10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for sam023

Recently only i cam eto know about Mysqli.. . . i was wondering What Esp. does Mysqli have..?? :O i have a store procedure.. which i can call in Mysql..!! than why should i use Mysqli.?? :O One more thing i want to ask.. $link=mysql_connect($server,$serveruser,$serverpassword,0,65536); what two parameters used for..? …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for manojjena1982

Hi! All I am working with database mysql5.0 on my system. But when i upload every thing in web it is not recognising host as [url][/url] and giving Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'http' (1) in /data/19/1/55/45/1870534/user/2032167/htdocs/music/LoginSystem.class.php on line 112 Unable to connect to MySQL Please help me …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hellcrow

Hi guys, My question would be..... how do I repair a MySQL table remotely? Is there a tool that I should first download? For example: I'm using windowsXP and I want to repair a table in a Linux server.... Is that possible? Thanx

Member Avatar for johny321
Member Avatar for elbiggame

watchinthegame posted the following thread on Mar 14th, 2009 : MYSQL field is Datatype DECIMAL(9,2) When I update the table and set the field to 120.00 it gets populated as 1200.00 What am I doing wrong? Thanks Watchin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It doesn't appear this was every resolved (at least not via …

Member Avatar for elbiggame
Member Avatar for Vortex05

Dear all, I'm new in php MySQL and I'm wondering on how to maka users add many informations in one table, I'll explain. Now I have a table called users conataining: Username(primary key) - Name - Birthdate - Country and I want the user can add infos in a table …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for Robert Plant

Hi Experts, I am getting this error message, "Error connecting to mysql" whenever i am running the below scripts: [code=php]<?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = 'password'; $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); $dbname = 'petstore'; mysql_select_db($dbname); ?>[/code] I've just set-up everything and …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for phpbeginners

Hi to all keen folks, can you help me to query the first 4 letters and the last 4 letters in one field. example: AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD how to query AAAA and DDDD. thank you.

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Member Avatar for Dalty80

Hi, I'm creating a basic CMS using PHP and MySQL and i'm struggling to get the checkbox information from my html page across into the database. I want the values to appear as binary 0 or 1 values, any help would be greatly appreciated thanks html document is written as …

Member Avatar for wilch
Member Avatar for revatijadhav
Member Avatar for jay.barnes

Good morning/afternoon/evening! I'm trying to run a MySQL query, but it seems to be ignoring the "ORDER BY" clause, most likely, I'm believing, because I'm using the "IN" keyword in my query (several times, as a matter of fact, along with a "LIKE"). Is there a way I can structure …

Member Avatar for wilch
Member Avatar for pabzzmike

hello, i have a mysql database which i use a php script to search and display results with fields make, model, price, year and would like to add extra functionality with presumably javascript to add a drop down form field as when a particular make is selected from the list …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for watchinthegame

MYSQL field is Datatype DECIMAL(9,2) When I update the table and set the field to 120.00 it gets populated as 1200.00 What am I doing wrong? Thanks Watchin

Member Avatar for elbiggame
Member Avatar for sleign

hey all - I'm more of a self-taught programmer but am going to school for programming as well. I'm quickly finding out that my favorite languages are the ones that school doesn't teach. figures, doesn't it? anyways, I've been playing with php/mysql for around a year now, and have been …

Member Avatar for sleign
Member Avatar for wwwmadeasy

hello guyes ..i dont know what is the problem with this code ..it was working with me before but now it just store nothing ... when i submite the data every thing shows in the database ecept that image nothing shows there ..i attached the code here so every can …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for arunner

Hi people, I have run across this website many times, with the first impression that it was a website to ask a guy named 'Dani' questions about code *snicker*. I haven't introduced myself. Maybe I will. But I have a question. In building a program, I'm running mysql code. In …

Member Avatar for arunner
Member Avatar for hippo1

hello I have an idea of an rack space table which has hostnames and uheight info on it. But as I'm quite new to this mysql programming I actually dont have much of knowledge on this programming. I was thinking the database to be of both single table or multiple …

Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am showing my output using this. It shows all the records on web page where month is July(07) But I want it show all the records like: there are 29 records found, I also need 3 records per page, How I will do paging for these. please guide …

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Member Avatar for vnanaji

Hi friends I am new to mysql . After Installing mysql-standard-4.1.22-unknown-linux-gnu-x86_64-icc-glibc23 in linux i am getting the error ./mysql_install_db ./mysql_install_db: line 85: my_print_defaults: command not found Could not find help file 'fill_help_tables.sql' in ./support-files or inside .. pl help me how to overcome it Thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for complete

I have MySQL running such that I can open a client command line and log on and make databases, tables, etc. I wanted to do some AJAX. Doing AJAX with ASP, SQL Server, etc is not advisable since both places where I am hosting my websites do not use the …

Member Avatar for Robert Plant
Member Avatar for hjdaniel.sun

Hi all, I am writing a program which needs to connect to a mysql server I have set up. I use the proxy server at school to access internet. I found that my program cannot connect to the database. So how do I connect to mysql through the proxy server? …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

read: \"you fail at life =]\" yuh is being put into the database from a form submit obviously i dont want the backslashes. how do i get the backslashes rom being inserted into the mysql db table? my code is `$code = mysql+real_escape_string($_POST[code]);` then insert it with mysql query. how …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for dwessell

Hi, I'm running a Vbulletin install on a CentOS server. MySQL is ver 4.1.22. Every few days, seemingly at random I have a Db that will reach it's connection limit of 150. The rest of the time connections stay below 30. Then all at once queries build up, and we …

Member Avatar for mishal.pk

Help for wml connection with mysql--------------------plz guide!!!? i have a project to mobilize a school website by wml in which a student can view its result sfter signing in.. i am totally new to wml plz guide me HOW IT CAN BE PERFORMRD ,HOW TO CONNECT WML DECK WITH DATBASE???(mysql) …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i have a thread in my forum. all the replies are by THE SAME USERNAME. the mysql thing looks like this: (that runs when i post a reply) [CODE]mysql_query("UPDATE `replytable` SET `the thing to show if its a mod` = 1 WHERE `by` = '$_SESSION[username]' AND `the thing to show …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

How do i search table for a given keyword? I want to use it with Python. Cheers!

Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, I have completed a cms system but at present they have to use html tags to edit the information. I recently found out about wysiwyg, which i would love to impliment but im having issues. the two following files allow you to type something, then click edit, which …

Member Avatar for MrDiaz

I can connect from the services window but whenever I try to set the code myself on my app it tells me it cannot connect to the database. Here's my code: [CODE=java]import java.sql.*; public class LogBook { public static void main (String[] args) { connectToDB(); } // Connect to the …

Member Avatar for MrDiaz
Member Avatar for micmania1

I know mysql but I now have a job where mssql is needed. I am having a problem inerting multiple rows at once. MySQL Query: [code=mysql] INSERT INTO colours (ccode, cdesc) VALUES ('35', 'Green'), ('35', 'Turquoise') [/code] How do I get the same result with MSSQL? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for micmania1
Member Avatar for Tekkno

Hey all, I have a MySQL database and I am wondering how to make certain data (tables and columns) in it available to search engines. Hopefully this is a MySQL question and not PHP. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

Member Avatar for pedramphp

hi folks , I have a Table names A with these fields (Id,Entry_Date,State) I want to fetch the 5 recent records with Unique States And Order them Desc so this is what I did [code=sql]Select * From A Order By Entry_Date Desc Limit 5 [/code] I tried many ways to …

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The End.