10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for chadlong41

Hi I have a simple Table (Table1) with 3 fields (ID, Date, Value). So if I query the DB for a certain date it lists the ID and value of all rows with that date. What I need to do is have a checkbox next to each table row and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for NoGood

Hi all, I'm creating an appointments scheduling system. I have a bookings table and a time table among others in a MySQL database. Each entry in the bookings table has a slotId value. In the time table each slotId has a startTime and an endTime. This is what i want …

Member Avatar for NoGood
Member Avatar for masijade

[QUOTE=newtonorina][QUOTE=masijade][QUOTE=newtonorina]Am new in the programming sector. I have a task that requiires me to join a java interface to mysql but I don't know the code to do that. Can you please help.[/QUOTE] [url]http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/6.0/en/connector-j.html[/url] Next time start a thread.[/QUOTE] I just wanted a small program in Java for eaxample that …

Member Avatar for AllenB

Hello, I am trying to insert values from a .csv file into a MySQL database from a GUI. I cannot seem to accomplish this. I keep getting a null pointer exception where I set the connection properties in my main method. I also cannot seem to figure out how to …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for tnchitra

Hi Friends, In the website in which i am developing for every searches made an entry would be made in a table. As a result of this the size of the table grows to great extend. Now i am planning to take the backup of that table periodically and to …

Member Avatar for tnchitra
Member Avatar for erms

Hi, I have an ms-access database (.mdb) which I need to import to mysql. Is there a free software to make a .sql dump of this ms-access database? I have been trying some softwares (google searched) but none of them worked. One of them was able to replicate the table …

Member Avatar for erms
Member Avatar for trashed

Hi all. I have a table with a this records: [CODE] <!-- Table user_activity --> <user_activity> <id>1</id> <event>LOGIN</event> <username>user@domain.com</username> <domain>domain.com</domain> <remote_address>ip_address</remote_address> <date>2008-05-23 20:19:36</date> <comments></comments> </user_activity> [/CODE] I am trying to query the DB to get the total results of activity PER DAY. This is my query (which obviously doesn't work): …

Member Avatar for trashed
Member Avatar for fionaom87

Hello i am trying to generate mysql reports. I have them working but my problem is: i want to happen is when u click an option value e.g. list customer details, i want it to generate the report automatically. Here is my code below it is all correct i just …

Member Avatar for LTT

Hello! Im new to PHP and have a need for what I have found out is called AJAX. I prefer to code in PHP for my DB access. I need to create a dropdown list using AJAX that updates it self depending on what is slected in the parent dropdown …

Member Avatar for jshpro2
Member Avatar for cjackson111

Hello. I have a php script that is pulling records from a database. Everything up until now has been working great. Even now the first page of results show up as they should. (5 records are displayed per page) When I click on "next page" to view more results I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jakx12

ok so here is the error:[ICODE] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'from, content, date) VALUES('', '', '', '')' at line 1 [/ICODE] Between the apostrophes is the information from the …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for lifeofapirate

I'm not nearly as advanced as most of you so please respond to me like I'm a fourth grader. :) I need to see what a password is in my cpanel. I don't want to reset it or change it. I just need to see what it is because it's …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for jeshurun

hello i have the following code [COde=php]<?php mysql_connect("localhost", "lekan", "") or die(mysql_error()); echo "connected to database"; mysql_select_db("today") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Connected to database<br>"; $tables=mysql_list_tables("today"); if ($tables ==""){ echo "this database does not have a table"; exit; }else { echo $tables; } //number of rows $row_num = mysql_num_rows('first name'); if (!$row_num){ …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for FlashCreations

I am working on a project that requires a MySQL database to store important information (So a little security would be nice). I realize that some users can't find or don't have MySQL databases with their hosting accounts. I would like to provide users with the ability to get a …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for nicolem443

hello I've got two tables that I want to be connected(let's call the A and B), so I made a third table. In table A and B i got two primary keys a_id and b_id. Now I create the third table named AB. Inside that I create ab_id as primary …

Member Avatar for uncle_smith
Member Avatar for hhamdan

Hello everybody, i am trying to import an mysql table to sql server both has the same attribute and with the same datatype. and here is what i did : 1- i export the mysql table to excel sheet. 2-then i went to the sql server and import this sheet …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations

MySQL is great, especially for storing large amounts of data such as users, event logs, and tables for forms or CMS systems. There is one big problem though that faces PHP/MySQL developers: MySQL injection. Hackers usually try something like a username and password of ' a='a'. This is a MySQLer's …

Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I need to save a number to 3 decimal points, however I want 10.3 to be saved like this: 10.3 not this: 10.300 varchar will not work because ORDER BY rating treats 10 as being lower than 9... So what datatype should I use? Thanks, Max.

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for Taosun

hello Everyone I was wondering if anyone can help me with a little php and mysql problem occurred to the CMS i am using. I have a function which is get data from a table after updating the table, the code is as follow: [code=php]public function getHtmlWrapper($id) { //get entire …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nobloz

Hi all, I am fighting with this a while allready, a moving average with mutilty items The (example) tabel : item datum volume item1 1/1/2009 10 item1 1/2/2009 11 item1 1/3/2009 12 item1 1/4/2009 11 item1 1/5/2009 10 item1 1/6/2009 10 item1 1/7/2009 10 When i do this with only …

Member Avatar for nobloz
Member Avatar for jhonnyboy

hello everyone i am currently working on a php script on my website. I wanted to make a script for registering users. So that they may log in, log out, register, and access member only functions. I found a good tutorial online but since im fairly new to php and …

Member Avatar for Andrieux
Member Avatar for vartikachandra

i am trying to retreive the contents of the table in my databse into a html form using servlets in tomcat. here isthe code: [code] import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class ServletusingData extends HttpServlet{ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException{ response.setContentType("text/html"); …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for tanha

Hi everybody, I want to have a login form in Java, which comparing the username and password, according to MySQL database data, so I have the following code, just don't know where to add the select statement and how verify the username and password from MySQL with the JTextfield of …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi, Im having a wierd problem with my mysql query: I have entries in my database with a rating (out of 10) and a timestamp, and I want to pull out the highest rated entry from the past 30 days. These are the entries I have: [CODE]Primary key ----------------- Rating …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for MLA

I'm a noob and am struggling with what should be some fairly straightforward php and mysql coding. I have a page that I am building and am able to get the following code to work: [code=php]<?php include 'includes/config.php'; include 'includes/opendb.php'; ?> <div align="center"><h1> <?php $id=$_GET['player_id']; ?> <? $query= "SELECT p.player_id …

Member Avatar for MLA
Member Avatar for securegds

hi, I have implemented the following query to search the db for exact phrase (ex : if the search term is "air" should match the exact word not like hair). Quote: [code=sql]select A.*, B.*,C.GGCategoryID,C.CategoryName,C.CategorySlugName,XX.EcoStatus from tbl_products A,tbl_members B,tbl_product_categories C ,tbl_eco_ratings XX WHERE A.MerchantMemberID=B.MemberID and B.MemberType='Merchant' and A.GGCategoryID=C.GGCategoryID and XX.EcoStatusValue=A.EcoStatusValue and …

Member Avatar for securegds
Member Avatar for gpittingale

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/miraclehosting.co.uk/public_html/scdc.php on line 169 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can anyone help here this is doin ma ed in!! gggrrrhhhhh i get the above result when Load the script into the browser. here is the form: [code=html]<form action="scdc.php" method="post" name="chooser"> <label>Select Parish …

Member Avatar for gpittingale
Member Avatar for _Rei

Okay, I'm trying to output data from one table, with only certain instances pulling up data from another table. On a value of 0 in PriceID, it uses values in the first table; on a value of anything else, it should pull a set of values from the second table. …

Member Avatar for _Rei
Member Avatar for harrence

Hi all Mamp is not processing my php files, anyone know why this might be? Very general question I know, I've tried most of the usual suspects; preferences etc....

Member Avatar for redgem

I have a database that I want query and pull an users specific details into a "$profile" variable. the url would be: "[I][url]www.website.com/profile.php?id=12345[/url][/I]" Thus, I use the $_REQUEST["id"] to put the id number into a variable and then I query the database using this id number. The code is below: …

Member Avatar for jrdark13

The End.