1,597 Topics
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i need to copy my data from access database to sql database through coding in vb.net , and taking into consideration the duplicates each time i select from access database to copy to sql , any help thx | |
Hello, I am having issue connecting my Access database to my PHP site via ODBC. Here is what I am doing: <?php $dbName = "F:\Data\Web\_Home\TickSys\TickSys.accdb"; if (!file_exists($dbName)) { die("Could not find database file."); } print "Found DB File."; $db = new PDO("odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}; DBQ=$dbName; Uid=; Pwd=;"); ?> … | |
Hello All, I am working on an Access 2010 application. I would like to click on a command button and open a Adobe PDF document. The code for the On-Click event is: Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Run """C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\acrord32.exe"" SourceFile" When the Shell.Run line executes, Acrobat returns an … | |
Hello, I create a homegroup on my network(GGS) and I have 2 access points( GGS1 and GGS2) ; my problem is that when I want to connect for exemple on GGS1 I do not see the homegroup which is already on GGS same for point 2: GGS2. I want to … | |
I have a button which make it add data to accees database,but i want to another button which will make export data from access to excel. here is my button : try { string cmdText = "Insert INTO data(Name,Mail) Values(?,?)"; db_conn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\\Users\\Alpozkanm\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2012\\WebSites\\IntegratedSubscribeSystem\\veri.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;"); OleDbCommand … | |
i am developing a project in c++ and i need database to save details.i googled but so far have bot come across a good tutorial for c++ database . most of the articles i have found are obsolete. please suggest what are APIs for database in c++? | |
how i can import data from access database to my database in sql server , with a check for ducplicate each time i move data i need the code in vb.net any help ? | |
I am working on a project to create a front end in vb 2010 for an access database. It is adding the records in vb but not saving them in the database; this is the code i have so far: `Inline Code Example Here`Public Class Form2 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender … | |
hey all again i have a little issue it may be a little stupid but i'm not able to figure it out what i'm trying to do is to make a counter ,, i'm trying to get a number from database and increment 1 to it and adding it one … | |
Just changed out internet provider, including our 5 static IPs. Reconfigured sonic wall, and basically everything works (Internet, email, etc) but not Outlook Web Access / outlook anywhere. In fact, typing the usual mail.domain.com/exchange simply brings up search results now, rather than trying to connect. Our name servers are still … | |
I have my outlook mailboxes in this structure mailbox1 -Inbox Mailbox2 -Inbox Current script is able to access Inbox of mailbox1 as it is my main mail box where as mailbox2 has been added into my profile. I want to be able to access Inbox of Mailbox2 import win32com.client import … | |
Hi, I have a machine with Windows XP installed on it with the remote access enabled. Is it possible to access /log into it and control the PC from another machine with Fedora 8 on it? Thanks in advance... | |
Dear all, I have a challenge here of understanding the page masks as used in this code; <? $access_level_map['loader'] = 1; $access_level_map['support'] = 3; $access_level_map['admin'] = 7; $access_level_map['superadmin'] = 15; define("LOAD_PAGE_MASK",1); define("SUPPORT_PAGE_MASK",2); define("ADMIN_PAGE_MASK",4); define("SUPER_ADMIN_PAGE_MASK",8); $pageMaskMap['add_employee.php'] = SUPPORT_PAGE_MASK; $pageMaskMap['awpdc.php'] = SUPPORT_PAGE_MASK; $pageMaskMap['awpdc_blocked.php'] = SUPPORT_PAGE_MASK; $pageMaskMap['awpdc_unblocked.php'] = SUPPORT_PAGE_MASK; ?> What I know … | |
I was trying to find an answer for my issue over the net, but it was hard to find any relevant information. I'm in the middle of my school project and I got stuck in a dead point! I have a form which looks like this: http://i60.tinypic.com/24zjfpl.jpg I don't know … | |
Friends , I have a database in sql server named "Deposit" with a table "Receipts" .I want to display the data in a list box.My code is given below Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim cnn As New SqlConnection("Data Source … | |
Hello Community, I've been wondering if an SFTP connection would be worth it? | |
can you make a c++ program and link it to a microsoft access database? | |
The scenario was there should be any or multiple TextBox that is not empty and display it on the DataGridView. I think my SQL is incorrect. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Command1 As New OleDbCommand Dim i2 As Integer Dim sql1 As … | |
How can I insert splitted texts to my ms access database? I can't seem to find the logic in it. :( Please help me. Here are my codes: This is where i split the texts that are inputted in textBox1, textBox2, and textBox3 string items = textBox2.Text; string[] splittedText1 = … | |
I've got this error: **Additional information: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.** I don't know why.. I want to use split text in a textbox and insert the splitted texts to ms access. Here is my code: string[] splittedText1 = textBox2.Text.Split(' '); string[] splittedText2 = textBox1.Text.Split(' '); string[] splittedText3 = … | |
Hi everyone, I am quite new to vb.net. Recently, I've been learning about Oledb commands and it's ability to save records in a form to a database. So, I started a project and now I am stuck. Here's the scenario: The form comprises of several comboboxes, a listview box and … | |
.i'm dave and i'm working with some receiving and m0nitoring system like.,i develop a system but it is a individual machine or a stand alone system,which means it w0rks only on a single pc,.my problem is i want to convert it to be a client server system which i can … | |
Hi, I have some deals with this. I can't make this run. It says that "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB 12.0 is not registered on the local machine". I tried with diferent providers, but still not running. I tried installing the Access Database Engine Driver, and the application seems that don't want to run. … | |
i enterd static ip in modem and connect my 3 computers to that modem with automatically confic of system ip so now i want to access my one computer through any where via internet please let know how i do this | |
hi my name is vishal for past 10 days i have been going nuts on how to combine selected datas from 3 or more tables into single sql select query in vb6. i have 4 tables named table1 name: Inward column Name DataType mfr_ref_number text no_of_bundle integer supplier_id integer DC_date … | |
Hello, can anyone provide me with some sample code? VBA access. I need an insert into statement where form.control.value = some_column and another.form.control.combobox.value = some_column can anyone help? thanks | |
I have an old access 2.0 database, i converted it in access 2007 but the old code doesn't work.. i heard that it is about DAO and ADO anyone can help me to convert this DAO code to ADO coding.. thank you so much in advance.. Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Dim … | |
Hello, I am attempting to make a section in my application where a user can enter their own code which will be executed at runtime. I have looked up how to compile and run Visual Basic code while the program is running (Below). Dim VBP As New VBCodeProvider Dim CVB … | |
windows 7 home premimum x64 access denied for saving files to app_data folder and any other folder in the projects root directory. Code below is what im using to save and getting... doc.Save(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Logs")) I get a couple access to path denied msgboxes. Set a few permissions and no go. | |
Friends I met with a problem...Please help I have a table 'Tran' in Access Database which has several fields of which one is 'Date' I added several records through programm on different dates.Everything OK. All the records appeared in a chronological way ie.Earlier to Later order . Later I deleted … |
The End.