10,944 Topics
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Funnily enough, I have absolutely no experience with MySQL foreign keys. I'd like to change that :) My database schema is rather complicated, and I have a lot of work ahead of me, but let's simplify things. Suppose I have **Members Table:** id (PRIMARY KEY) username first_name last_name company etc … | |
Focus not working. What is the error in my code Dynamic Textbox Code: select query $i =1; while() { <input type="text" name="class_teacher_entry[]" id="class_teacher_entry<?php echo $i; ?>" class='marks' size="5" maxlength="3" onkeypress="return onlyNumbers(event);" onblur="markValidation(this.value,document.getElementById('marktotal').value,<?php echo $i; ?>);"/> } <Script> function markValidation(a,b,i) { var c = parseInt(a); var d = parseInt(b); if(c>d) { … | |
The website has to connect to internet time, instead of the local time via computer. Any ideas? ![]() | |
I am uploading max 5 images and i want to create the thumbnails of those 5 images i am successful in uploading and saving image name in database but can't able to make thumbnails. //controller $files = $_FILES; $cpt = count($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); for($i=0; $i<$cpt; $i++) { $_FILES['uploadfile']['name']= $files['uploadfile']['name'][$i]; $_FILES['uploadfile']['type']= $files['uploadfile']['type'][$i]; $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']= … | |
I want to upload file using php ajax then insert all the data such as chapter name, lesson name and id on database. How can i do that? pls help me guys. Thank you :) | |
Hi All, I've just tried to get going with Django using MySQL, but linking them has been a nasty headache. I am using Python v3.5, Django v1.9 and MySQL 5.6. I've definately got MySQL/Python talking, but Django always has the problem: File "X:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\django-1.9-py3.5.egg\django\db\backends\mysql\base.py", line 25, in <module> import MySQLdb … | |
some how mysql database in wamp server 2 got replaced by older database and i am unable to restore the database to the location (before being replaced by old data) from the latest backup i have . is there any way i can restore the data to my required position. … | |
Hello all, How can i import my mysql table data to google spreadsheet? Also i want to add data in spreadsheet from particular cell. i have referred following web pages, but i can't get much idea. https://support.google.com/docs/answer/40608?hl=en http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-googledata2/ please help me. Thanks ![]() | |
I am using a mySQL query in PHP to pull content from rows into an array. A simple for statement is then displaying this data: for ($i = 0; $i < ($num_rows); $i++): //Find Author Name $query = 'SELECT firstname, lastname FROM vd_users WHERE id = ?'; $statement = $mySQL_con->prepare($query); … | |
Hi Guys and Gals, Im busy developing a small website for a client but i've hit a little snag, currently when i create a new "property" entry i can upload one picture with it that kind of defeats the purpose because i need to showcase the "property". how would I … ![]() | |
**Bold Text Here**hi,Everyone ,please guide me that how i can install MySQL with window 8,problem is that my RAM is of 20 GB and Window8 consume 17GB on RAM .When i install MySQL my pc becomes heavier and slow ,please tell me how i can solve this problem .Thanks | |
PHP Code to create table. $create_q = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . $job_id . '` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `mobile` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `routeID` int(11) NOT NULL, `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL default `Sent`, `handler` varchar(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) '; Mysql Error: You have … ![]() | |
I am not getting records In my DB modify_date structure is timestamp my query is SELECT * FROM table WHERE modify_date> 2015-09-29 13:50:13 any body help me | |
Hi Guys I need help. I have a table and when I clicked the table row(PID 1 below) Ill get the info of the row 1(PID) and pass it on the other form(form2). Thank You in advance. pid prno 1 one 2 two this is my code in loading the … | |
Hi all, I have a table for users in a mysql database. table_users -id -firstname -lastname -email -password -enabled When I select and display records from the table, I want to add and enable/disable toggle button to the enabled field so that if its enabled and I click on it, … | |
Hi, i bought a framework website which i am altering for a client and i am trying to add a new feature to it. i have added new field to mysql table i have added lines of code to show up on form, the choice in new feature will be … | |
Hi there, I am trying to populate a page with multiple rows from a mySQL database. To grab the data, I am using: for ($i=1; $i < 5; $i++) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = ?'; $statement = $mySQL_con->prepare($query); try { $statement->execute(array($i)); } catch (PDOException $error) … | |
Hello guys. I'm trying to create a registration form that takes in employee information. The error I'm getting is: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1 I'm … | |
I'm working on a small web project (MariaDB LAMP stack) on my desktop but I'd like to be able to continue working on the project when I am away from home computer. I think I can sync my /var/www/html/ directory without a problem but does how can I export my … | |
Dear Member, I'm using MYSQL 5.6 and have 3 tables: 1. Customers (Cutomer_id, Customer_Name) 2. Order1 (Order_Id1, Customer_id) 3. Order2 (Order_Id2, Customer_id) I need to write a query to count the number rows from Order1 and Order2 group by Customer_Id. The result should be like: Customer_Id Customer_Name Number of Orders … ![]() | |
Hi Guys, I have a function use to moderate articles, so when i approve one article, have some bellow query: 1 - Update article status to approved: $this->db->update("article",array("approved" => "1","date" => "NOW()"),array("id" => "?"),array($this->id)); 2 - Replace some text in $description of article $newdescription = str_replace("abc","def",$description); 3 - Update article … | |
Hello to everyone, Currenty I have a php project that uploads files to the server and save some extra information into the database. My problem is that I want to make a feature that copies a folder structure with files included to a database. I am trying to copy the … ![]() | |
The program below is just a simple test to see if I can get it to fetch the correct data from MariaDB and then display it on the screen but so far I'm not having any luck. I left the action attribute's value blank because I want the PHP form … | |
Hi all,my question is i have a form:  And database:  how would i exreact data entered in the form field from database and display in seperate table?  ![]() | |
I want to what is better way of doing this.Suppose user visit a website he is not yet registered on our website so nav bar shows some options like sign up ,login, help these are options before registration now if user registrated for website after login options on nav bar … ![]() | |
Hi there, As an excerise I am trying to create a basic PHP blog. Creating the user login system was pretty straightforward, and I've 2 mySQL tables, one with user information, and one with the blog information (and with a foreign key referencing the user id). However, I'm stuck for … ![]() | |
I am very new to sql i have a small doubt.I have a login form where user login[as obvious ] but login user is of two types one for travaller and one for others .I have different tables for travaller and other user containing user login user eg tbl_usrs have … | |
Hi there, I created a new table and forgot to set the primary key with an auto_increment. I went back and use: `ALTER TABLE table ADD PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT (column);` However, now whenever I try to insert a new row of data, I get the error message "Duplicate entry '0' … | |
I need to update my records normal password into Md5 passwords.my query was like that UPDATE testing SET password = MD5('Manojano234') This query was working fine but i need to add plain text also | |
Hi guys, I can't get passed this error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object. I have spent hours looking for insights, and can see that my $statement returns FALSE, but have no idea why? My understanding of PHP is limited, so it might help if I actually … |
The End.