10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for Talguy

I am new to database design and trying to create an anonymous mobile message board. I have two tables in my database and would like some one to look at them and give me some feed back so that I can ensure that i have an efficient design and that …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for Jean Gwyneth

hi, i have my php pages done already and it's running good in my localhost but when i have uploaded it, search engine would not work. i have changed the appropriate database names and tables provided by the web host , but it just doesnt work still. I know that …

Member Avatar for Jean Gwyneth
Member Avatar for bobocheez

Is there a way to send a streaming url such as mms or asx through mysql or a php file so that it does not appear in the source code?

Member Avatar for bobocheez
Member Avatar for purepowergames

We have an app that we put on MySpace - it is hosted on a dedicated box and is database driven. Game is a static game and performs updates to the database and queries on stats and such. It is a battle type game, where actions such as attacks will …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, I need help getting that ugly yyyy-mm-dd format to change to something prettier. I would prefer being able to output it in the form like January 01, 2007. Something easy to read for the average user. I can leave it stored in yyyy-mm-dd in my database, but in my …

Member Avatar for kblenman
Member Avatar for 0TheFace

Hi, I've been trying to set up a webserver for a while now, but with no luck. Here is the problem:- After I installed PHP,Apache,MySQL into a folder named 'server' on my local machine and followed the relevant steps to set them up; I used the following script to check …

Member Avatar for 0TheFace
Member Avatar for bainer21

I am new to php, and i am making a simple ticket validation system for my school in the theatre, So we scan all the purchased barcodes from the ticket into the form which then posts the barcode data into insert.php which uploads that number to the database (this process …

Member Avatar for bainer21
Member Avatar for ROTC89

ok so i created a database and made a table that i inserted data into it. i would like to know how would i be able to put the extension .sql at the end of my table?

Member Avatar for Kailash12
Member Avatar for goodnohello

This used to post data to mysql database: [icode]<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">[/icode] Now the data does not post. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a server issue? How do I correct this?

Member Avatar for tunkara
Member Avatar for agent154

I'm playing around with SQLite, which is very similar to what i've seen in MySQL, and I want to write some code that returns the column names along with the data for output purposes. Is there an SQL query I could use to do that, or is it done differently …

Member Avatar for agent154
Member Avatar for sanjaypandit

i made this code but it shows result Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Program Files\VertrigoServ\www\sanjay\rlc\closing.php on line 14 [code]<? include("admin/include/conn.php"); $today=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("+5 hours, +30 minutes")); $c_closing="select * from member_information where child >=2"; $c_closing_query=mysql_query($c_closing); while ($c_row=mysql_fetch_array($c_closing_query)) { $c1_query="select * from member_information where Mem_sponsor_id=".$c_row['Id']." limit …

Member Avatar for Manuz
Member Avatar for gromamatej

I have XAMPP installed on my computer and started all features. When I type to browser on PC in my lan IP adress of my computer it shows me xamp welcome screen with everything working. But when I start demos which uses mysql databases (CD Collection or Phone Book) it …

Member Avatar for gromamatej
Member Avatar for kbjustin

Basically I have created a site where someone can view a table which contains information about various servers. They can also create a report from this table selecting the fields they want to see in their report. Each field can be selected through a checkbox and there are 16 different …

Member Avatar for kbjustin
Member Avatar for davecoventry

I have a drupal user table: [CODE]+------------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | uid | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | name | varchar(60) | NO | UNI | | | | pass | varchar(32) …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for jameswoodhouse

Hi there, basically i'm trying to write a php script that allows me to retrieve the tour dates for my band from a MySQL table. I want the gigs.php page to show every upcoming gig that there is. On gigs.php i want a link to gigarchive.php which features all passed …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am using this query for count [ICODE]SELECT Count(ID) from Table[/ICODE] But its showing the count of all the fields which are empty and zeros. I want the count of fields which are empty and zero. please guide me. Thanks. Take care.

Member Avatar for guru12
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, Im trying to find a method to allow files to be: 1. Uploaded and stored in a mysql database 2. List them, with "change" and "delete" options 3. Allow them to be downloaded, or even just viewed I have tried using blobs, but to no avail. I have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for wowblueberry

hello all: i am using mySQL and I created a few tables and I am learning how I can use the SQL query on multiple tables. The following are the results which are quite confusing and it will be helpful if someone can help me understand as to how this …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for xVent

Hi guys , i want to fill a textbox with a data from my mysql database and i dont know how to do it , i already searched without a result , if someone can help me i would appreciate it .

Member Avatar for xVent
Member Avatar for gmchun83

I just want to dispay all row from mysql table but got error as following: Note:I am using hostgator and try to display 40,000 query. [CODE]Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in /home/firstint/buygadget/sitemapg.php on line 11 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in …

Member Avatar for Menster
Member Avatar for eakinpeter

Hi all Problem is I want to return unique results based on 2 fields: I have a table tags_photos which is a join table and has 2 fields: tagId and PhotoId. I want to create a page which has a list of all tags and a thumbnail against each tag. …

Member Avatar for guru12
Member Avatar for mortalex

God i'm having a terrible time trying to do this. Does anyone know how to set a javascript variable as a query result from a MySQL database. As an example, like this: Set this query: [CODE]$query4=mysql_query("select price from pricelist where item='$result3[item]'"); $result4=mysql_query($query4);[/CODE] into a variable: [CODE]var price[/CODE] i just can't …

Member Avatar for deMechanico
Member Avatar for closetosane

Hello, I need to write a query for MySQL in vbscript that is just not coming to me. I have written it in vbscript with two SQL statements then did a date comparison in vbscript but it just grinds the server to a halt. What I need to do is …

Member Avatar for closetosane
Member Avatar for giemman

I have two problems: [LIST=1] [*]the download from mysql tables on unix system render some incorrect characters on imported tables on windows system [*]html generated by my php application reading that data appears incorrect - in some special character - . But, if I refrech my page, then the incorretness …

Member Avatar for dimplemodi

"Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit" i got this error when i m trying to access my site....... please help me out fast!!!!!!!!!!!! and i m developer so i have no server access to change anything related core PHP and MYSQl directory....... :sad: Please Anybody Help!!!!! :'( Thanks in …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for BabyEyes

hi all, i have a problme and i need help. i am making a guestbook which 3 fields that are comment upload picture and email address. what i would like to ask how can i make the sql statement so as the user upload an image it be saved in …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for BillBrown

Greetings, I'm wanting to learn how to use PHP to check for things like how phpBB or PostNuke do during installation. For the PHP stuff, I would imagine that I'd use fread() (or a combination of functions like that) to check for a php.ini, then use it to determine the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for zeusofolus

Hello All, I am fairly new to PHP ... I am trying to build a basic order form for a small wholesale database and am completely stuck. The function of this page is display items and their price from the database along with an input box that will allow the …

Member Avatar for zeusofolus
Member Avatar for nobby85

i am using xampp on my computer and i want to carry a backup of my database using the mysqldump command

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, This is an error im recieving on server, BUT, no error on local hostWarning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result line 49 This is the code it is referring to.... [CODE] <?php $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `indexinfo` WHERE id = '1'"; //store the queried …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh

The End.