10,944 Topics
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hello every one please can any body do this task for me please becouse our instructor in the university uploaded it and I dont have enough time becouse im studying for my final exams please any one and i will be helpfull for him/her :) this is the task Create … | |
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Final Year Project\XAMPP\htdocs\littleavenue\shop.php on line 320 <?PHP if(!isset($_GET['product_category'])){ if(!isset($_GET['category'])){ $per_page = 6; if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $page = $_GET['page']; } else { $page = 1; } $startfrom = ($page-1) * $per_page; $getproducts = " SELECT * FROM products OREDR BY 1 DESC … | |
Hi all, I am very new to PHP and MYSQL and have a class assignment I need help with. I am trying to make a page with an HTML form that will update my MYSQL database. You can view my pages online here: [URL="http://baileyjumper.aisites.com/Scripting-Week7/homework4/exercise-five.php"]http://baileyjumper.aisites.com/Scripting-Week7/homework4/exercise-five.php[/URL] I need help with the "Edit" … | |
Hello i have this form and my php code skills not very good if someone make change password I would be glad thank you <div class="col-lg-9"> <div class="nk-box-3 bg-dark-1"> <form class="change-password" method="post" action=""> <input type="password" class="form-control input-change-password" name="opass" id="opass" placeholder="Old Password"> <div class="nk-gap-1"></div> <input type="password" class="form-control input-change-password" name="npass" id="npass" placeholder="New … | |
i really need help, am new in programming and youtube is my teacher. i really need assistance to install Cryptomarket Trading System Installer in to my cpanel. | |
In mysql database i created "leave" table: CREATE TABLE `leave` ( `ID_LEAVE` int(11) NOT NULL, `ID_WORKER` int(11) NOT NULL, `BEGIN_DATE` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `END_DATE` datetime DEFAULT NULL ) INSERT INTO `leave` (`ID_LEAVE`, `ID_WORKER`, `BEGIN_DATE`, `END_DATE`) VALUES (3, 26, '2019-03-20 07:00:00', '2019-03-21 15:00:00'), (4, 22, '2019-03-20 07:00:00', '2019-03-20 15:00:00'); "Workers" table: … | |
Hello everyone , I have find i script made in 2013 that use Mysql , Today the mysql has removed and remplaced by Mysqli or PDO Can any one help me please to convert the mysql code to mysqli Exemple : <?php $num_queries = 0; $total_time = 0; class ADO … | |
Hello i have a problem with a Sql script `SELECT col1_id, col1_name, col2 FROM table GROUP BY ?????` col1_id col1_name col2 A john bear A john dog A john cat A john bear A john dog A john cat A john dog A john cat A john bear A john … | |
So here's a little background to help with what I'm trying to accomplish (be mindful I'm also fairly new to MySQL): I'm creating a dynamically built navigation for a website using PHP and MySQLi. I've created a class called *Database* where I've got helper functions, such as connect() for connecting … | |
Hi, I am developing a system that need to monitor machines' licence, so i have a field 'movedate' and 'outdate' every machines can only been kept for 2 years for most. and if the machine didn't go out for almost 2 years, an alert will come out to remind the … | |
Hello i want to UNION three tables from the same database. SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT uid as id, name as name, username as username,bio as aboutme, '' as text, 'user' as type, profile_pic as profile_pic, '' as media_pic, '' as group_pic, 'U' as mediatype, '' as image_path FROM users … | |
Hi All, I am building an eCommerce website and I really new to PHP and MYSQL but loving the challenge. On my website I have 9 different categories of products with each page having about 8 items to sell. Rather than duplicating the code from each .php/.html file into a … | |
I have a webpage which helps download files from database. I want to count the how many times the download button has been clicked and display it on my webpage with unique id. This is my download webpage <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="media"> <img src="./images/<?= $mainImage; ?>" … | |
Hello please i have a download webpage which allow users to download mp3 files. I want to display the number of times a user has click the download button and display it on the webpage. The records are in a database and this is my code. This is my download … | |
Hello webmasters, I have a website about memes and I want to update the database each time the user scrolls down. I have no problem when I make a few requests to the database, but what if I want to do a lot of requests in a large database? I … | |
<?php session_start(); ?> <?php include('dbcon.php'); ?> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <div class="form-wrapper"> <form action="#" method="post"> <h3>Login here</h3> <div class="form-item"> <input type="text" name="user" required="required" placeholder="Username" autofocus required></input> </div> <div class="form-item"> <input type="password" name="pass" required="required" placeholder="Password" required></input> </div> <div class="button-panel"> <input type="submit" class="button" title="Log In" name="login" value="Login"></input> </div> … | |
Hi, I am trying to insert to insert a video into a folder and its path into the database. But both the things are not working for me. And also I need to retrieve the video from database. Can someone help me where i went wrong. My html to upload … | |
course curriculum using php mysql for multiple courses in html and php mysql | |
inside mysql db which is table employe in coloumn *id_employee*, some data have a leading zero, etc : **id_employee : 0378192918 empy_name : Daniweb** i need to get id_employee for delete employe in my aplication, then i using ajax method like this : if(id) { alert(id); $("#deleteBtn").unbind('click').bind('click',function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'pegawai/delpeg.php', … | |
Hi, I want to design DB for posts with multiple subcategories and categories. Example: Category has information: C#, PHP, JS, Python. Subcategory can contain: Logger, String, While Loop. A post table contain posts about "while loop" in PHP language and posts about "while" loop in C#. So, this is a … | |
i need help on this project it really makes me crazy... imnising access 2007 and vb6 together in my code im trying to make a report using sql query inner join on access database with aggregate function so sad the result is really bad.... the many to many relation ship … | |
Hello, So I have buttons on my site connected to a PHP code that updates the column "status" in "users" table with a value based on what button you press. This is the PHP script for that: <?php include('functions.php'); $servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = ""; $dbname = … | |
I m working on a MLM project in which i have to store member automatically in binary tree form like 1 is root 2 is child of 1 3 is child of 1 Then 4 is child of 2 5 is child of 2 6 is child of 3 7 … | |
how to fetch cricket scorecard to mysql database automatically for customization. i m planning to develop a game based on cricket. actually i am using php mysql database for it. i want complete cricket scorecard to mysql database automatically for customization. I m using snoopy class for content fetching from … | |
I have a script that populates a form from MySQL database table row for editing. I'm performing MySQL SELECT and UPDATE via PDO. After editing a particular table row and clicking on the submit button, the table row doesn't update. The following is "modify-course.php": <?php // configuration require("../includes/config.php"); // query … | |
I'm somewhat new to coding websites. I'm trying to have a code where it pulls multiple images from a single database and displays it in a grid, not a table. At the top of my page I have a normal connection to the database. (very sorry about not having a … | |
Hi, When I was trying to create the IT Request Form and testing it out, I got some problems during the testing. The home page (index.blade.php) ended up getting an error called "Undefined offset: 1", maybe due to the table database problem.  The checkboxes in the Request Form (requestForm.blade.php) … | |
I would like help with creating a form that when submitted, creates a webpage which is able to be edited by whomever submits the form; I would also like this url/link to be added to a database. | |
Hi All, So I an creating an online store just to play around with code and learn from it. I am building a store and on the confirmation page, I am trying to update the QTY of items in a cart by using the '-' or '+' buttons. However I … | |
Hi All, I am trying to create some search functionaltiy for my website, but for some reason when I search any word, even if its not in my database it will display all the results from a particular column. Here is my code <?php error_reporting( ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE ); define('DBHOST', … |
The End.