for mim3

ok i got a lot of question what i need to have to use java scripts whats css scripts how do i use it and what i need to have to use it html: when i made a script how do i make a site with it exemple: [URL="http://www."]www."********".com[/URL] like …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for AtulKulkarni

Hello Everyone, I want to write a code in ASP where on a button click, a function(wrtten in eighter java or vb script) will be called . The function will execute a stored procedure which will be used to insert and delete records in a SQL database. I wanted to …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for AndrewSmith

Hi Guys. Hope i'm in the right forum. I'm using something called SWFObject to load in my activeX controls(flash objects). Its working great, except for as soon as I call a javaScript function from a page that has flash on it, the flash unloads. Yeesh. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for DNRSmitty

How do I create a list box (pulldown menu field) that will allow the user to type in their own answer if it is not included on the list. If you know please give an example of code. Is this possible in asp or Javascript?:rolleyes: Thanks.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for shaun09

I need to come up with a leave application script. For example i have 21days of annual leave. The actual amount will be taken from a database. If i select today from the drop down box and one week later in the other drop down, the script will automaticall minus …

Member Avatar for praseena

How can i get a selected value from combo box ? i used combo.selectedItem.But it is not working.will u pls give me a solution for this

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for mikel_2006

Hello Everyone, I am having quite a problem with a program I am trying to get working. I am trying to make a marks tracking program using an array that has an array of strings 3 elements long called Names. Has a 2D array of integers 3 * 2 elements …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for NuGG

I want some information about a browser, to be inserted automatically into a text box when a page loads. However quite how to do this im not sure. I have made the form and have a JavaScript which does the job, but I want to know how to get the …

Member Avatar for NuGG
Member Avatar for NPatty

<code>Does anyone know how do I go about getting user's responces once they've entered their responce into a prompt box & assign it to a variable, to utlimately use their responces to concatenate it with other strings to make a sentence. I'm just having trouble assinging user's input to be …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jrivera

I would like some help on creating a function that on clicking a submit button will allow the user to add the data of the selection box into an uneditable text box and hidden file. IE: User selects option 5 [code]<option value="5">Option 5</option>[/code], then clicks the "add Option" button. It …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for mikel_2006

Hello Everyone, I am having quite a problem with a program I am trying to get working. I am trying to make a marks tracking program using an array that has an array of strings 3 elements long called Names. Has a 2D array of integers 3 * 2 elements …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jan1024188

i want to know if there is any difference betwen [URL="http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/#"]java[/URL] and javascript... are they the same thing?

Member Avatar for satyakishore
Member Avatar for Silverwolf

Hi everyone, Am hoping that someone can please help me with this problem. Its a little indepth for me but i have been unable to find out any information concerning it. On this page [URL]http://www.region3.com/stafflist.htm[/URL] the Email link opens up a popup box that allows you to send an email …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for jeffphotos

Hello- I am creating a puzzle that is like the "Rubik's Cube," although this puzzle is played on the computer monitor, and the puzzle involves images placed on the sides of a cube. The mouse is used to rotate the sides of the cube. Each side of the cube is …

Member Avatar for jeffphotos
Member Avatar for cycleops

Hi, Can anyone help me with dynamically adding to a multidimensional javascript array that has an arbitary number of dimensions? Something like: myArray [5] ['aKey'] [4] = 'hello'; That code does not work unless the cells were populated when the array was defined+initialized. So you can't add new cells or …

Member Avatar for cycleops
Member Avatar for #tbone

I have used the Suckerfish drop down menu and have run into a problem. I found the sample code [URL="http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/"]here.[/URL] Here is a simplified version of what my code looks like: [code]<style type="text/css"> body { font-family: arial, helvetica, serif; } #nav, #nav ul { /* all lists */ padding: 0; …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison

The End.