10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for BHance

Hi all, I'm am still learning mysql so please excuse anything I may not understand. I need to update 12k records in a mysql table (about 5 fields per record) twice a day, and it needs to be done automatically (probably with curl). My data source is a comma delimited …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for finance-blog

I have a query that gets 5 random values out of a table according to a query. i.e. [code=sql]SELECT * FROM links WHERE url contra = FALSE ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 0,5[/code] This is fairly simplified but you get the idea. One of the fields in the table is ip, …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for komrad

Hello all, I'd like to know if there is a way to insert into a MYSQL table data in an ordered way? Right now as a workaround I've literally made a table of questions with questionID as primary key, nextQuestion and prevQuestion pointing to other questionIDs. Basically I've made a …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

hi, i had a mysql table and my friend make the database in excel file. Now I need to import my excel file into mysql table. Anyone help me how to do this ... Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for brunope

Hello everyone, At first, I would like to wish an happy new year for everyone. Now, my problem! I'm starting a new web app (which is the first one I will completely write) and after modeling the database, I encoutered a problem for adding datas in my category's table: [code]-- …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for kklowanshi

Hi All, I have one query related to mysql licensing. I am developing a desktop application for commercial purpose and using mysql community server (5.0) as backend database server. We dont install mysql server and driver from our application installer. If user wants to install our application on his machine …

Member Avatar for scousey2008

Hi all, I seem to be having a problem. I get the above error when trying my login script. [CODE]<?php $dbhost = "localhost"; $dbname = "userlogin"; $dbuser = "adminuser"; $dbpass = "xxxxxxx"; $dbtable = "users"; mysql_connect ( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbtable)or die("Could not connect: ".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); session_start(); $username …

Member Avatar for SOB224
Member Avatar for theimben

How would I import a database which is more than 50MB. PhpMyAdmin only allows below 50MB. Ive tried compressing the data but it doesnt work because it takes the decompressed size. So how would I do this?

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for anuragg21

While i was importing .sql file in my database i got this error #1064. [code] #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `att_poll_log` ( `id` …

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for ronjustincase

[url]www.bluewolf.com/MySQLCluster101[/url] Free, Live Webcast - January 22 2PM EST

Member Avatar for digital-ether

I'm trying to create an Alpha Numeric List of links. Each alphabet links to a page that will display rows whose titles start with that alphabet or numeral. For each alphabet, I want to get the number of titles that start with that alphabet. This allows me to link only …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for SSJVEGETA

Good morning everyone. I am having trouble connecting my MySQL database to a JTable in Eclipse. I keep on getting an exception and receiving this message "Unable to find and load database driver". Here is a sample of database code for the program: [CODE]class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { Vector cache; …

Member Avatar for JavaCool4Me
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi , I want to show content of tables in a database in a PHP page. And I did it successfully. I had around 1500 rows in that table. Now the problem is the PHP page showing all the 1500 rows in a single page.. Please help me to limit …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for marcosjp

Hi there, I'm building a multilanguage CMS based Web site using PHP 5- MySQL and I'm facing problems with languages. From what I've been reading I must use charset UTF-8 (as Wikipedia uses this I guess this is realy the right choice). Now, I must also know how to store …

Member Avatar for marcosjp
Member Avatar for bvssam

Hi Group, I have a small Query regarding calling a procedure from a trigger please go through the following and please let me knwo if any thing wrong happened. [code=sql]DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test`.`sample` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `sample`() BEGIN insert into test.out(num,message) select num,name from test.in,hotel where …

Member Avatar for bvssam
Member Avatar for DiGSGRL

I am building a site search that involves a union of two tables in two databases and needs to have relevancy factored in. I do not want to use a full-text or boolean search. I can search one database and one table using relevance fine. I can union the two …

Member Avatar for DiGSGRL
Member Avatar for jackiejoe

I have a table in mysql which I can view perfectly using JSP, but there is a problem with inserting into the table which I cannot figure out. Here is my code: [CODE]<%@ include file = "database_ini.jsp"%> <% if(request.getParameter("insert") != null){ String name = request.getParameter("name"); String sql = "insert into …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for Rushyo

I took a backup of a database a while ago and I'm having trouble with running it on a new (Windows 2003) server through phpmyadmin 3. Whenever I execute it the resulting tables, fields and data are all converted to lowercase! If I use phpmyadmin to create them it works …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for drewtemp

What I'm trying to do is produce a query that will use custom fields. I have the following tables: [b]entries[/b] [code] id title slug user_id section_id [/code] [b]entries_values[/b] [code] id entry_id sections_fields_id value [/code] [b]sections_fields[/b] [code] id name value section_id [/code] So what I want to do is run a …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for dcparham

using PHP with mySQL, or ASP with msAccess 2000 on a win2000Server web server; also using a "rich text format" utility to allow formatting of text in a text area: when i use the mySQL command "UPDATE", and data from the textarea is written to the database, it adds erroneous …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for wwwmadeasy

hi i need to undresdatn the relation which mention in that table which i attached plzzz.... any one. thanks inadvance...

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

Hey how will I write a text file to setup a database with the information below Database set-up: Members Table: id - int primary key auto_increment. username - varchar 15. password - varchar 32. will be a md5 and sha1 hash of the password then the username. e-mail - varchar …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for johnwayne77

here is my situation: i have a prepay online store and i advertised a contest to win a free code when buying at least 5 codes during 24.11-24.12 2008 period. now this is my table: [CODE]orders_id customers_id customers_name customers_company customers_street_address customers_suburb customers_city customers_postcode customers_state customers_country customers_telephone customers_email_address customers_address_format_id delivery_name delivery_company …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for Sheridan

HELP! I am a refugee from Apache trying to use PHP with IIS. I have PHP installed and running on IIS 6. This is good. Not so good is the fact that phpinfo() does not recognize MySql and I cannot generate error messages. Anyone know where I can look for …

Member Avatar for lightningrod66
Member Avatar for das.rajib47

I am facing some kind of problem. The error I am getting it's look like "Errorno = 2003 Error Message = Can't connect to MySQL server on 'server IP address' (99)". This error is coming most of the time. 1) the server is also running when I got this error. …

Member Avatar for thunderbbolt

I am trying to read my database from mysql. I have two fields author and books. I need the author field to be in the drop down list and then when I choose an author I need it to display below on the same page all of the books by …

Member Avatar for ambiliya
Member Avatar for rajasekhar1242

hi, i wrote the following program on python IDE. but i got "no module MySQLdb" as import error. can u give me any sugg import MySQLdb # Create a connection object and create a cursor Con = MySQLdb.Connect(host="", port=3306, user="rajasekhar", passwd="venkata" db="tst") Cursor = Con.cursor() # Make SQL string and …

Member Avatar for nikhilvishnupv
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I have a table called "users", in the table it contain a column/ field name "reg_date" how would i run an query to say: For all the users, if their feild "reg_date" is blank put "20th December 2008"

Member Avatar for =IceBurn=
Member Avatar for Yellow Slider

I'm using a vBulletin based board. I've started with utf8 charset, and my db is messed up now, all the content is in gibberish, I'm using Hebrew in my forum and after a while I tried upgrading to the latest version, so I did, and the board is now presenting …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for Deathrains

Hello guys ! i find this place really helpfull for developers (ow really ? lmao) ok here i made an mysql query that looks like this ; [code=php]$result = mysql_query("SELECT id,title,description,data,author,mini_img,view FROM data WHERE data>'$data_begin' AND data<'$data_end'",$db); [/code] i checked for missplaing and nothing ... i have doubs about data(its …

Member Avatar for dasatti

The End.