10,944 Topics
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![]() | I'm struggling with my hosting company and have had to move to a new one fairly quickly. I've transferred the pages and the databases over quite easily, but have run into an unexpected problem in the form of the error message below. > Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2000): mysqlnd cannot connect to … |
Hi Guys I am trying to select and display on the RadGrid. i am using sqlDataSource. i have 2 Tables (Users and DealerShip). User table i have attributes (UserID(pk),UserName,Email,Phoneand DealerShipID(fk)) on DealerShip table i have attributes (DealerShipID(pk),DealerShipName) and now here is what i want to do. on my grid i … | |
For loop error problem Method: for($i =0;$i<count('$std_id);$i++) { for($j=0;$jcount('$sub_id;$j++) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO mmst_tbl(std_id,sub_id,mark)VALUES('$std_id[$i]','$sub_id[$j]','$mark[$j]')"); } } How to solve this? instead of 138 rows it goes 2000+ lines ![]() | |
Dear all, I have created a website where I would like my users to register and upload profile images to my server and then store it under folder in my server known as "images" and then save the dataurl of the images into MySQL database. Then, I would display their … | |
Hi, I am trying to get same field name from different tables. And i am using like the below query to get the field name. I am expecting some other queries to get distinct 'function_name' column from 'N' of tables. SELECT function_name FROM base_table UNION SELECT function_name FROM firstcall_table UNION … ![]() | |
Here I have this error java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) if I execute this thing GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'root' WITH GRANT OPTION; then I have this error. ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) | |
so i have 2 tables here CREATE TABLE tblAcctPrd ( strAPCode VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, datAPStartDate DATE NOT NULL, datAPEndDate DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (strAPCode) )Engine=InnoDB; which is the parent table and CREATE TABLE tblEntry ( <----the child table strEntCode VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, datEntDate DATE NOT NULL, strEntType VARCHAR(50) NOT … | |
i want to clear all data in databse automatically for everymonth.iam using xampp. | |
Hi, i have a " Deprecated: mysql_real_escape_string()" and a "Deprecated: mysql_query" error while running my webpage in function.php and users.php. I would like to know how to change this following code to be uptodate connect.php <?php $db = new mysqli('localhost','root','','madmax'); if ($db->connect_errno){ die('Sorry, we are having connection problems.'); } ?> … | |
Hello, I have a table with a filed Customers defined as int(10) I have the following query: SELECT * FROM 'table' where `Customers` = 'a' This query returns all entries which have 0 in this field, BUT a is not equal to 0 as we know? Also I can use … ![]() | |
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter(); InputStream inputStream = null; // input stream of the upload file // obtains the upload file part in this multipart request Part filePart = request.getPart("audio"); if (filePart != null) { // prints out some information … | |
Hello all, I have a J2EE application that displays a dropdown of items, in Arabic text. This data is stored in a table in underlying MySQL server. The DB character set is set to utf8 and I have in my JSP the carset encoding as utf8 as well. This works … | |
i have a register and login page where the users can register and login. their details gets saved in the database. my requirement is that when the user will login to the account, they should be redirected to their profile page, where they can view all their profile details. Till … | |
hello there, i have a purchase requisition table in mysql like below: pr no qty items 1 10 pencil 1 5 ballpen 1 8 eraser I would like to display them in tabular form and eventually the users should be able to edit. But my program does not assign the … ![]() | |
Hi, thanks in advance foy your time. I have in the past made a inventory site where a user selects from a dropdown what he or she has and saves it but this is a little different... What I'm attempting to do is this... User creates an account (have the … ![]() | |
I have an old sqlite database that I am no longer going to be using but I want to transfer all of my data to my new mySQL database. I have everyone imported and it all looks good but the problem is when I order my one of my columns … | |
this is my first time of creating trigger..I tried to create trigger using mysql to count how many 2007 data in the table when inserting new record but it not working....... My table have more than 50 data... CREATE TRIGGER No_of_Publisher_year Before Insert ON Book FOR EACH ROW SET @Count_No=New.Copyright; … | |
I am trying to update several rows in the database using mysql statement. My code is as follows. <?php $query = mysql_connect("localhost","root","toor"); mysql_select_db("busticket",$query); $result=mysql_query("Select * from ticket_reservation WHERE validate_status='No'") or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' id='name' name='name[]' value=".$row['id']."</td><td>".$row['userid']."</td><td>".$row['busid']."</td><td>".$row['numberofseats']."</td></tr>"; } echo"<tr><td><input type='submit' name='submit' Value='Validate Tickets'></td></tr>"; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { if(is_array($_POST['name'])) { $qry … | |
I am using jodatime for datetime. When I persist the date in mysql it stores 2015-09-04 10:30:18 instead of 2015-09-04 14:30:18. My timezone is GMT+4 or UAE. Do you know how to change the timezone? I try to put GMT+4 but it does not work. I run this line on … | |
Hello i want to put more than one values in a table's row | |
Hi! I am trying to upload files (.docx, .pptx, .pdf) to an online MySQL database and later be able to save/download it locally to my pc. I am trying to develop a software that could do this particular task using VB.NET and MySql. I have a tbl_proposals with fields: - … | |
Dear, I need help, how to import my Excel file into Mysql Database. I can successfully upload excel file but its not correctly formated uploaded or imported. please check this image,  My HTML Form looks like, <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" role="form"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="exampleInputFile">File Upload</label> <input type="file" name="file" … | |
This is about “https://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/tutorials/499320/common-issues-with-mysql-and-php” i created a new thread because that is a great tutorial and I believe that comments underneath it would troubled the reader. Hello Diafol , I believe that this tutorial should be linked in the “read first” section , but to be honest I don't believe … ![]() | |
![]() | ## Contents ## Overview 1. Alternatives to Deprecated mysql_* Functions 2. SQL Injection: What to do with $_POST and $_GET variables 3. How to Insert Tablenames and Fieldnames Properly 4. What to do With Dynamic Values? 5. How to Use Aggregate Functions (COUNT, SUM, MIN etc) 6. How to Paginate … |
My entity class: @Entity @Table(catalog = "emp", name = "person") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class Person implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** */ @Column(name = "ID", nullable = false,length = 50) @Basic(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @Id @XmlElement String id; /** */ @Column(name = "ADDRESS", length = 50) @Basic(fetch … | |
![]() | Hello there, iam new to this forum but iam also new with retrieving data from a mysql database to an label in vb.net. Iam using vb 2010 and my mysql is hosted on a server. Here is my code: Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Imports System.Data.Sql Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Gamefrm Dim con … ![]() |
I'm at my wits end, perhaps after working non stop for 7 hrs. I'm trying to develop a simple search engine using Php and Mysql. I have borrowed my idea of doing this from a wonderful [youtube tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPmBJhhuwSM) by nick frosty. Unlike Nick, i'm not doing this the procedural way … | |
Hi all, I'm quite a new developer, and I've spent a long time trying to figure out what is causing this error: "SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined" As far as I can tell, all my parameters are defined? My code is below: $mySQL_query = "INSERT INTO vd_users … | |
Im trying to understand the buffer settings for MySQL 5.1 Default settings for the buffers im interested in is key_buffer_size=384M read_buffer_size=16M read_rnd_buffer_size=16M My question is to improve performance how should we be modifying these? In the past I lowered the values but logically that doesn't make sense to me. Changed … | |
![]() | how to ransomize multiple choice questions from mysql database which i had imported from excel style sheet and then print it .. |
The End.