113 Topics

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In a twist of Internet fate, [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] creator and owner Mark Zuckerberg finds himself as defendant in a lawsuit over the Facebook's majority ownership. Paul Ceglia claims that he entered into a contract, signed by both himself and Zuckerberg, that sold 50 percent of facebook.com to Ceglia for $1,000. Ceglia …

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Unless you are a techno-luddite of the first order, the chances are that you would agree the Internet has become an integral part of daily life for those blessed with decent access to the thing. But would you agree that broadband access of no less than 1Mbps is your legal …

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At the State Opening of Parliament, the Queen has been giving her annual speech on behalf of the UK Government. Written by the new Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition Government itself, much of the speech was devoted to the inevitable cost cutting exercises, the 'Big Society' concept and reform in terms of …

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The Washington State Supreme Court [URL="http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2010/may/06/libraries-can-filter-porn-washington-high-court-sa/"]ruled [/URL]earlier this month on a 6-3 decision that libraries had the right not only to use Internet blocking software, but to refuse to lift the block for a particular site even when an adult requested it. The case was significant because it's thought that …

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The latest wrinkle in the lost iPhone story - in which someone left the prototype for the iPhone 4 in a bar and website [URL="http://www.gizmondo.com"]Gizmondo[/URL] got hold of it - has taken two unexpected turns. First, the police got involved. They have raided the editor's personal property and taken his …

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Legal firm [URL="http://www.tbilaw.co.uk/"]Tilly, Baker and Irvine (TBI)[/URL] has agreed to stop sending letters to Internet users when they believe they may be infringing copyright. The ironic thing is that this is the same week in which UK law changed to allow the Government to cut users off for precisely the …

Member Avatar for khess

See SCO keep going. Stop SCO Stop. Seriously Stop SCO Stop. In a seriously OMG moment yesterday, [URL="http://www.sco.com"]SCO[/URL] lost another battle in its UNIX ownership claims. The Utah jury decided that [URL="http://www.novell.com"]Novell[/URL], in fact, did not transfer the UNIX copyrights to SCO when they sold UNIXWare to them years before. …

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Now that [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL]'s big operating systems, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, are on store shelves, is it time again for them to pick up the legal sledgehammer and go after Linux? I think the evidence for it is mounting. Microsoft has signed a deal with [URL="http://www.novell.com"]Novell[/URL], penned an agreement …

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You might be forgiven for thinking that Activision would be more than just a little pleased with game developers Infinity Ward which is responsible for the Call of Duty franchise, and which Activision acquired back in 2003. Forgiven, but wrong. Modern Warfare 2 is more than a game, it's [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story252883.html"]the …

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Three Google executives have been found guilty and given six month suspended sentences in a case revolving around the posting of a video to YouTube which shows a teenager with Down's Syndrome being bullied. According to the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8533695.stm"]BBC[/URL] Google itself is none too happy with the verdict, quoting the Chief …

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I wish I had gotten this story before the [URL="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/techchron/detail?entry_id=57438&o=3&gta=commentslistpos#commentslistpos"]San Fransisco Chronicle[/URL] or [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-10455573-71.html?tag=rtcol;pop"]Cnet,[/URL] but the truth is they got it before me. A lady in Florida got a team of lawyers to sue Google, the Search Engine firm in San Fransisco, CA for breaching her privacy with Google Buzz. …

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Legislators around the country are scrambling to look at their states' laws about lewd messages to minors after the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court overturned a conviction, saying state law didn't support it because it didn't specify online messaging. “The online conversations in this case, as they were not written with …

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Online legal experts are salivating over cookies. Specifically, they are leaping to comment on the legal precedents involved over a lawsuit by Dr. Sanford Siegal, creator of the "[URL="http://www.cookiediet.com/"]Cookie Diet[/URL]," and his company, Dr. Siegal's Direct Nutritionals, LLC, against celebrity, model, socialite, and actress [URL="http://kimkardashian.celebuzz.com/"]Kim Kardashian[/URL] over what they allege …

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A [URL="http://gawker.com/5367093/mcsteamy-v-gawker-media-llc/gallery/5"]lawsuit[/URL] over a website's [URL="http://gawker.com/5339221/danes-anatomy-mcsteamy-his-wife-and-a-fallen-beauty-queens-naked-threesome"]publication[/URL] of a celebrity threesome sex tape is provoking some [URL="http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2009/11/does-gawkers-publication-of-mcsteamy-sex-tape-constitute-fair-use315.html"]thoughtful discussion[/URL] about fair use. Not to mention giving PBS, [URL="http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2009/11/what_a_celebrity_sex_tape_laws.html?sc=fb&cc=fp"]NPR[/URL], and the [URL="http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/25/mcsteamy-vid-lawsuit-its-a-copyright-beef/"][I]New York Times[/I][/URL] the opportunity to talk about sex tapes. The tape consists of [I]Grey's Anatomy[/I] actor Eric Dane and his wife …

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It would appear that a political activist from New York has been arrested by the FBI in connection with helping orchestrate G20 summit protesters in Pittsburgh. According to [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/04/man-arrested-twitter-g20-us"]The Guardian[/URL] the man, Eliot Madison from Queens, has been charged with hindering prosecution after helping G20 protesters evade police by using …

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Just when it looked like every avenue to prevent the extradition of self-confessed NASA Hacker Gary McKinnon had been exhausted, especially when just last week a couple of High Court judges denied him leave to appeal his case to the highest court in the UK, it looks like the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3877.html"]hacking …

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[url]http://mashable.com/2009/10/10/facebook-poke-arrest/[/url] In a society that has become as litigious as ours, this was inevitable. If you read the link above you will find out that a woman has been charged with violating an order of protection for poking someone on Facebook. If found guilty, the woman could get a month …

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A judge has said a lawsuit can be delivered via [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL]. It's an interesting case, an odd idea and a pity there are going to be so many logistical obstacles. The scenario is simple. Someone is posing as a (real) right-wing blogger - they've effectively 'borrowed' his name for a …

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It's been known for a while that current and potential future [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2555.html"]employers[/URL] look at people's profiles on social networking sites such as Facebook. And it's also been known that people are using social networking sites to announce the status of their relationship -- or [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3874.html"]lack of one[/URL]. Now the two …

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Continuing on its charm offensive, the music industry is apparently not satisfied with the $675,000 fine for sharing 30 songs imposed on Joel Tenenbaum or the $1.92 million Jammie Thomas-Rasset was hit with for illegally downloading 24 tunes. Now it is going after the lyrics pirates. The what? Well, exactly. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I'm not a great fan of the phrase 'total coincidence' and nor am I a fan of The Rt Hon Lord Mandelson, First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills and Lord President of the Council to be formal. While I'm on the small matter of …

Member Avatar for slfisher

As [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3596.html"]predicted[/URL], a number of cyberbullying laws were put into effect after the suicide of Megan Meier last fall, which left prosecutors unable to charge the Missouri woman who created a fake MySpace person to mock the 13-year-old girl with anything other than violating MySpace's terms of service. Not surprisingly, …

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Do cats have a taste for porn? Somehow I doubt it, and I doubt that a jury will fall for it either no matter how much one alleged downloader of the most disgusting of pornographic images tries to insist that's what actually happened in his case. When found in possession …

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Now if you had invested in an Apple iPod Touch and it, well, exploded after you dropped it you probably would not be too happy about. You probably would contact Apple and explain what had happened, and you might be happy to accept a refund. But what if that refund …

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Skype might stop next year. The service's owner, eBay, has said that it is in dispute with the VoIP system's founders (see a report [URL="http://www.revolutionmagazine.com/news/rss/924222/Skypes-future-shaky-warns-eBay/"]here[/URL] but it doesn't say much more than I'm going to repeat here) and that if the new owners can't get the underlying technology from the …

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Gary McKinnon is either a UFO-obsessed nerd who happens to suffer from a form of autism, or a fugitive from justice who was responsible for the biggest military hack of all time. The description varies depending upon whether you are a balanced individual with no axe to grind or the …

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A company has been awarded a patent for providing episodic media downloads, which essentially gives it a patent on all forms of podcasting. The company, VoloMedia, calls itself the "leading provider of advertising and reporting solutions for portable media, extending the reach of video and audio from the PC to …

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In the final days of a failing model, old media made one last futile attempt to save its fading way of life by trying to expand copyright law to exclude fair use and linking. Just this morning, my DaniWeb colleague, Sharon Fisher wrote a post called [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4479.html"]This Blog Post Could …

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Seems like a silly question, right? But $80,000 per track is exactly how much Jammie Thomas-Rasset, a single mother from Minneapolis, has been charged. Well, I say charged but actually she was fined this amount for each of 24 songs downloaded via a file-sharing site at the end of a …

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Given that some courts have found that people can be [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3596.html"]charged[/URL] for violating the terms of service of a particular site, it's important to keep track of what the terms of service are so you don't inadvertently violate them. (Incidentally, some other [URL="http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/05/mass-sjc-tosses-calixte-warrant"]courts[/URL] are finding that violating terms-of-service policies are …


The End.