10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for rori

i have a website for properties (rent, sell, etc), using php and mysql. i allow the admin to manage existing properties by selecting the property id from a dropdown that lists all properties ids from the database, or by directly entering the property id in a textbox and submitting a …

Member Avatar for nats01282

Hello all. im new to mySQL database so dont know very much so sorry if its a daft question. I have a mySQL database with a company called 5quidhosting but my hosting is with heart internet. Can i get a web page hosted with heart to access the database on …

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Member Avatar for fawkman

HI Guys I have an issue, I would like to know if anyone can suggest how I can achieve what I want. I have two tables, a user table and a media table. The media table has a FK, User_id , referenced to User.User_id. Table structure User: user_id username password …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for sjeggels

need tutorial how to display multiple tables from database. i have table (price) that holds various pricing data related to table (acc_establishments). how do i link tables together to display data (price) that corresponds to (acc_establishments). need a simple example how to do this. thanks

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for cane23

i am trying to run this code but i am not getting anything from the mysql_fetch_assoc($result) it is just blank can anyone help me thanks in advance [CODE]<html> <body> <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password="hayden"; // Mysql password $db_name="ecng3020"; // Database name $tbl_name="students"; // Table name …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for rouse

I have a query that looks good to me but MySQL does not agree. I am using the DATE_FORMAT function and I do not see what is incorrect so I am hoping some one can point it out. [code] SELECT title, DATE_FORMAT(event_date '%Y-%c-%e') AS event_date FROM event WHERE event_date LIKE …

Member Avatar for rouse
Member Avatar for Flufferman

Hi, Is it possible to put 2 where closes in your mysql select query. I need it because some people appear to be available twice, so I need to add from which team I want the information, so I need a where for the name and a where for team. …

Member Avatar for daryll1
Member Avatar for danimal132

i asked some one a question about the databasei am using and this is the answers i got.. Apache needs write permission for /home/httpd/vhosts/knowittv.com/mason Just set it up and you should be good to go. i dont understand what this means or how to do that... any thoughts?

Member Avatar for -lodogg-

So the following command is working great for me but I want to pull and parse data twice in one query with the sustring command. I have a good bit of syslog data being dumped into one field and I need to run multiple substring commands to print it correctly. …

Member Avatar for -lodogg-
Member Avatar for telmessos

Hi Everybody, I am writing a simple program which connect MySQL reads each line of a table content and writing to an Excel file line by line. I want the procedure start onClick of a start button. I am quite new to c# and NOT good with the classes etc. …

Member Avatar for telmessos

Hi all, I would like to learn how I can read a MySQL table and move the records to an Excel file. While replying, please consider that I am at the very beginning of c# and write everything "Idiot proof" Thanks telmessos

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Member Avatar for sfrider0

What is the best way to create a banner ad in .gif or .png from information in database? I just want to display how many members or or info enter from a user on the ad. Is this a fairly simple this to do?

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Member Avatar for Blacklister

i am using APACHE 2.0.55 web server i have configured apache and php ( i get the phpinfo() page correct) altough after installing apache i do not get the 'http:\\localhost' page i have installed mysql_administrator1.1.9 and mysql-essential-4.1.12 on my PC. i have uncommented 'php_mysql.dll' in php.ini after restarting apache server …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for xylude

I am going to use the LOAD DATA INFILE from PHP to allow users to bring a csv file into the database. I need to add an userId field to the stuff going into the database that's not in the csv file, is there any way I can just add …

Member Avatar for Shyloo

Hi, I'm new to PHP.If i execute this code. It shows the warning as "Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in c:\wamp\www\login_action.php on line 15 Name Address Telephone company" I don't know how to solve this.[code]<?php include 'connection.php'; $uname = $_REQUEST['uname'];//extract($_POST); $uname $pword = $_REQUEST['pword']; …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for network18

Its a scenario of message and the reply post for articles and the posted messages are stored in the database. This message as a parameter is passed to the script (lets call is 'insert.php') doing this insertion is called from the js function onclick of the submit. Inside this 'insert.php', …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav

I m working on a MLM project in which i have to store member automatically in binary tree form like 1 is root 2 is child of 1 3 is child of 1 Then 4 is child of 2 5 is child of 2 6 is child of 3 7 …

Member Avatar for bsnmurty
Member Avatar for sheru2302

Hi everyone, Im pretty new here. Also realy new to PHP and MySql. In my current company they separate the html, php, css, classes codes to different different files. I just want to know, how to create a checkbox list that are create based on datas from database. Basically its …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for Zagga

Hi folks, I have a mysql database and I have written some PHP to view records, add records, delete records and update records. The problem I have is updating checkbox fields of a record. Everyhting was working fine and updating correctly. Then I tried to automatically populate the form fields …

Member Avatar for zeroge
Member Avatar for zeroge

Hello everyone I am quite new here and have a very tricky issue that bothers since days. I posted the question on the PHP forum together with a sample of my embarrassing code. If this is wrong that I raise the issue here in MySQL forum, too, please forgive me, …

Member Avatar for twalton42

I'm using mysql database..I have forms setup main form has datagrid..you can add to this datagrid and save to datbase with my add form and it works fine. I can delete from the datagrid and it works fine...when I select an account to edit is when I have my issue...form …

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Member Avatar for pisces20
Member Avatar for EvilOrange

Today went to use GD within PHP and a simple check of phpinfo() showed it wasn't installed, but running php -m show that both (pdo_mysql and gd) where installed. Does anyone know how to sort this? [INDENT] [CODE] - PHP Modules ctype curl date dom exif filter ftp gd <-- …

Member Avatar for EvilOrange
Member Avatar for nats01282

i am trying to use a flatfile database just for a basic webpage. i have no mySQL and need a login file to keep certaian things private from guests, and to also have members view a personal page each time they login. i have been trying to use this code …

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for barqersbite

Okay, I am creating a simple forum for my Grade 12 Summative Project, and am having a hard time searching the forum. I have two tables which i would like to search, setup like so: table1 --------- post_id - AI primary poster_username post_subject post_text post_time - stored as time() would …

Member Avatar for barqersbite
Member Avatar for EvilOrange

Just posted this in the PHP forum, but thought it was the wrong place: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1092005.html#post1092005"]pdo_mysql and gd recognised/enabled in terminal but not on phpinfo()[/URL] which is basically: I've got GD and pdo-mysql enabled on my version on php (ran php -m to check and they are both there) but when …

Member Avatar for venom80

Hi guys, I'm a newbie in Visual Basic and I need some assistance. I have 2 tables in mysql: 1. stats (stats_id,statsno,statsName) 2.stats_det (stats_det_ID,stats_id,stat_DateAdd,stat_UserAdd,stat_DateModif,stat_UserModif) I have a form named status and from here I want to add a new record in the first table (stats). I've created the insert statement …

Member Avatar for venom80
Member Avatar for cobberas

Hi all I'm trying to make up records of publications, in the following format: [author1] [author2] [author3] [title] [journal] So I've created 3 tables: [B]Papers[/B] paper_id (PK) title journal [B]Authors[/B] author_id (PK) surname [B]Paper_Author[/B] paper_id (PK) author_id (PK) rank When I run the query [CODE]SELECT surname, title, journal FROM authors …

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Member Avatar for contactkcer

Its a Request. I have been told from my work that I have to learn using asp with mysql to do certain task straight away, but I have no idea how to start, where to start and what to download, to do the application. I have bit knowledge about java, …

Member Avatar for jlego

I'm trying to do a delete on two tables at once. sucessfully does it with update, [code] UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table2.table1_id = table1.ID SET table1.whatever = Whatever, table2.whateveer = Whatever [/code] is there a way to do this with the DELETE function [code] DELETE table1 INNER JOIN …

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The End.