2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for jto

hi, i have installed sql-server 2000 on win-xp pc . but when i am using sql server it requires authentication from server ,but i do not have any server ,by this i am unable to use sql database in my vb application .is any method to use sqlserver 2000 without …

Member Avatar for chmonalisa
Member Avatar for x067844

I am new with SQL Server 2005. Is it possible to store a column ALIAS at time of table creation? User wants business name and cryptic alias.:mrgreen:

Member Avatar for x067844
Member Avatar for Qcdms21

Hi everybody, i m qcdms21 , i would like to know can we update in views , i m been told select can be used but not insert. How about update? For ex: i have loanview1 as view , inside it i have loan , guarantor and student db tables. …

Member Avatar for chmonalisa
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a question about the possible string match in sql statement, for example I have variable "$val=abc", I can write: [CODE] SELECT * FROM table WHERE field like '%$val%' [/CODE] this will list all recoreds that the field contains sub-string "abc". Now the question is: if I have a …

Member Avatar for chmonalisa
Member Avatar for malstrom

I have 3 tables that need be joined. (Not necessarily needed info but might help: using Coldfusion with ODBC to Foxpro database) Table 1: Timecard -------- loginname date wrknum time ----------- --------- --------- ------ afrank 7/17/06 1 3 afrank 7/17/06 2 2 afrank 7/17/06 3 3 afrank 5/20/06 1 3 …

Member Avatar for chmonalisa
Member Avatar for pub00515

Hello, I am trying to implement a fulltext search on a MS SQL database. While I can query each table independently for a specific word, I didn't find a method to query the entire collection of tables for my search key. Is there a way to do this (using the …

Member Avatar for chmonalisa
Member Avatar for blacklocist

Hi all, Well I am still new to sql to getting better and better with each query. Now this one has me completley stumped. Here is the query [CODE] SELECT * FROM MOTORS WHERE (CHKCANCEL = '0') AND (DITD IS NULL) AND (CUSTOMERID = '52') OR (CUSTOMERID = '62') OR …

Member Avatar for blacklocist
Member Avatar for hanifa

Hi guys, Need some help in some query processing... Here goes,this is the results i have obtained so far |id |cat | name | 1 .....a apple 1 .....b banana 2 .....a austria 2 .....b brazil 2 .....c china 3 .....a abraham 3 .....c clinton Column cat can have at …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for waolly

Hi guys, Let me describe the situation I am in. I have a table of 2000 objects and each object has a range of different prices associated with it, stored in another table. I have created a view which serves to list the objects as well as their average price. …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for andyiain

Hi, Is there any way of finding the modal (most frequent) occurrence of a value. I know that mode doesn't exist in the same way that count, avg and max do but is there any way to combine count and max in such a way to find the most frequent …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for sarvesh jaiswar

From last two days i am searching for the answer of this querry. I want to know how can i access the rows of tables in stored procedures using loops(Without cursor). We don't want to use cursor for that because of the performance issues.

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for deepu123

Hi..... i create a new user in mssql... user is --- kumar now i login to mssql by using the above user... now i login to mssql with another console by using administrator account..... now i try to delete the account(@ present in administrator account) -- kumar .... then the …

Member Avatar for itsdavetime
Member Avatar for hanifa

Hi guys, I have this situation.. The Min funcition in SQL returns lowest value in query but I what to return is the 2nd lowest instead. Take this table for example col=Pay(3000,2300,1000,1900,1200) Min(pay)=$1000 but I want to return Min2ndlowest(pay)=1200 Is there a way to solve this problem. Thanks for help …

Member Avatar for jonamthomas
Member Avatar for hanifa

Hi, I am using MSSQL (Microsoft SQL)to liase with python via third party driver. Well here goes... I have created two instances of SQL registration in my Enterprise manager. It is under i)Console Root->Microsoft SQL Servers->SQL Server Group->(LOCAL)(Windows NT) and ii)Console Root->Microsoft SQL Servers->SQL Server Group-> INTEL\FR6EnterpriseDB (Windows NT) Btw …

Member Avatar for hanifa
Member Avatar for bjoernscher

First of all Hello to this forum. I have the follwoing problem. When I am runnig an UpdateCommand with codebehind : sqldatasource1.Update() I get the following error. (I want this command to CompareAllValues) [COLOR=#000000][B][I]You have specified that your update command compares all values on SqlDataSource 'SqlDataSource1', but the dictionary passed …

Member Avatar for Ignacio

Hello, I recently deleted some columns from a table with the statement DROP and I saw that database size doesn't change, it remains exactly the same(very big by the way). So I suposse DROP only take away the logical references but the COLUMN is still physically there. The question is: …

Member Avatar for Ignacio
Member Avatar for lorraine1000

Hi i having a few problems what i need to do is find duplicate rows in a mssql database i can do from one table but i need it to run across 2 tables this is the code i useing to do one table SELECT COUNT(*), sID1, sID2, sID3 FROM …

Member Avatar for lorraine1000
Member Avatar for Seba Sama

Hi can anyone help me on how to get the names of the tables from a DB - MSSQL 2k server? i need to list them or add them into a combobox, but i also need to select them by owner, or by type. user defned or system. thx in …

Member Avatar for Seba Sama
Member Avatar for bklurch

Already typed my post once, having to do it again.... With the following code in MS SQL 2K: SELECT Users.*, Trainers.FirstName AS TFirstName, Trainers.Surname AS TSurname, Trainers.DisplayAs AS TDisplayAs, Trainers.DIRealname AS TDIRealname, Trainers.UserID AS TUserID, Trainers.TrainerExpiry AS TTrainerExpiry FROM Users LEFT OUTER JOIN Users AS Trainers ON Users.UserTrainerID = Trainers.UserID …

Member Avatar for bklurch
Member Avatar for michael123

product transaction date -------------------------------------- 1 06/07/2006 2 06/05/2006 2 06/10/2006 3 06/09/2006 I have a table like above, now I want to retrieve the latest transaction date for each product, so the result should be: product transaction date -------------------------------------- 1 06/07/2006 2 06/10/2006 3 06/09/2006 I try to use statement: …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

bottom here is my asp coding, for connecting to mssql2005 i know how to connect to mssql by vb using the com+. but i want to try using the database connection on asp page. [code] <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> <% Option Explicit Dim UID, SQLStmt, Connection, FirstName, LastName Dim RS, SSN, …

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh
Member Avatar for NathanL

I am attempting to apply an SSL certificate on a per client basis in SQL 2000 (Windows 2000). I have read a number of MS Knowledgebase articles on the subject, and followed their directions, none of which seem to be working. After installing the certificate, the directions say to export …

Member Avatar for sknagaraj

We are getting frequent error in display while processing through web, we are having higher end hardware , ML350G SERVER,with 4GM Ram, duel processer capable, 145x3 hard disk, We are having 30 GB Space in C: Drive and 240GB in D:Drive, we have sql database upto 17 GB, the process …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for Swapnil Palande

Hi all, Please help me in solving following query. Can we define in sql server the same parameter as input and output? How to do it? Thanks and regards, Swapnil.

Member Avatar for Swapnil Palande
Member Avatar for ckarnuth

I currently have a form that i have created using html, (can create in another language if makes it easier) however, i can't seem to find how to send the information from that form to my database. I have searched over the internet and asked some people that I know, …

Member Avatar for malstrom
Member Avatar for jai_jazz4u

Hi !!! I m Jai and pursuing engineering in IT. We have to do a mini project in DBMS. I have decided to do a project for mainting Insurance policies. Pls help me out for its case study. Also suggest me any other new topic if possible. Thank you.

Member Avatar for pakko

Hello, I backup my databases like this: [I][B]dump database MYDATABASE to disk='c:\temp\MYDATABASE.bak' with init[/B][/I] [B][/B] This saves the structure and data to the bak-file. Now, for some DB's I want to save the structure only, can someone tell me how to do this? THX pakko

Member Avatar for rejwan

Hello, i'm currently working on an online game (browser based), and obviously, since all of the contents is meta-data, I have loads of DB-related work. Recently I came into a brick wall while trying to figure out how to make one of the more important features of my game to …

Member Avatar for gani

hello frinnds, i am new to this forum.........afte seeing this i feel it is gonna helpme..... right now my problem is-> i am usin msql, here i am using a table in a database..inside this table i have field called [B]ID, i[/B] want autoincrement feature for this field......... i don …

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Member Avatar for marcbutler

I own a small web site / hosting company and I had a hard drive failure and my back-ups didn't work perfectly. I have a complete back-up of my C drive from May 2006, but I can't figure out how to restore my MS SQL. Can anyone help? thanks, Marc

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The End.