2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for quiptro

Hi, I have a small database with 15 tables and 20-40 records in each table. I just want to ask how can I print all the tables together with their names, atribute names and all the records? (the Print option from the File menu is not active) Thanks, Robert

Member Avatar for quiptro
Member Avatar for quiptro

Hi, I have a database with 15 tables and couple of queries created in SQL Server 2005 and I am making a form/interface for the database in Visual Basic .NET. I managed to connect the tables by using the BindingSource / DataGridView controls. However I cannot find the queries in …

Member Avatar for pbd22

Hi. I have just installed 2005 in my on my database server. Now, I have a web server and will need to access my database from my web server for simple stuff such as querying the database and checking tables, etc, etc. What should I be installing on the Web …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Geek-Master

I have a view that looks at new student records and a table that stores those records and information related to their Active Directory logins. What I need to do is filter out any duplicate records between the two "tables". So I only see unique records in the view to …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

My company is using a third party software designed by other private company. there is a point where there is data redundacny on our tables and it requires me to do the data cleaning. i thought it would be better to fix the incorrect field with the procedure with those …

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

Hi, i have 2 tables. i have 3 equal colomns in both. I want transfer all data from 1st table to another one. How can i do it? Thanks this doesn't work but something like this; insert into exam (e_score, l_name, s_id) values (dbo.assignment.e_score, dbo.assignment.l_name, dbo.assignment.s_id)

Member Avatar for eralper
Member Avatar for ohyeah

Hi, I am writing a small search engine. There are two tables. The first one holds the search engine main index, the second one is link table. I have the following query that retrieves results. I would like to sort the results by: dbo.OCCURS2(LOWER(:query),se_links.anchor). se_links.anchor obviously comes from se_links table, …

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

HI, [COLOR=#000000]I am trying to return automatic value into another column with using trigger in a table, when I enter new record into that table. It works if it is first data to be in that table. If I have more than one record already, it doesn’t work. I thing …

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce
Member Avatar for forumposters

I have the following select query: [CODE]SELECT DISTINCT Job.JobID, Job.DateAdded FROM Job, ImageTag, Image, Tag, TagCat WHERE TagCat.TagCatID = Tag.TagCatID AND Tag.TagID = ImageTag.TagID AND ImageTag.JobID = Image.ImageID AND Image.JobID = Job.JobID AND ImageTag.TagID IN (#TagIDList#) ORDER BY Job.DateAdded DESC [/CODE] However, I need to add to the query the …

Member Avatar for miaaa00

I have created the following stored procedure in sql server 2005.I m using asp.net with C# 2005. Can someone please rectify my errors why i m getting such type of the errors... [code] ALTER PROCEDURE CompanyStoredProcedure @uspcompanyid INT NULL, @uspcompanyname VARCHAR(20), @uspaddress1 VARCHAR(30), @frmErrorMessage AS VARCHAR(256) OUTPUT, @RETURNVALUE AS INT …

Member Avatar for davidcairns
Member Avatar for pezz18

Hi, i'm new to all this. I'm really stuck!! I'm running XP Prof and have recently installed SQL Server 2000 Personal edition. It seems to have loaded in ok,,BUT,,it won't connect to my localhost,,i don't know what the problem is i get the 1069 error message. Pleaaaaasssee can someone help …

Member Avatar for harshakaundinya
Member Avatar for code83z

I want to install SQL Server agent using [B]Setup Factory 7[/B]. Can anyone please help me on how exactly I can do this? (I am installing a VB6 program that must access data from SQL Server 2000, so I want the setup to: 1. Install the SQL Server part. 2. …

Member Avatar for Blueforest
Member Avatar for Hellodear

hai guys, I am a newb in SQL server. yesterday i have installed microsoft sql server 2000 to my computer. But i don't know how to employ this. I have a group of ASP pages that contains my MBA assignment notes and files, and is successfully working with IIS in …

Member Avatar for Hellodear

My dears, I have installed SQL server 2000 on my computer. And have made database through the below command: Create database mydb go exit But nothing happens. I don't know how to manage this database. Can anybody clarify how can i store my ASP pages in this database. How can …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for sbooth

I have three tables that are linked as follows: SOShipheader.shipperid, SOShipheader.invctot SOShipline.shipperid, SOShipline.invtid, SOSHipline.qty, SOShipline.price SOShipmisc.shipperid, SOShipmisc.miscid, SOShipmisc.charge Here is what I want the report to look like: S80709 150.00 abcpart 3 40.00 defpart 1 10.00 misca 20.00 S80710 30.00 defpart 1 20.00 miscb 10.00 I have group1 as soshipheader.shipperid …

Member Avatar for jigoro

hi everyone im wondering how will i connect a VC++ program with an SQL server. i would like the program to have direct access with the tables/data. if you can provide a sample source code would help. thanks.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Avedis

I'm using asp and use the Connect style to my database, it works perfectly on my virtual localhost PC, but when i need to use the server i have my web page it doesnt work, then i says i need to create a database as well using their MsSql "MyLittleAdmin" …

Member Avatar for dukelips
Member Avatar for VIDHYAPREM

Hai guys, i want to know how to create a database in sql server for creating a database in sql what should be download in my system. and how to download it .my system has windows xp proffessional. please tell me how or give some website name to know detail …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for F083153WM

Forgive my ignorance, I am new to RDMS and SQL both. My question is this: I have 2 tables, one a primary table and 1 a relational table table 1 has ten rows valued 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 table 2 has 4 rows keying from table 1 row1 = 1 2 row2 = …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for norfazilah

Hi All. I am now doing this tutorial step by step ; [URL]http://www.azroc.co.uk/csharp/asp_net/asp_net_data_access_layer2.htm[/URL] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It shows on how to create a dataset and retrieve it.Then it will be show in the browser.But then, when try to run, it says got error at my aspx.cs file. Well,I run the codes by …

Member Avatar for Ayati

Hello Everyone, I have a DTS package, which has been working fine for few years. it runs once a month to get information from different databases and save it into the destination database. Now I get this error: error source: microsoft ole db provider for sql server error description: could …

Member Avatar for edmicman

I'm having a problem querying data from two different databases on a SQL 2000 server. We have two databases, a main data db, and a separate security db that has login info. Database logins for the data db DO NOT have access to the security db. I have a function …

Member Avatar for joezyz

Hello everyone, I have a MSSQL db with PHP front end. The data in the table is similiar to: "Two spaces" with 2 white spaces in the middle. When I use this code: [code] $sql = "select Name FROM Name_TBL WHERE Number = '$Num"; $rs = mssql_query($sql); $RT = mssql_fetch_array($rs); …

Member Avatar for joezyz
Member Avatar for superhuman

Query to find the 10th maximum salary from an employees table which contains empno,empname,empsal as columns.If this table contains n number of records,how to determine the 10th maximum salary

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for joezyz

Hello everyone, This was posted in the PHP section also... I have a MSSQL [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread70770.html#"]db[/URL] with PHP front end. The [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread70770.html#"]data[/URL] in the table is similiar to: "Two spaces" with 2 white spaces in the middle. When I use this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread70770.html#"]code[/URL]: [code] $sql = "select Name FROM Name_TBL WHERE Number …

Member Avatar for nade

OK, I'll admit straight away i'm new to SQL. I've got a SQL 7 Server with two small databases running. I have been able to backup both to file. However when I try and "restore" them on a test SQL 2005 Server, it errors because the file & folder structure …

Member Avatar for adnanc

[COLOR=midnightblue] Hello All, Apologies if this is the wrong forum section. Some help and advice please regarding a [URL="http://www.sql-server-performance.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=19631#"]SQL[/URL] Report. It is for a Feedback form and below is a quick mock up of the DB diagram [IMG]http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/4102/feedbackbr8.jpg[/IMG] tblFeedback is populated with a [URL="http://www.sql-server-performance.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=19631#"]Customers[/URL] details and the tblResults with the …

Member Avatar for mason12345

Hi: I'm writing a VBA macro in xls to chart various records that I'm querying from MS SQL. One of the values that are most important for me to chart is the total number of records. The way I have the xls code, I can pull the data into xls …

Member Avatar for FreelanceHW
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hello, I was looking around for some tutorials about how to backup my database in my hard disk using [B]SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager[/B]. Can someone explain me in a friendly and step-by-step method? (screenshots preferred) Thanx so much in advance

Member Avatar for BoimSoulPower
Member Avatar for Sands010

Hello... :eek: Sorry, I'm new here and new to SQL (please dont kill me for asking) What I'm trying to do is write a script to backup a few databases in SQL. I know that I can just right click on the db and back it up, but how is …


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