578 Topics

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Member Avatar for bunny07

Hi, I'm new to this forum and C#. I try to make an array that each is the sum of the value of each row in sims array. It gives me nothing but zero. Please help. TIA. [CODE]public double[] ave_S(int M, int N, double S, double sig, double dt, double[,] …

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Member Avatar for deviliq

Hello there! :) How should i solve for x in this equation: p*e^-x + q*sin(x) + r*cos(x) + s*tan(x) + t*x^2 + u = 0 with the user to input the values of p,q,r,s,t and u. i'm thinking of looping from 0.0001 until i-dont-know-what and then testing each value of …

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Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, I have created a sample program that dynamically created up to 7 numbers of Labels and Text Boxes. Here I want to add those numbers inputted by user on dynamically created text boxes. I have tried a lot but all are in vain. Please guide me to solve …

Member Avatar for P.manidas
Member Avatar for Climber Ty

So this is my final project for my class. The idea is to use my RationalNum class (which is complete and works fine... I just didn't attach the .cpp since it was only the driver) and use it to add, sub, & multi polynomials (RationalNum being the coefficients i.e. 1/4x^3 …

Member Avatar for Climber Ty
Member Avatar for Mark_48

Anyone got any idea how to sum values of a column instead of a row??? ie 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 [B]7 8 9 10[/B]

Member Avatar for Mark_48
Member Avatar for helpplease234

Need a little help, I'm trying to run a program that asks the user to enter an integer between 1-50. If given a number between 1 and 50 then echo number then add all integer between 1 and integer entered if user enter an integer not between 1 and 50 …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Mark_48

Hi guys im having a lot of problems trying to code. I have opened a csv file and have read it using strings.I have splitted the strings by the ','. I want to load each of these values into a 2 dimensional array! but im having problems. Ultimatly i want …

Member Avatar for Mark_48
Member Avatar for Nerathas

Hello, I am trying to write a algoritm that calculates the second largest divisor of a number. But i have absolutely no idea what calculations are required for this. [CODE] for (ulong i = 1; i < Number; i++) { Number = .....? }[/CODE] Already know the largest common diviser …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Fentontech

I have 2 tables, MPW1400 LeaseRecNo PropNo BldgNo UnitNo LeaseStartDate MPW1482 LeaseRecNo EffectiveDate AnnualAmount CertNo My Objective is to get the total of 'AnnualAmount' Where MPW1400.LeaseRecNo = MPW1482.LeaseRecNo and CertNo = '1' Example: MPW1400 ------------------------------------------------------- LeaseRecNo | PropNo | BldgNo | UnitNo | LeaseStartDate ------------------------------------------------------- 12345 | RG52 | 24 …

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Member Avatar for salty11

For this code i am inputing one number and trying to see if it is a perfect number [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<iomanip> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void perfect(int); int isfactor(int, int); int N, i; int main() { perfect(N); isfactor(N, i); } int isfactor(int number, int divisor) { if(number%divisor==0) return 1; else …

Member Avatar for PathikRaval
Member Avatar for Sturdy

hi all.. how i can check there are palindrome in textbox. e.g : i input "daniweb a bewinad" thanks and please help.

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Member Avatar for Queen007

Hi, Everyone... I have a new domain in my hosting account and I've already created a wordpress blog about Cars.. However this is the result of a speed test I have made a few minutes ago makingmoneyblogs.info/carscarereview size=71.36 KB Load Time=36.19 seconds average speed per KB=0.51 seconds As you can …

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Member Avatar for AnthonyJ

I have an assignment where I need to do some operations on polynomials (add, multiply, ...) which are represented by linked lists. Part of the assignment is to make an inner class Term containing two int fields and a constructor with coef and exp ints) I also need an inner …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Giggaman

Fairly new to php but know enough to be dangerous. I'm really stumped on this: I have stat numbers already in database linked with an id and also created an add stats page. So when a user is on the add stats page they enter the specific id & new …

Member Avatar for Giggaman
Member Avatar for xiaoberry

I just need a help regarding this problem: a user is asked to enter two fractions, and the program should print the following -maximum -sum -product Output should be in proper fractional from and should be in lowest terms. The program must be able to identify if the numbers entered …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO

I have a fascination with fun math tricks.... If you know of any, id love to hear them! Examples: Square a 2 Digit Number Ending in 5 For this example we will use 25 * Take the "tens" part of the number (the 2 and add 1)=3 * Multiply the …

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Member Avatar for george61

This is a fragment of a program for finding palindrome numbers.Every checked number is a string which is reversed...and I'm using array of strings which isn't done right. Any help will be greatly appreciated. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void isPalindrome(char *str1[],int l){ int str1size = strlen(str1[l]); int n; int misMatch …

Member Avatar for b56r1
Member Avatar for xCrusade

Hi, I have been working on this program for a few days.. and I am so far gone I lost myself in my own program. I usually just start from scratch when I get frustrated but there is too much time invested into my heap to give up so I …

Member Avatar for xCrusade
Member Avatar for jokers6

i am not a good programmer and so i need help. im not asking for you to write the program but need help with it ! i have some coding but cant figure out how to put the rest together ! ok so this is what i have so far. …

Member Avatar for Slyvr
Member Avatar for bossy marmalade

Well I'm trying to connect my xbox to my pc it's been connected to my pc for about four years but now I recently moved and now for some reason my pc decides it doesn't want to connect to my xbox it reconizes that it's hooked up and it tries …

Member Avatar for bossy marmalade
Member Avatar for Awesumlewy

Hello, I am currently trying to improve my programming skills and I just can’t get my simple program to work correctly. Here’s the problem: I have managed to allow a user to input 10 numbers then when they insert these 10 numbers, the sum and average is displayed, simple! Then …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for dannii

I'm very new to Java 4 1/2 weeks into my intro to java, I have to write a program that asks user for an integer, the program will then add up all integers from 1 to N and display output message the sum of integers from 1 through (integer input …

Member Avatar for dannii
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

I created a console program in jcreator (java) which asks the user to enter a number in string and converts that string value into char array and then converts each char array into an integer which I also stored each as an array and then adds all the value from …

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Member Avatar for Prisms

Hello I have been working on this program for a few days and have gotten stuck. I allow the user to enter in a string and remove special characters and turn upper case characters to lower case. after all that is done i compare the characters in the string to …

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Member Avatar for Prisms

Hello I have been working on this program for a few days and have gotten stuck. I allow the user to enter in a string and remove special characters and turn upper case characters to lower case. after all that is done i compare the characters in the string to …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Hi all, I have begun workin on getting c++ to do physics and things for me so im working on some maths functions. starting small and working up, Just did this one on prime number generation and was wondering if anyone can point out any ways it could be ,made …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for declna0872

Hi all, im am writing a program to take in and store a student's grade as an int. Can anyone tell me please how do i get the average score of the grade? This is what i have so far... Regards. [CODE]#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for Saith
Member Avatar for Rickay

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <string.h> double numerator, denominator; static short multiplycounter; static short dividecounter; const double ten = 10; double* ppnumerator = &numerator; double* ppdenominator = &denominator; using namespace std; /**********************************************************************************/ double lcm(double numerator, double denominator) { if(*ppnumerator > *ppdenominator) { for(long counter …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for CharlieNewey

Hi there, I have a set of coordinates (data points) that I want to use Python3 to fit an exponential decay curve to. I've used this resource [URL="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFittingExponential.html"]here[/URL] as a base for building my program. The problem is, no matter what the x-value I put in is, the y-value ALWAYS …

Member Avatar for CharlieNewey
Member Avatar for lance7tour

Have the following code but can only get it to work when I enter nothing into the answer box then it says sorry..... but if i enter any# or a letter it doesnt do anything.. wordpad will not accept all the end if's and else statements either. only one it …

Member Avatar for WaltP

The End.