10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for rajuchacha007

Hello, I am importing a .csv file in mysql. I am facing problem when it comes to date. Let me elaborate. CaptureDate 20071101 20071101 20071101 20071101 20071101 This is data. But when i Load the file, it displays only last record correctly but not the rest 4. Please help. Thanks …

Member Avatar for rajuchacha007
Member Avatar for mohan7690

hi all i want to insert an image into mysql database using stored procedure, i need to pass the image from c# plz help me

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for thegreatdanton

Hi, i'm just looking for some advice in relation to retrieving data from a MySQL database and displaying in nice looking rows. Basically, what i want to do is call the data into separate rows similar to what is on [URL="http://www.rent.ie/houses-to-let/renting_dublin/dublin-city-centre/"]here[/URL]. I'm not sure if these are separate divs or …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Bliss C

Unfortunately I seem to have forgotten everything I ever knew about PHP and MySQL (which wasn't a lot anyway) and I've had one hell of a headache all day which is somewhat clouding my thinking. :X I have two PHP includes on a current site I'm working on advertising a …

Member Avatar for rajuchacha007

Hello, I am importing a in.csv file in mysql. I t contains one variable called CaptureDate. load data infile 'C\in.csv' into table table name lines terminated by '\n' ignore 1 lines; Once I executed, I got errors like row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns. I changed the data …

Member Avatar for autofesa
Member Avatar for jen140

Hello all. I want to add the mysql to ODBC sources. Im currently running windows vista, and in the control panel, Data Sources (ODBC) when i try to add a system Dns as source i cant find mysql in the list. Here is a pic(so you dont spam [url]http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/connector-odbc-configuration-dsn-windows.html#connector-odbc-configuration-dsn-windows-5-1[/url] or …

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for gcombe

I need help with this. I am sure its an easy thing.. but I am stumped for some dumb reason.... all this works just fine.. but what I want to echo out is fname and lname of each person once they are selected as well as the next section of …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for gaspan

[code]$sql = "SELECT * FROM schedule ". "WHERE CurriID ON (SELECT CurriID FROM curriculum ". "WHERE (Pre_Requisite LIKE (SELECT CONCAT('%',SubjCode) ". "FROM studgrade WHERE (Grade >=1 and Grade <=3) AND StudentNumber='$id') ". "AND Pre_Requisite LIKE (SELECT CONCAT(SubjCode,'%') FROM studgrade WHERE ". "(Grade !='5' and Grade !='INC') AND StudentNumber='$id')) OR Pre_Requisite …

Member Avatar for Dukane
Member Avatar for rajuchacha007

Hi all, I want to find out logging ability of mysql when modification is high. In other words, to find out if mysql has an in-built feature to support bulk updates, while monitoring or logging individual record updates. Our aim is to improve performance of bulk updates while logging individual …

Member Avatar for rajuchacha007
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, i am new to php, i dont know how to run the php files, i am going through some tutorials, but not able to install it on my pc. i have dowloaded . . but dont know how to proceed further so please help me out ...... regards, …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for chand.

Its sure that you know about the flash flip books. I have the problem with that. Ok the scenario is about to have the tabs or buttons we can say which are alongside on the right of the book and we can use them to navigate the pages using the …

Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi Lets say i have just sent a query to my database and its bought me back a value. I've stored this value in $value1 . How would i get this value into a flash movie ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for chand.
Member Avatar for jen140

Hello all. I have a small problem with sql. I have a table that has name and rank. For example the ranks would be getted like : select name,score from scores order by score desc So the first line i would see would be person with rank 1, second line …

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix

Hi, Is it possible to have Flash query a MySQL database, retrieve the data, and then do whatever it wants with the data (stored in a variable, or displayed to the screen in a text box perhaps) ? Is it challenging? If I can achieve this, I could perform a …

Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix

Let me explain myself, and then hopefully you can tell me a better solution. I have paid web hosting (only $2.50/mo) and in the process of learning PHP, have learned how to work with MySQL databases. I was wondering if it is possible to create a program in C++ that …

Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix
Member Avatar for navarannan

Hi Im using the following trigger to refresh my mview. [code]BEGIN DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH( LIST => 'EQUIPMENT_FEATURES_MVIEW' ,PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC => TRUE ,REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS => FALSE ,PURGE_OPTION => 1 ,PARALLELISM => 0 ,ATOMIC_REFRESH => TRUE); END; [/code] I change the table from which the mview is created and does a commit, it throws the following …

Member Avatar for navarannan

Hi Im trying to execute a the following query, but its throwing me an error [code]select apex_item.checkbox(1,"EQUIPMENT_ID") Tick, ef.equipment_type as "Device Type", e.equipment_name as "Device Name", ef.equipment_id, ef.Customer_Name as "Customer Name", ef.Site_Name as "Site Name", ef.Managed_Ip as "IP Address", dst.discovery_state_name as "Discover State", d.Error_Code as "Error Code" , d.Last_Discovery_Time as …

Member Avatar for navarannan
Member Avatar for Anon17

I have a server which uses MySQL and supports many clients, and everything works perfectly fine when the MySQL database is on the same machine as the server. However, when it's on another machine, due to what I believe is the slow connection there are several requests from different clients …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for WellCom34

hey guys need a little help. i tried to save image into my database, it saves without error but when i tried to check if it saves in mysql, the data about my picture id save, but the image i save return a value of 0. please help me with …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for kishan112

Hi, can anyone please rewrite the following sql-query? It's working, but it takes some time to execute. [CODE=sql] SELECT `cd_e_calls`.`bedrijfs_id` AS gegevens_id, `gebeld` , `status` FROM `cd_e_calls` , `cd_e_gegevens` , `cd_e_negatief` WHERE `cd_e_gegevens`.`RvV` != '1' AND `bedrijfs_id` = ( SELECT `cd_e_gegevens`.`id` AS gegevens_id FROM `cd_e_gegevens` WHERE ( SELECT COUNT( `cd_e_calls`.`bedrijfs_id` …

Member Avatar for kishan112
Member Avatar for kishou

ok i cant seem to log in with a regualr password. this code works fine without md5 but it doesnt work when i use md5. yes i've already connected and selected database. $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); //so someone cant sql inject. [CODE]$ = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); $password = md5($_POST['password']); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for nduduzo

hi there could you please help it's agent, i'm doing search button my code gives me this erro 'CurrentPageIndex' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView'. here is my code [code] Private Sub txtSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSearch.Click BindData() End Sub Private Sub BindData() Dim connection …

Member Avatar for Gadfly_1943

I am trying to copy a list of email addresses in Excel and paste them into SQL. I am using Navicat. I am able to paste the text, but I lose the hyperlink format. What can I do? Obviously, I new at this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...Gadfly_1943

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Im rubbish MySQL joins, and need an assist please. i have a product table and an images table. Each product has 4 images associated to it by a foreign key product id in the images table. I need to pull out the product info (from prod table) and 1 …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for AdventDeo

Hello it's me again! So I've managed to create 4 linked drop down boxes like: Country : [===Country===|v|] Client : [===Client===|v|] Environment : [===Environment===|v|] System: [===System===|v|] And it's working fine with the codes written at the end of this post. Next step is I wanted a Table to contain 2 …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for navarannan

I'm currently working on APEX where I expect the following query to work.. But its not working or giving me any errors. here is the query [code=sql]select et.equipment_type, max(case when name='Managed_Ip' then value end) as SNMP_port, e.equipment_name as equipment_name, cu.customer_name as customer_name, st.site_name as site_name from equipment_feature ef inner join …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for fuzkabir

I use Lunerpages Hosting. I want to use the Navicat 8 for managing the mysql database in my Lunerpages hosing. recently, I added a my IP address as Access Hosts in mysql database. but i can't access the mysql database of lunerpages using Navicat. please help! people claims that they …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for AdventDeo

Hello, I have a MySQL database and I'm trying to make a dropdown list using PHP based on the value stored in my DB. So far I have this (copied, pasted, and edited from another forum): [CODE] <form action="maintest2.php" method="POST"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td><b>Main Category:</b></td> <td> <select name="Name"> …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo
Member Avatar for pabzzmike

hello, i have a php/mysql vehicle database with fields make, model, price and year. in my webpage ALL database records are displayed by default using the select command in a table. i would like add a filtering functionality on all 4 fields as such i have an arrow selector on …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for dre-logics

[CODE]myconn.Open() MySQLstring1 = "select picture from naw where id = 17" myCommand1.Connection = myconn myCommand1.CommandText = MySQLstring1 myReader = myCommand1.ExecuteReader If Not myReader.HasRows Then MsgBox("now rows found") Exit Sub End If If myReader.Read Then Dim imgByteArray() As Byte imgByteArray = CType(myReader.Item("picture"), Byte()) Dim MyStream As New System.IO.MemoryStream(imgByteArray) [COLOR="red"]PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(MyStream) …


The End.