2,935 Topics
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I am running a website of crossword puzzle and Sudoku games. The website is designed to be: [LIST=1] [*]There are 20-30 games onlines each day. [*]Every registered user could play and submit the game to win scores. [*]For each game, every registered user could get the score for ONLY one … | |
Hi Everybody How can I use 2 update stmts in a single SP? I want to update two tables, with different data, but with the same, where clause Is there any way to do that? thanks | |
i am trying to install the ms crm trail version and i keep getting err msg " The minimum required version is SQL Server 2000 SP4 (8.0.2026)." i already downloaded the sp4 with all its components updrade and my sql version is 8 but i need it to be 8.0.2026. … | |
[B]Intro[/B] I'm not the best at this, but I thought we were lacking a SQL tutorial... [B]Test table[/B] My Little Test Table called "test" for this great exercise contains the following [B]FirstName[/B] [B]LastName[/B] [B]EyeColor[/B] Paul Esson Brown John Smith Blue John Howard Green Kim Beazley Gray [B]SELECT[/B] This selects data … | |
I hava a table that stores payment information, with invoicenumber int and part varchar, where part can be (1/1, 1/2, 2/2, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, etc) The thing is not all payments are related to invoices, so I have many null value for invoicenumber. Is it posible to create a UNIQUE … | |
Hi all, I need to build a application in which i have to test wheather sql server 2000 is connected or not.I cant be dependent on any query using master database as user might not have access to it. I used following code [COLOR=#0000ff]Try [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] objIPHost [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] System.Net.IPHostEntry objIPHost … | |
[COLOR=#000000]For years I have been working with MS Access and enjoying the simplicity and ease of use. I am now making the move and converting all of my sites to MSSQL. Virtually everything works but in the process, I have found an oddity that I am not used to.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I … | |
I usually use Access 2000 (adp) to connect to my SQL Server 2000 and work with records. I have been testing out MS SQL Server 2005 but can't seem to get it to work with Access adp. Does anyone know if you can no longer use access adp in SQL … | |
![]() | I need to complete a task, although I am not quite sure how? The task is to create a very unusual search system for a car rental site. There is a database of cars that the rental company possesses, and when the user specifies the rental dates - the list … ![]() |
Hi Friends, I have the following query, i am using the column alias by this way, select work_Code as "Work Code",work_nature as "Work Nature" from sb_cm_work_nature it works fine and i get this output. Work Code Work Nature 1 External 2 DE-Sales 3 DE-Miscellaneous 4 DE-Equipments &Transport But my requirement … | |
[COLOR=#008000]I have a table with a primarykey ID and a unique key for ID_EMP and OSID When I insert I want to populate the OSID column whth the next int value related to id_emp My trigger works but is returning the error message: Warning: Null value is eliminated by an … | |
In my database, I have two tables: Forum and Files Files have two fields. First one is [B]FileID[/B] and second one is [B]FileAddress[/B]. [B]FileId [/B]field is fine. but in [B]FileAddress [/B]field I have a lot of urls. I want to just change certain parts of url. For example, instead of … | |
We are considering upgrading SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. I just love the idea of getting newer technology, But i'm hesitant to upgrade MS stuff, cause of bugs and licensing stuff... So here's what i'm wondering: 1. If we move to 2005, will we lose any databases/querys/dts packages/etc ?? or … | |
Greetings. How are all of you? I'm new to Daniweb, but heard of you through Mauisun. Anyhow, I have a copy of SQL 2000 standard, but it's an old school copy without reporting services. I understand that 2000 now comes with RS for free... does anyone know where this "free" … | |
Hi guys. Hope you can help me with my problem here.. It's quite complicated so I'll try to explain it in a very detailed manner.. I have these two databases which we may call dbaseA and dbaseB. I created another dbase which we call dbaseC. dbaseC is going to be … | |
I'd like to split a full name field on a space into first name last and update my database, I would prefer to stick to TSQL/SQL if it can be done on SQL Server 2005, any ideas? table actors actor_id int Unchecked actor_name varchar(50) Checked rating smallint Checked actor_last_name varchar(50) … | |
Hi Guys I've got a bit of problem with date. When I transfer data of a table to txt file the date column that appears in the table like "28/03/2001" changes to "28/3/2001 0:00:00" in the txt file. I've tried to change the format of date in the table but … | |
Hi all - I am a newbie to this forum, but maybe someone there can help. I have a table using an Identity property. The purpose of it is to just have a unique id value... the problem is that the system automatically fills this table with lots of data, … | |
Greetings all! To get to the point, I'm having issues accessing SQL databases. The specific error is as follows: Connection failed: SQL state: '28000' SQL Server Error:18452 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. Here's the setup: The workstation(s) … | |
Hi all, DECLARE @STA as char(50) SET @STA = 'TT' SELECT * FROM ABC_TBL where ABC_Filed in (@STA) if i have multivalue in parameter @STA, like 'TT', 'DD', 'AA' so how can i write my statement? i only need to pass one parameter with multilist, so do anybody know how … | |
How can I find active users and UsersID online in MSSQL ? I cannot find it in Enterprise Manager ? Someone know a scripts that can do ? I need to find active users before I do some upgrade jobb on servers ! Thanks in advance.... | |
I'm getting the error [inlinecode]Incorrect syntax near '='.[/inlinecode] when I use the following case statement in a view. Obviously I'm not an expert on MS SQL, but I'm curious as to why I am allowed to use the '=' sign in a preceeding statement but not in the THEN section. … | |
I have a web site that I've set up, and has been running for several years. The client has MS SQL Server. When it comes to the administration side of SQL Server, admittedly I don't know enough. The web application has been running fine, but we've been getting errors with … | |
Hi Guys, I'm having some problems in importing data from a file into a table. I created this file by exporting data from the same table. I've deleated all the records from the table and now I want to fill it up from the file I've created I'm importing data … | |
[COLOR=#191970]The data table looks like this date num1 num2 num3 num4 num5 num6 1/1/06 1 45 32 21 15 48 SQL script 1 should be able to do the following show the Top 3 number pairs another words if the pair 45 and 15 shows up 98 times and 32 … | |
Gentlemen: :?: Sorry to have posted twice, but I really messed up the title. Can anyone send me to the right contact for some SQL Topology assistance? I have posted on several SQL Forums and everyone seems to dance around this topic. I need to find out the proper way … | |
hi , how do i migrate data from mysql to mssql.....i need some free convertor tools....can any body help me | |
[COLOR=#191970]Can anyone possibly give me some pointers on how to speed up access to a central SQL Server from 3 remote sites. Currently 2 of the sites use 3mg DSL and the other uses Broadband Cable 3mg. All are VPN's into the server through SonicWalls. This topology is extremely slow … | |
Hi Guys, I was just trying to transfer data from access tables to a txt file and then back from file into a table using following code [code] Private Sub Command0_Click() DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Db Export Specification", "AUTHENTICATION", "J:\Power Equipment\Common\SK\db.TXT" End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() strSQL = "delete * from AUTHENTICATION_TEST" … |
The End.