113 Topics

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[URL="http://www.dailytech.com/Apple+Sued+Over+Deceptive+Millions+of+Colors+Advertising/article11348.htm"]The word online[/URL] is that Apple is facing legal action over its claims the MacBook range supports millions of colours. This might actually be true were it not, say the reports, for the small matter of Apple ditching the old 16,777,216 colour supporting 8-bit displays used in MacBooks and replacing …

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[URL="http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/facebook-friends-not-real-judge/2008/03/27/1206207279597.html"]According to a report by the Sydney Morning Herald[/URL] a UK judge has ruled, as part of a harassment case, that being a Facebook friend is not the same as being a real friend. The case revolved around a woman claiming that the act of sending a Facebook friend request …

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According to [URL="http://www.news.com/8301-13578_3-9899151-38.html"]recent reports[/URL] the FBI has been using honey-trap hyperlinks which claim to lead to child pornography in order to entice offenders into clicking them. Last year, it seems, armed raids were carried out on homes in Nevada, New York and Pennsylvania as a direct result of such link …

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Legendary guitar manufacturer Gibson [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080312/tc_nm/activision_gibson_dc"]has warned[/URL] Guitar Hero developer Activision over an alleged patent infringement. It would seem that the crux of the matter is a 1999 patent by Gibson which deals with the technology used to simulate a musical performance. Gibson claims the Guitar Hero software and the Guitar …

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A proposal from the [URL="http://www.premier-ministre.gouv.fr/en/"]French Ministry of Culture[/URL] could hit online music and movie piracy very hard with a very big stick if it goes ahead. In addition to the existing law, introduced only last year, which made unauthorised file-sharing a criminal offence carrying a 30,000 Euro fine and up …

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Remember when SCO used to be known as a big fish in the Unix OS pond, well respected and pretty much a pillar in this particular vendor community? No, neither do I. The image of a company that sought to claim IBM had somehow inappropriately contributed to Linux development, a …

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Controversial media company and alleged spreader of adware Zango, formerly 180solutions, has been forced to back down from its legal attempts to get both Kaspersky Lab and PC Tools to reclassify its applications as non-threatening and prevent security software from blocking them. Kaspersky Lab [URL="http://www.kaspersky.com/news?id=207575556"]reports[/URL] that the US District Court …

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[URL="http://www.legality.biz"]Legality[/URL] prides itself as being the first virtual law firm in the UK, having set up in business some five years ago now. So it seems fitting that it should be providing advice to those businesses looking to set up shop in the daddy of virtual worlds, Second Life. Now …

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To most people who do not actually play it, World of Warcraft is just a game. Anyone who has devoted any time at all within an immersive online world such as this will gladly put you straight on that. World of Warcraft is not just a game, it is a …

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Even if you do happen to live in Utah, the chances are you will not have noticed a little law by the name of SB 236 which was passed without so much as a whisper of complaint or fuss last month. If you happen to run a web based business …

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Google is being charged with content copying by none other than... Microsoft. They are complaining that Google is copying far too much information, information that many people make a living on. Google's been trying to make the whole web searchable, everything from books to news to magazines. Although Google has …

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So a US Federal Judge says that [URL="http://www.myspace.com/"]MySpace [/URL]is legally protected from any liability as a result of external criminal acts that have been committed by people misrepresenting themselves to other MySpace users. Judge Sam Sparks of the U.S. District Court for the Western district of Texas ruled that the …

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When Steve Jobs heralded the iPhone as being as revolutionary as the iPod during his MacWorld keynote in San Francisco on Tuesday, he must have known that it was going to be a bloody revolution. Sure enough, Cisco has now fired the first shots with a lawsuit in the US …

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It is one of those headlines that makes you stop and read again, is it not? After all, surely nobody is really suggesting that if you partake in an act of virtual violence within the digital realm of a video game that you should pay a very real world penalty …

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J.K.Rowling has now officially announced that the latest, and last, in the Harry Potter series of books will be called ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ putting an end to the frenzy of speculation on the subject over the last few months. While it has been genuine fans interested in …

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Just as the games console which has the honor of being at once both one of the most innovative entertainment devices to arrive in our homes and the most stupidly named, the Nintendo Wii, arrives on the market so a lawsuit starts that attacks the very heart of that innovation: …

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For the longest time, the Children’s Online Protection Act, signed off by President Clinton way back in 1998, has been a contentious issue in the US. It was originally kicked out of town, well Philadelphia anyway, after a federal district court banned the enforcement of the law, and a federal …

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Here is my perfect world Mac --> should be used by the regular home user. Macs are easy to use, have all the software a user will ever need incorportated in it. Although not cheap, Macs are built to last. The average user will never have a problem with a …

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File Sharing site Kazza is now to become a legal downloading service after a lot of legal battles. The company will also be paying $100mill to the record industry. Over the past year 20 million music songs have been downloaded illegally and many company's are losing a lot of money …

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[URL="http://metasploit.blogspot.com/"]H.D.Moore[/URL], he of Metasploit toolkit fame, has vowed to publish details of one browser vulnerability every day during July. Already he has been true to his word with exploit information relating to Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari but nothing that would help any would be attacker run unauthorized code on …

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The latest Merriam-Webster's dictionary update has ruffled a few feathers online. Not for the inclusion of Manga (noun: a Japanese comic book or graphic novel) nor ringtone (noun: the sound made by a cell phone to signal an incoming call) or even supersize (transitive verb: to increase considerably the size, …

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This week [URL="http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/"]Adobe [/URL]released the Spry toolkit that finally allows web designers to join the, until now, programmer led world of Ajax development. At the same time, [URL="http://www.backbase.com/"]Backbase [/URL]introduced an Ajax development tool for Java applications. But what use is an Ajax powered website when search engines such as Google …

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The battles between Microsoft and Google have been widely discussed, and recently hit the courts again when Microsoft claimed that Google had unlawfully lured Kai-Fu Lee to work for them. The defection, Microsoft claimed, was in violation of a ‘non-compete’ clause which was included in Lee’s contract with Microsoft. Superior …

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The End.