10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for azegurb

hi there i have table consist of 5 columns it looks like this [CODE]id title theme image category 1 PHP tutorial tutorial self 1.jpg PHP 2 Javascript tutor tutorial self js.jpg Javascript 3 PHP tutorial 2 tutorial self ad.jpg PHP[/CODE] category here is changed for ex: how i can count …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for k2k

i am trying to connect to mysql database using java. I have done connecting to microsoft access before. and i modified my code to connect to mysql server locally. i think the problem is I don't really understand where my mysql database is. anybody may point out the problem would …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ryan1987

Hi iam having a problem with combining a few union statement together. The statements run separately without any problem. The below union outputs the following results: team points leeds 3 [code] select team ,points from ( select hometeam team, sum(homepoints) points from fixtures where competitionname = 'prem' group by hometeam …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for futhonguy

Hi I am trying to write/modify a script to read from a spreadsheet into mysql database using php. I did a search on google and found phpExcelReader. However i wasnt able to use that to do so. ALso managed to find an open script to read from excel spreadsheet onto …

Member Avatar for futhonguy
Member Avatar for Toxid

Hello! I'm trying to migrate a database table from a joomla installation to drupal. The problem is with the column containing image file names. The column in the joomla table only contains the filename and drupal needs the sourcepath to the image as well. So I'm wondering if there's a …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for cwkeng09

How to add Lv2 and Lv3 referral to database? for example: D is new register and downline for C, C is downline for B, B is downline for A. I want the A, B and C add into the database like upline upline2 upline3 C B A below is my …

Member Avatar for achiman

Can anyone tell me what data type I can use to store an numbers of this sort "087699" I want it to store the FIRST ZERO. If I use INT or double it removes the first zero

Member Avatar for WebspoonUK
Member Avatar for yun

i m newbie in web development plz help me to sort out the problem.. the problem is: in [B][U]edit.php[/U][/B] when control enters in if condition it never goes to else when i press the edit button. i want to get id from view.php and display category name in edit.php textbox …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rpgwebsolutions
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

[QUOTE]$tag = $_GET[tag]; $search = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `threads` WHERE FIND_IN_SET('$tag', `tag`) = '$tag'"); [/QUOTE]why is this returning all of the rows in the table they all do not have the same tags none of them have the same tags as each other yet the column name is tag. the …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for lagspike

I have a program which connects to a remote MySQL Server. When i try running the program on other PCs (ones with nothing more than the .NET Framework) I tried using ODBC, which would run the program, but not be able to connect to the database because of the lack …

Member Avatar for lagspike
Member Avatar for niths

---Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\Project\login.php on line 72---- <html> <body> <form action="login.php" method="post"> <div> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td><img src="Logofinalcopy.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="aqua"><h2>Login</h2></td> </tr></table> <table align="right" style="width:40%"> <br> <tr> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type="text" name="username"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type="password" name="password"></td> </tr> …

Member Avatar for as.bhanuprakash
Member Avatar for rukshilag

As you wud have seen i am working on a search field, how do you select one displayed result and then use it for editing? how to dynamuically point the mouse at a result and then edit it through a form which is on another page called "Edit Details"

Member Avatar for Randomnoize

Hi all - This is kicking my butt. I have searched everywhere I can think of and have tried the various solutions to no avail. First I am connecting to two databases on the same instance of mySQL using : [code=php] $conn2 = mysql_connect ( "XXX.XX.XX.13", "User1", "PWord1",true) or die("Could …

Member Avatar for Randomnoize
Member Avatar for eman neercs

I have 2 fields in my db, the first is Title and the other StopList. If a StopList word appears in any of the Title names, I want to flag that item for deletion. Currently using a PHP array to do this but wanted to know if mysql could do …

Member Avatar for dreinzy

Hello folks, I'm getting the error message "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /var/www/login.php on line 9". I've been at it for hours and my eyes are starting to bleed, I would greatly appreciate a code-weary traveller could spot my mistake. Here's the first 10 lines of my page. …

Member Avatar for dreinzy
Member Avatar for gupta.software

I have Webpage written using PHP that displays drop down data from MySQL tables. I want my page to refresh and appeared new entry list in drop down list, after new records are entered to the database.I want auto refresh but when submit the form only.

Member Avatar for gupta.software
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I have a mysql table that gets a few million records inserted per day and it seems to get corrupted very often. The current database structure is myisam but it keeps on getting corrupted. Are there any mysql data structures that won't corrupt even when restarting the mysql …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber

Hey all, Im creating a voting website using PHP & SQL. Im planning on using a single table to store votes. Something like this. -- Voter_ID -- Candidate A-- Candidate B -- Candidate C -- ### --- 1 --- 2 --- 3 ### --- 1 --- 3 --- 2 ### …

Member Avatar for MartinJ

Hi there, i have a bit of a problem with integrating CKeditor... I have a dynamic dropdown select box filled from MySQL, i have followed an Ajax tutorial on W3 schools [url]http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_database.asp[/url] on how to get the selection pulled from MySQL to populate a textarea where it can then be …

Member Avatar for masocha

l have got a table populated with data. l need to export and append the contents of the table to an existing table. l have got an auto_increment column which l need to change so it starts at 100 not one

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for niths

hai i am new to php. i am getting this as error ---You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL--- can anyone tel wher is the error. Thank u..!! <html> <body> <form action="login.php" method="post"> <div> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td><img src="Logofinalcopy.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> …

Member Avatar for hashinclude
Member Avatar for zia zia

Hello Guys, I need someone's help please. I just recently started to learn MYSQL and am a complete novice. I learned a few things from here and there but it's still not enough for me to complete my ("they called it a basic simple task" ) new project. The project …

Member Avatar for fobos

hello all, i have a problem. First off, i am able to upload 200mb to mysql database; so im good there. I changed the values in "my.ini" to 700mb. The problem is, when i try to download it, i get a error 404 or something like that. Its like the …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for amy_rockville

I am new to php/MySQL, so I apologize in advance for any stupidity on my part. I have a MySQL database for events, and the main table ("Brochure") has multiple Trip Leader fields, e.g., "Leader," "Assistant Leader," "Leader in Training," etc. All of these leader fields get their data from …

Member Avatar for amy_rockville
Member Avatar for brett2k9

Hi I'm new here and I have a question. Basically I have a database named data with 4 columns in it. The main one being url and I want to query based on the url because i don't want to view all of them. How can I do this? Sorry …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Hello everyone I have an issue here that I couldn't find much info about, I saw a lot about it when people where selecting a lot of data but not on an insert. Heres some background. I have an application that adds items from our in house order/inventory manager to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rpgwebsolutions
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends... How can I change the order of the columns ? e.g. My columns order is: id name lastname and now I want to change the order of the columns like: id lastname name Thanks.

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for rpgwebsolutions

The End.