629 Topics

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Member Avatar for william85

Since upgrading to Microsoft Office 2007 I now have trouble reading PowerPoint documents from a particular client. Before I upgraded, I had no troubles reading their PowerPoint. Now, I have missing fonts and graphics - so much so that many pages are blank, or filled only with a few dots …

Member Avatar for john76
Member Avatar for Saran_1

Good Afternoon: I would like to have this JSON object written out to a CSV file so that the keys are header fields (for each of the columns) and the values are values that are associated with each header field. Is there a best practice for working with this? Ideally …

Member Avatar for Saran_1
Member Avatar for adamf07

My problem is this: I am trying to automate the download, parsing, and insertion of an excel file into a database. I have the parser and inserter done, but I can't seem to find a way to download the files automatically. The core of the issue is that the website …

Member Avatar for juhi_devloper
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I've created some spreadsheets that others use. The headings of the spreadsheets are divided up with colors. However after I've created these and saved them formatted as I like, some of these cells are changing automatically after the other users open them up. I've read online there may have …

Member Avatar for hefaz
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group, I've recreated a spreadsheet that has multiple macro's behind it. One of these macro's opens and existing file, copies the data in it and then pastes it into the original workbook (where the macro's originate) and then closes the existing file. After the copy and paste is done, …

Member Avatar for hefaz
Member Avatar for scorpionz

Hi this is scorpionz I am uploading an excel sheet file using PHP Now the file code is working fine for gif files but not working if i provive xls extension Here is the php main code [code] <?php // include 'config.php' include 'uploadcode.php'; if(isset($_POST['upload_file'])) { $user_file = $_FILES["car_info_file"]["name"]; upload_files($_FILES["car_info_file"]["name"]); …

Member Avatar for SuperGOAT
Member Avatar for pablobarron

I have a computer that is running Windows XP with Office 2007 Professional. He is having problems only with the Powerpoint files in the office, specifically .pptx files. When you double-click on the file it opens up to a blank presentation. Once that is open if you click open and …

Member Avatar for AlicePhoebe
Member Avatar for darkocean

Dearl all, Is there any way or codes for export dataset or datatabe to excel file. Whenever I use click event in the button, it will save my report in an excel file. My information inside in datatable (dataset) from database and I want to save it in excel file. …

Member Avatar for du_1
Member Avatar for calebclark

Before upgrading to EXCEL 2010, I am able to open dbf files created in Visual Foxpro 7 or 9 in Excel 2003. I am not sure why after installing EXCEL 2010 I am no longer able to open the file. I get the error message when I tried opening the …

Member Avatar for caelholden
Member Avatar for hefaz

Hello all, Help me to understand how they create deal or no deal game in excel? is that converted? or made in excel? that would be very helpfull.

Member Avatar for hefaz
Member Avatar for ramsiva

I am importing Excel into Data Base. I enter in Excel is 9-Oct-2006.I want to get the excel to php file but i am not getting. I am trying this code $date = date('m-d-Y',strtotime($dob)); echo $date; but getting o/p is 01-01-1970 any body help me to get date formate

Member Avatar for David_50
Member Avatar for somusas

i want a macro which can find the "$" select all the data and copy it to the next sheet The dollar symbols are dynamic so 1st and 4th dollar symbol will be copied sheet 1, data between 4th and 5th will be copied to sheet2,data between 2nd and 3rd …

Member Avatar for Da_Noles

Hi all, I am trying to create a script that I can run and edit a user's settings on their excel. IE: the script will edit the user's options by enabling macros and adding in the add-on. Anyone ever work on something like this?

Member Avatar for Yugavashini

Hi, I need to validate a text input with the rest of the data inside excel file. The following is my code. It just read the text input and only execute data in row 1 only instead of searching other model's data. Any suggestion where did the code goes wrong? …

Member Avatar for Yugavashini
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hi all, Want to write some data from C# to Excel. Code enough I thought, here at DANI's and on the web. So I managed to come up with this : [CODE=csharp]private void DoExcel(string Fname) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass excel = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ws = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range rng …

Member Avatar for HaiLuong
Member Avatar for rikb53

guys, i have a bit of an anomole exporting to excel. on date formats, it seems no matter what i export to excel, it becomes a 24hr clock. for instance the date format thats being exported is stored as:: 03/11/2015 04:26:09 PM - however when it hits excel, it becomes: …

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for derekcpt

Guess this is javascript. Similar as in excel, (I have seen this before), lets say I have 3 fields in a form. Now when entering a numeric value in field 1, and lets say field 2 has the value of 5, then the value of field 1 times field 2 …

Member Avatar for jubbar003
Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hey! Firstly, here's the code: for (Row row : sheetToSearch) { for (Cell cell : row) { if(cell.toString().equals("Oladimeji")){ System.out.println("Found Oladimeji!!"); break; } else { System.out.println("Oladimeji not found...."); } } } What this does is search through the an excel spreadsheet, looking for a name (which happens to be my surname!). …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jazzyjaj

Hi I have been experiencing high CPU usage for the past few days. Upon investigation I found out that the iphlpsvc was constantly running at 25% alongwith gpsvc, together putting the CPU usage to frequently 100%. I ran MBAM and AVAST scans I assume they couldnt find anything to fix …

Member Avatar for jazzyjaj
Member Avatar for Nguyen_4

I import excel file and show on datagridview I want insert all row datagridview to mysql. But i receive error: Incorrect date value:'11/14/1991 12:00:00 AM' for column 'Ngaysinh at row 1. Mysql : i using date : yyyy/mm/dd datagridview show : mm/dd/yyyy. i don't know error: '12:00:00AM ' ???? column …

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for Sarwat Zodiac

How can I take a copy of the text inside listbox to Excel Sheet or Word Page ? Thank you

Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hi! Firstly, here's the code: if(new File("ATM.xls").exists()){ System.out.println("File exists"); } else{ File excel = new File("ATM.xls"); } What I'm trying to do is check whether or not a file exists and then create said file, if it does not exist. This all works fine, but somehow, I'm unable to use …

Member Avatar for collin_ola
Member Avatar for Andrew de Beer

Hi All I use MS Access to import information from Excel, check for duplicates and post it to an Access data table. The amount of data is making this process extremely slow. I am attempting to move the data tables to MySQL and then running a Stored Procedure to do …

Member Avatar for DaveAmour
Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hello Everyone, is it possible to create excel file without excel installed on machine in vb6 code? is there any code, dll, link is available? Thanks.

Member Avatar for cuzintone
Member Avatar for Njay19

Not sure how to put my code in to excel. 1.#include <iostream> 2.using namespace std; 3. 4.int main() 5.{ 6. const int n = 20; 7. int Array[n] = { 3, 5, 2, 9, 6, 12, 16, 11, 18, 4, 14, 8, 1, 15, 17, 7, 19, 13, 20, 10 …

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Member Avatar for rola theo

Good day guys I need help for adding 2 column in datagridview my project is : the import and the varibles are : Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class Form2 Friend xlApp As New Excel.Application Friend xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook Friend xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet Friend …

Member Avatar for rola theo
Member Avatar for naz1234

Hi, how to plot a chart from imported excel in Datagridview? I tried the tutorial from [HERE](https://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/code/492766/display-excel-data-in-a-datagridview), but I do not know how to plot the chart. Previously, I used MS.Access for my Datagridview, then I manage to choose the Datasource. But, for this case, I imported an excel and …

Member Avatar for naz1234
Member Avatar for rola theo

Hello !! I use vb.net with excel I have a buttom "get the name of the column from worksheet" with a combobox thi is the code of the button: Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click Dim Excols As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) Form2.xlWorkSheet = …

Member Avatar for djjeavons

This snippet demonstrates how you can add VBA code to an Excel file at run time. **Prerequisites** In this snippet I am using Microsoft Excel 2013 with the Microsoft Excel 15.0 object library. Before you can use this code, you will have to change a setting within Microsoft Excel to …

Member Avatar for Suzie999

I'm printing some strings to the output console to visualise an array, so I'm looping though a string array and using `Debug.Write(array[x,y] + "\t")` etc... All was fine before I went to bed, and the output was fine, like this. "type-b flat three core 29/03/2015 23:34 6 £13.65 wire grade" …

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The End.