3,842 Topics
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Hello all, Help me to understand how they create deal or no deal game in excel? is that converted? or made in excel? that would be very helpfull. | |
**Modifications Required for VB6 Applications to Work on Vista/7** Thanks to Hassan Basri in VBForums **Application Changes** - Remove SendKeys calls and replace them with API code. - Use the HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the registry for the settings of your application. - Do not write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. - If you are … | |
I am importing Excel into Data Base. I enter in Excel is 9-Oct-2006.I want to get the excel to php file but i am not getting. I am trying this code $date = date('m-d-Y',strtotime($dob)); echo $date; but getting o/p is 01-01-1970 any body help me to get date formate | |
Hi Having a problem with window XP sp2 When i try to open a file e.g (text file) windows XP takes about 30 seconds to opening the file. Also if i try to right click on any file the contents menu also take about 30 second to appear. The problem … | |
I created project, If It Run from Vb.Net program its works fine, Then Create "Setup" Files and Installed it, When Run "Exe" file, there is error like this, From my Project I want to read this file, (Text File) If I Install this Out of "Program Files" folder, then its … | |
I am using xampp and windows.... I need to call java classes from php. How to use php java bridge... I am using php 5.2.6 | |
Hi Guys, I am using the following codes to connect to MS Access database using vb.net code. I am providing the file path name and directory. This codes work fine in my computer. How can I make this codes as dynamics connection that can run to another computer that no … | |
i want a macro which can find the "$" select all the data and copy it to the next sheet The dollar symbols are dynamic so 1st and 4th dollar symbol will be copied sheet 1, data between 4th and 5th will be copied to sheet2,data between 2nd and 3rd … | |
I am sitting in front of a brandnew 27 inch Apple Macintosh running on OS X Yosemite, trying to compile a timed insertion sort from my Windows days. The Xcode app is a sweatheart, but there are some Windows things in the code that cause a problem. This line ... … | |
While keen to point out that Microsoft's TechNet portal security was "in no way compromised" by the tactic, researchers with security outfit FireEye [discovered](https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2015/05/hiding_in_plain_sigh.html) that [a well established China-based hacking campaign called Deputy Dog](https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2013/09/operation-deputydog-zero-day-cve-2013-3893-attack-against-japanese-targets.html) had managed to create profiles and posts on TechNet that contained embedded Command and Control codes … | |
I just purchased a Seagate 750 gig external hard drive. My computer (running Windows XP home edition) will not boot past the screen where the devices are recognized as long as the Seagate is physically connected. I have to disconnect either the power cord or USB cord to the Seagate … | |
Hi all, I am trying to create a script that I can run and edit a user's settings on their excel. IE: the script will edit the user's options by enabling macros and adding in the add-on. Anyone ever work on something like this? | |
Hi, No matter what I do I get the Access denied for user error.I watched the video but still get it. Are there any common errors I should be aware of in setting up a db user? Thanks, duchaine | |
Hi, I need to validate a text input with the rest of the data inside excel file. The following is my code. It just read the text input and only execute data in row 1 only instead of searching other model's data. Any suggestion where did the code goes wrong? … | |
Hi all, Want to write some data from C# to Excel. Code enough I thought, here at DANI's and on the web. So I managed to come up with this : [CODE=csharp]private void DoExcel(string Fname) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass excel = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ws = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range rng … | |
stream writer is not working in windows 8.1 worked partially how can write console output in a text file without stream writer .? | |
hi. Experts I'm developing a monitoring student in and out of residential college using RFID My problem is i can scan the RFID tag but i did not know how to save it into database access. here is the code i found on internet to connect detect rfid tag no … | |
Can SQL 2005 Run on Windows Server 2012? | |
as the title states, on on linux (Wine32) it works perfectly: http://lh3.ggpht.com/-heB_VObWcwE/VUgfS4bkLkI/AAAAAAAAJAA/tHZzjq2RElw/s642/SIDE_firstPort.png but on windows (synced code) I get this: Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:24:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ================================ RESTART ================================ >>> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My … | |
i hope to connect console output to windows form in panel2. i have no idea how to do it... please help me | |
I am looking for a way to reboot the system and launch the program with elevated permission without user interaction after the first time the program is launched. The program I am trying to write is for new system. Part of the setup I want to perform system updates then … | |
guys, i have a bit of an anomole exporting to excel. on date formats, it seems no matter what i export to excel, it becomes a 24hr clock. for instance the date format thats being exported is stored as:: 03/11/2015 04:26:09 PM - however when it hits excel, it becomes: … | |
Good day. I was surprised to see that there are no members on objects declared as IFSTREAM and OFSTREAM. I have this code; ifstream indata; ofstream outdata; indata.open(""); outdata.open(""); It can't seem to recognize the member "open". Why is that? Any solution? | |
Hi I am trying to provide access to a folder of photos. The website is Unix based so I can change permissions. I am using WISE-FTP 8 as my FTP program. I created a directory on the server and intend to upload about 40 photos to it. I uploaded one … | |
My tables in MS Access doesn't have any change which it did not update the record that I entered in Visual Studio.. This is my code. Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click On Error GoTo saveErr RequestSoftwareBindingSource.EndEdit() RequestSoftwareTableAdapter.Update(FYPDataSet.RequestSoftware) MessageBox.Show("Your request has been submitted.", "Thank you", MessageBoxButtons.OK, … | |
I want to buy a new lenovo laptop could you please suggest best laptop for dual booting.I am looking for Windows10+Ubuntu.What is your suggestion.I want learn linux. | |
Hi guys, I am trying to update a single column in an already existing record with a value in a textbox in Access database using VB.NET 2008 express edition. This is how it should happen, combo box is drawing product IDs from the table and two textboxes display product description … | |
For some strange reason, I can't access the following websites: www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/ www.thoroldedition.ca (these are two adject town news sites that I assume use the same server to keep their website running) These websites work on my phone and using another person's computer connected to the same router that I'm currently … | |
i belive that my brother found a virus\spyware. i even formated the laptop and continues there :( my problem is: the help window is allways opening. i have problems using the laptop :( ca anyone help me? | |
Guess this is javascript. Similar as in excel, (I have seen this before), lets say I have 3 fields in a form. Now when entering a numeric value in field 1, and lets say field 2 has the value of 5, then the value of field 1 times field 2 … |
The End.