10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for mcx76

I installed script .It was working fine since one month but today this error is coming.Please be advice. Thanks [URL="http://www.marketdayafrica.com"]Link[/URL] [ICODE]SELECT a.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.createdon) AS timestamp, ct.cityname, COUNT(*) AS piccount, p.picfile, scat.subcatname, cat.catid, cat.catname FROM clf_ads a INNER JOIN clf_cities ct ON a.cityid = ct.cityid INNER JOIN clf_subcats scat ON a.subcatid …

Member Avatar for johnsquibb
Member Avatar for pancgom

Hi Guys, This is probably the most silliest of questions, i am still learning php and mysql :-| . I have this code below which brings up data from the database and displays it, what i want to do is to give the table headers a bgcolor how do i …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for kc8pdr
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for dorcas

I am getting this error message [code]Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'dorcas'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\myweb\dbmysql.php on line 2 Error connecting to database [/code] when i run this code[code] $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "dorcas", "dorc123") or die("Error connecting to database"); $query = "CREATE DATABASE chene"; $result = mysql_query($query); …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for mrityunjay22

i am getting the aboe error in the code given below <html><head> <title>MySQL Server Information</title> </head><body> <h1>MySQL Database Server Information</h1> <?php $DBConnect = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'mrityunjay'); echo "<p>MySQL client version: " . mysqli_get_client_info() . "</p>"; echo "<p>MySQL connection: " . mysqli_get_host_info($DBConnect) . "</p>"; echo "<p>MySQL protocol version: " . mysqli_get_proto_info($DBConnect) …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for jenpai

Hello everyone! Im just a newbie here, and i really need help from you guys. We have a project in our school right now... i want learn how to implement a simple "Post Messages and Announcements" using PHP and MySql in my site. Kind of like a miniforum where the …

Member Avatar for jenpai
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

Hi, I want to create a table in Mysql but i receive an error. [COLOR="Red"]Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in C:\wamp\www\CreateTable\create.php on line 11 Table veriler_2 couldn't been created! : [/COLOR] i give you the whole lines to check it for me. I can not …

Member Avatar for m.pontus
Member Avatar for naju

Pliz help me for an efficient tagging system such as for images, articles, products etc, so that it could be easy for tag-could and relevancy searching for my web site. (php/mysql)

Member Avatar for magikman

Hello, I would first like to thank everyone for their help so far, i really appreciate it. Well, i have been learning perl for my job now for about three weeks. Things have gone pretty well so far. I have written a few scripts here and there. However, i have …

Member Avatar for SergioQ
Member Avatar for Mohandsa

i have acode that upload file from client to web server but i need to insert the file name into DB (mysql) to get it in download list............HOW? this is jsp code <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%> <% response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setHeader("Cache-control","no-cache"); String err = ""; String lastFileName = ""; String contentType = request.getContentType(); …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for tzan2833

Dear all I have a few questions. I would be grateful if you could take the time to answer. I have installed on windows xp home apache2, php 5 and mysqlserver 5. The [URL="http://localhost"]http://localhost[/URL] page of apache works fine. The <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> page works fine. However when i …

Member Avatar for grandgoodel
Member Avatar for trudge

I've got a Perl script that lets a client of mine dump and restore his inventory database. It has worked fine for years, only I recently noticed strange file results. Instead of dumping the data to the file, I found this (I've munged the db name): -- MySQL dump 10.10 …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for alanos206

Using PHP on my registration page to register users on my site. Everything seems to be working properly from a PHP perspective. It even tells the user that they've been added. But when I view the table it only has one record which is the one that I created when …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for nuBudDy

hi, im trying to view my php page on the browser on iis and i got this error : [COLOR="Red"]call to undefined function mysql_connect().[/COLOR] im not sure why this happened, tried googling but found only solution on apache. any help would be appreciated.thanx

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for duttydea

I am a Newbie To PHP!! I used maestro php myqsl to crate the code below.. I am trying to change the query to include a where statment: "where Product_Category = Acoustic treatment" everytime i edit it i get a syntax Error!! please can you help? Thanks in advance [CODE]<?php …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey everyone, I'm using php to delete a row from a table in a database in mysql, but it's not working. I'm not even trying to do anything fancy, just delete one row. Here's the code: [PHP]<? include 'config.php'; $recordid = $_POST['recordid']; echo $recordid; mysql_query("DELETE FROM employees WHERE recordid='$recordid'") or …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for likhin

hi folks, I have installed PHP 5.2X on apache and mySQL 5.0. PHP on apache is working fine. can anyone tell what exactly are the steps to configure PHP to mySQL ? thanks in advance, nikhil

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for thecraigmcrae

I'd been trying to do date range comparisons all day, and found that using sql was the only way to find out if a date (inside a table) was between a range (assigned by me) I have 4 of the statements below, one for each season. [code] $strSQL = 'SELECT …

Member Avatar for Walkere
Member Avatar for Cryptoanalysis

I'm Trying to start a Tech forum on my website using phpbb. Can anyone help me get started? Thank you... <SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for alanos206

I am trying to add users to my MySQ table "users" and for some reason I can only get one record added into the table. It tells me that the user is added but when I check the table I still only have the initial record in there. Please Help... …

Member Avatar for hooray
Member Avatar for johnericdel
Member Avatar for Dani

So I'm not happy right now ... just woke up to an IM on my screen that Sun is buying MySQL. Look what Sun did to Java. Good or bad move for the developers out there? Cheers

Member Avatar for TopDogger
Member Avatar for nomadhacker

I am working on a product reviews site using php and mysql, and have a table set up for product data, as well as review data. I am trying to get a list of top rated products within the last 24 hours to show up on the front page. This …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for micatex

Hello I am really new at this and are having trouble with MySQL updating .php files in the database program I am using. This used to work until I changed some of the .php file. I only changed the front end of these files and cannot see why what used …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I want to add a string and a character to two columns of a sql database table. To do that I use a Command object rather to use the same connection on different functions. At the same time used a stored procedure to add data. Hear are some …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

I have a standard SELECT query as follows: [code=MySQL]SELECT eid, title, content, thumb_image FROM diary ORDER BY eid DESC LIMIT 3[/code] ...and a SELECT SUBTRING query as follows: [code=MySQL]SELECT SUBSTRING(content, 1, 200) FROM diary[/code] I'd like to combine the two so that it selects the latest 3 entries in the …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Fungus1487

Hello all, i have recently finished work on a clients database. they now wish for one field in the database to have 10% taken off for each record. can this be performed soley through an SQL statement on the MYSQL database.

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi guys and gals Just curious to know if it's possible to select the 3 latest entries in a table. Would be an added bonus to my project. ;)

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi there What I'd like to do is store a paragraph in a column and pull roughly the first 200 characters of the paragraph and display them on a page as a snippet. Is this possible? If so could someone give me a link or code snippet on how to …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for Dilnesaw

Greetings, I am triying to diplay morethan one column from mysql database by limiting the display into three rows. I want all the row data to be shown as column data. I want the data in the fourth, fith and sixth row to be diplayed in the next columns, and …

Member Avatar for OmniX

The End.