629 Topics

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Hi Guys, i created an C# application, i need to read an excel spreadsheet called "Graduates.xlsx", i have to search for a specific row on a column called "ID number", once i get that column i must retrieve a record of that row on column "First name". Its been weeks …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]How come I can't let go? I'm between two worlds ~Tom Petty, Between Two Worlds[/I] As I watched vendors navigate the changing software world last week at [URL="http://www.e2conf.com/"]Enterprise 2.0 in Boston[/URL], it struck me that the old companies are trying desperately to hold onto to the markets they have dominated …

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[URL="http://blogs.forrester.com/information_management/2009/05/microsoft-office-still-owns-the-desktop.html"]Sherri McLeish from Forrester[/URL] reports that 80 percent of enterprise customers still use Microsoft Office. While this is down significantly from the 95 percent reported in this [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_27/b3991412.htm"]2006 BusinessWeek article[/URL], it still makes me wonder why so many companies would continue to use Microsoft Office given the current economy and …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

As part of my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4037.html"]ongoing quest[/URL] to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4007.html"]bring you information[/URL] on getting -- or keeping -- a job in the tech sector, I want to point you to a [URL="http://www.palamida.com/blogs/eight-open-source-projects-for-highly-effective-job-hunting"]great blog post[/URL] by the folks at the application security company [URL="http://www.palamida.com/"]Palamida[/URL]. They've assembled a list of eight open source tools …

Member Avatar for Justin Ryan
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft products have always presented a paradox for organizations. On one hand they seem to be universally derided. On the other, they remain the corporate standard. Open source, SaaS/online and other alternatives have had a hard time gaining widespread traction in large organizations. That's partly because companies would likely rather …

Member Avatar for airbourne
Member Avatar for EddieC

Microsoft it was disclosed today will become a sponsor of the Apache Software Foundation, forking over US$100,000 a year for theprivilege . In return, Redmond will gain access to the [URL=http://poi.apache.org/]Apache POI[/URL] project, a Java port of file formats of Microsoft's Office suite of applications. Based on Microsoft's history, I …

Member Avatar for EddieC
Member Avatar for EddieC

Here's a story that didn't get much play on the wire services. Microsoft on June 30 published [URL=http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc203350.aspx]format specifications[/URL] for Office binary files as well as protocol documentation for Office 2007, Exchange Server 2007, Outlook 2007, Office SharePoint Server 2007 and SQL Server 2005. According to the company, the move …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for EddieC

Microsoft is betting that people would rather fork over $US20 a year for the legal right to use its Office application suite than install an old or pirated copy or use one of a growing number of free alternatives. Having been faced with that exact decision myself this week, I …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to [URL="http://www.bt.com"]BT[/URL] the average UK office worker sees less sun than the average coal miner. The growing trend of 'chain-desking' where workers feel that being out of the office is the same as being out of touch, is blamed for the vampire-like existence. The research was conducted on behalf …

Member Avatar for Sorrofix
Member Avatar for EddieC

Easier installation, 3D desktop effects, digital music and video management and an up-to-date OpenOffice are among the enhancements in openSUSE 11.0, which became generally available this week. Designed for the novice as well the advanced, installation options include a choice of Gnome 2.22 or KDE 4 desktop environments and the …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft is not old by corporate standards, but in the world of technology it is down-right staid. That’s why it takes a while for it to make major changes (or five years to roll out an OS). A few years ago when Bill Gates was still in charge, he recognized …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for happygeek

Research by security as a service specialists [URL="http://www.scansafe.com"]ScanSafe[/URL] has proven something that pretty much everyone knew already: namely that people working at home are more likely to view online pornography than those stuck in an office somewhere. I mean, it hardly needed a survey to dig up that little gem, …

Member Avatar for charliechan
Member Avatar for newsguy

Microsoft has today announced the immediate public availability of the beta version of [URL="http://workspace.officelive.com"]Microsoft Office Live Workspace[/URL] which allows users to access their Office documents from anywhere via a web-based interface, and share them with others the same way. This is part of the Microsoft strategy to provide a 'software …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for newsguy

Microsoft has today announced the availability of Service Pack 1 for the 2007 Office system product range, and you don't have to wait the 3-6 months which Microsoft says it will take to appear in the automatic updates either. In actual fact you can download it right now from [URL="http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads"]OfficeOnline[/URL]. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

There has been much online speculation about how Microsoft is going to head off the Google Apps free office software attack, much of it focusing on an advertising supported version of Microsoft Office. While this may, at some point, feature in the Microsoft strategy it is not going to appear …

Member Avatar for cutepinkbunnies
Member Avatar for John A

Yesterday, [URL="http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=19660"]an email was sent[/URL] to the OpenOffice developers that proclaimed the development of a new version of OpenOffice -- one that's going to be available via the web. Using a technology that's been in development for 3 years already, Gravity Zoo Framework, a special programming library aimed at online …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for John A

Following Google's announcement just yesterday that they are going to develop a full office suite for the web, they've just recently added a new feature to Google Spreadsheets: charts. This isn't quite your regular spreadsheet program, as it's still quite basic and was not much more than a portable way …

Member Avatar for John A

Microsoft's now planning to make [URL="http://www.informationweek.com/internet/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196902603"]Windows Vista and Office[/URL] downloadable via their website - a good choice, likely spurred on by the vast number of other software distributable via the internet. It's a good idea, but I think that it's quite probably piracy will become even worse if it's distributed …

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Member Avatar for John A

Codeweavers has released a final version of CrossOver Office 6 - the software that provides Windows-application compatilibity - to both Linux and Mac OS X, marking the first-ever release of CrossOver Office for Mac. CrossOver Office is built upon the open source Wine framework, but provides additional features, such as …

Member Avatar for happygeek

As some of you may know, I am a Contributing Editor with [URL="http://www.pcpro.co.uk"]PC Pro Magazine[/URL] in the UK, which is why I am able to reveal that according to figures ‘obtained’ by the publication Microsoft Office 2007 will officially be a rip-off. If you are buying in the UK that …

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It’s that time of the year again, and the Microsoft Tech.Ed Developers Conference 2006 Europe has hit the beautiful city of Barcelona, capital city of Catalonia in Spain. Hot off the press news for today is the keynote speech by Eric Rudder, senior vice president of technical strategy with Microsoft. …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22

[B][U]Windows Live Writer[/U]:[/B][INDENT]Windows Live Writer beta is now available to download at [URL="http://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com/"]http://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com/[/URL].[/INDENT] Windows Live Writer is a desktop application for composing blog entries onWindows Live Spaces or other blog services. Some features include a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor along with an HTML editor and …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

How much money does Microsoft need? As much as possible would appear to be the answer, considering that it has announced a $1.50 fee to download the Office 2007 Beta as from August 2nd. Claiming a requirement to cover server costs as a result of the 3 million people that …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

Good question, but the answer may not be as straightforward as the announcement this week by Microsoft, and the ongoing online media coverage, suggests. The impression given is that Microsoft is supporting the Open Document Format in Office 2007 by sponsoring an open source based translator. This will take documents …

Member Avatar for happygeek

On May 23rd I predicted that Microsoft would start the Windows Vista Customer Preview Program (CPP) within a few weeks, and I have been proven right. Microsoft today announced public availability of Vista Beta 2, the same build (5384) as was made available to developers at WinHEC. If you don't …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for happygeek

Reports of the death of PDF support within Office 2007 and Vista are not only presumptuous but wrong. Despite the high profile publicity given to a spat between Adobe and Microsoft over the ‘Save as PDF’ function seen in the [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/beta/getthebeta.mspx?showIntro=n"]Office 2007 Beta[/URL], there is no doubting that users will …

Member Avatar for MartyMcFly

Most people have had experience of, or currently use Microsoft Office, either at work or home, but I would think most people would find it hard to spot the differences between Office 2000, XP, and 2003. Apart from updated aesthetics on the latter, not much has changed through the generations, …

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Member Avatar for pamelaanne

I've created an Excel spreadsheet that I use to incorporate data into a Microsoft word document. (Word/Excel 2003) When I do the mail merge and bring in the data, Excel takes a few of the data cells and adds zeroes after the decimal. I've attached a .jpg image of the …

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The End.