10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for iamy1204

I am writing a sports event result analyse of a database, there are few awards will be given 1. individual prize: suppose getting champion get 5 marks , second runner up get 3 marks , etc 2. the most active athlete award every student in a House participating every event …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

I got a little problem I am making a little admin tool for my server that you can edit player stats and things with it. Problem is if I like make string Test and assign value "Hi" to it. How can I use the string inside my IMPORT INTO statement. …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for juner4

Hello im juner, a new php developer, i already finished with a [B]register.php[/B], [B]login.php[/B] file. My problem is when the [B]main.php[/B] is accessable after login by correct username and password stored in mysql database, the main.php composed of the following link: changepassword.php addsponsor.php deletesponsor.php when i click the changepassword.php link …

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for gameguysz

ya i have this site i am working on and at first it was working fine, im not sure what i did but now it says i registered but when i login i get the error saying invalid username. So i went and looked at PhpMyAdmin and it did not …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for DickDeeds

I have a program that I want to use a view with. The code I'm using is: [icode] $v="select * from peoplecontact".$where." order by ci_city";[/icode] The select statement seems to work fine. It returns the correct number of rows. Now, how to I use it (see $entername)? [code=php]$v="select * from …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for sandipan.rcciit

hello, i want to create a program to fetch the xml files data to mysql database. here is my code [CODE] <?php include 'mysql-connect.php'; $m=1; $n=".xml"; while($m<6) { $str=$m.$n; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( $str ); $params = $doc->getElementsByTagName('BookData'); // Find BookData $k=0; foreach ($params as $param) //go to each …

Member Avatar for Bhilal

I am new to AJAX. that's why I ask it to you. i search it in daniweb and google but i decided ask it. anyway, my question is : how can i dropdown list from database like google. I want to use it in searching the word in a dictionary …

Member Avatar for Andy_nexus

Hey guys im trying to do a query on our database, the pieces of information i need are in 2 tables within my database. table 1= customers - information i need from this table: customers_id (primary) customers_firstname customers_lastname customers_email_address table 2= orders customers_id orders_id (primary) both tables contain more fields …

Member Avatar for cgyrob
Member Avatar for sam023

is it possible to fetch data from mysql and storing it in javascript array..!!! . . waiting for valid reply.. :)

Member Avatar for abhims32
Member Avatar for rhino666

Hi New to this forum so hello from sunny Coventry, UK My website uses MySQL which is accessed through PHPmyAdmin via CPanel. I have a major update to do on my main product inventory database. The standard edit/insert facility is too slow and risky in this instance as 1000's of …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

When i type the text myself and click send it Goes to database but when i copy from anyweb and paste in the Text box so as To send. The text is Not Going To Database...And suprisingly its Not giving any Error.Help please,i dont know whats wrong. below is my …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for agent7
Member Avatar for iamy1204

i want to ask.......if i have the data in a database of mysql....how can I generate html, chart from the database(mysql)

Member Avatar for ferensick
Member Avatar for servis

hellow everybody, i have created a image gallery, i am displaying a button name "[B][COLOR="Red"]Collect[/COLOR][/B]" with every image, when ever a registered user clicks on this button, the image id will be stored in the database table, but it must be behind the scene, i mean without refreshing the whole …

Member Avatar for SimplePlan2k8
Member Avatar for flashyflashy

I have multiple tables, table_a, table_b, table_c. Each having the same structure. i.e ID, title, rating, content. I'm using [code=sql](select * from table_a order by rating DESC) union (select * from table_b order by rating DESC) union (select * from table_c order by rating DESC) [/code]to list all titles from …

Member Avatar for ebookfinder
Member Avatar for Alcutus

Hi, I'm trying to create a CSV file from Excel to upload into a MySQL db. It's for a web-based dealer locator called Lookup Runner. When I try to import my CSV it never works. The people at Lookup Runner (hitcode.com) did something to my CSVs and they worked like …

Member Avatar for ferensick
Member Avatar for kool_samule

I've created a PHP web application in Dreamweaver, which uses a MySQL database, containing 14 tables. On one page, I use an SQL query to select data from 10 of the tables in the database. However, when I try to preview the page in a browser, a PHP warning stating …

Member Avatar for ferensick
Member Avatar for dbdesigner_2008

I've also wanted to know which of the following is the better approach Does it actually have a difference??? where table1.userid = table2.userid using the proper join statments such as Inner join

Member Avatar for ferensick
Member Avatar for nikhita

how to export mysql database table contents on to a PDF file. it has to be displayed in the website as "download/print data". when the customer click on that he/she has to get the PDF opened or an option to download the PDF with all the contents of the table. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, Im busy moving a site from localhost to hosted server and im baffled as to why mysqli simply wont run. The following script iscalled after a captcha script has been satisfied, but it just doesnt seem to like the Mysqli. I have converted other simple mysqli scripts, but …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for mario82

Hi, Anyone know how to retrieve arabic Data stored in MYSQL DB which is stored using character sets Latin1 , So Arabic Data appears as ياسر in tables . how I can retrieve this data in proper arabic symbols in Excel 2007 throughtout using MYSQL ODBC to work on this? …

Member Avatar for tushar.saurabh

I need help I want to updated table(userlogin) in MS-SQL that should synchronize with another database (MySQL) having same table name(userlogin) and also fields. I need code for this.By Procedure,PLSQL or JAVA programming

Member Avatar for u8sand

Hello, I have my own website where I make programs and put them up on my web page, it has info on the programs ext.. I also allow other people to put up they just have to e-mail me with a specified template. But I want to make this easier …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for manilaguy

Hi guys! I'm designing my first site and i've stumbled on huge block. Problem I'm having is that Ajax doesn't seem to update my MYSQL table in firefox. I have two forms and two functions (each initiating a XMLHttpRequest). First is to display a MYSQL query using PHP and second …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for jjtao

Please help me, I am getting the following error; There was an error with SQL: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND visible=1' at line 1 Not sure what is …

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Member Avatar for joshfolgado

Hi, I need to compare MySQL, MS SQL 2008 and Oracle. Do you know of any link where this comparison takes place? I found a few comparign MySQL and MS SQL 2000 but not with MS SQL 2008 and Oracle too. Can you please help? Thanks Josh

Member Avatar for joshfolgado
Member Avatar for Newbi

Hi i am fairly new to php and am trying to make an application where some1 enters a unique id which brings up a form with data in it retrieved from the database. the user should then be able to edit the information and submit & the details changed in …

Member Avatar for Newbi
Member Avatar for zachabesh

Hey all, Here's my problem: php/mysql noob here. I have an admin section on the website, and I have successfully password protected all the php pages in that directory using sessions. I have included code like this on the top of each of my pages: [code=php]<?php include('login.php'); if (checkLogin() != …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for desiguru

I have a database with about 150 tables in it. Now I wanted to copy all of the tables with something like [COLOR="red"]tablename[/COLOR]_copy at the end of each table. Also the data that will go in each of the table will be the same.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for angryfans

I'm trying to display a certain amount of words on one page from a database entry. For ex., on my main page I want to display the first 50 words of a story then a link will lead you to the rest of the story. I kind of know what …

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The End.