10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for kreyzy

What I'm trying to make is something like this. jsfiddle.net/zunrk/ I want to create a receipt that when you pick the data from the drop down it will show the details on other text box. The other problem is that i wanna create multiple textbox because there will be multiple …

Member Avatar for Fernando_4
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hey guys, I am having some difficulties regarding a select query logic. Then I have a table with products and it has a column -> submodel with all kind of data in it. ![3bcf9a8dac9e8218c88209198e26a7e5](/attachments/small/2/3bcf9a8dac9e8218c88209198e26a7e5.png "align-left") What I want to achieve is to **STRIP** (with REGEXP?) all the strings starting with …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for riahc3

Oldest question in the book. Google says: SELECT NOW()+ 0; And a bunch of other things like UNIX_TIMESTAMP() but doing a select on these, it only returns the seconds, not including the miliseconds. Basically, I need, from MySQL's side the milliseconds. How can I do this?

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for Razaleigh

hi there im currently do some simple webpage that can submit the data save into database into MYSQL Workbench. But currently i have an error for insert into table. The error is --------------------------- App_Web_kclqmsmh --------------------------- You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your …

Member Avatar for Razaleigh
Member Avatar for stokie-rich

hi guys i'm creating my own website and i want to let users register and for them to be able to let them take a quiz. I have created this sql code CREATE DATABASE `dyscaculia` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; USE `dyscaculia`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` ( …

Member Avatar for stokie-rich
Member Avatar for jj.dcruz

i have to backup my database via php codes but i always ended up with an empty file? <?php include "connection.php"; $command = 'mysqldump -u root -p ***** –all-databases > dump.sql'; exec($command) or die(mysql_error()); ?> any help would be great

Member Avatar for jj.dcruz
Member Avatar for sushilsth

i am actually working for showing online for loged in user. This is my code: $qt="select userid from plus_login where tm > '$tm' and status='ON'"; $result = mysql_query($qt); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $uid = $row['userid']; $qt1="select first_name, last_name from signup where user_id='$uid'"; $result1 = mysql_query($qt1); while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { $_SESSION['name']=$rows[0]." ".$rows[1]; echo $_SESSION['name']."<br>"; } …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dawbin

I'm an experienced ASP/MSSQL programmer trying to make the move to PHP/MYSQL and I've been able to wrangle my way up to now. I have a simple SQL query that works great in mymcadmin but gets lost in PHP. I've simplified it a bit here but this is the actual …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for jacob21

I have a column name descrption in a table.. descrption contains multiple rows like claim for my new mercedes purchase my new car ------ ----- I am trying to explode each row and save each entery in a new column. claim :save in split1 for:save in split2 my:save in split3 …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for johnef_sh

I need to upload 5 images at ones with they labels I have made this before to upload many images at one it works fine but I need to have an label for each image how this can be done take a look at my code. this is the HTML …

Member Avatar for Mike_danvers
Member Avatar for LaurenE

Good Day Daniwebbers! Wonder if I can have some help. I am trying to build an 'admin panel' of sorts where the user can add content to their website, edit and delete it, all from one spot (Not unlike a CMS system I guess but purely for the purpose of …

Member Avatar for LaurenE
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

Me again, I have the following which should generate a form and populate that form. <?php session_start(); include("db_connect.php"); if(($_SESSION['user_id']) && ($_SESSION['access_level'] == 1 )) { ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <head> <title>Teaching Int Limited - Home</title> <meta name="title" content="Teaching Int Limited"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta …

Member Avatar for CarterLangley
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

Hello, I have used Single Translation Table Approach to make multilanguage site in PHP. You may see [here](http://www.apphp.com/tutorials/index.php?page=multilanguage-database-design-in-mysql#single_translation_table_approach) The current index page is not working. My objective is to have one example to use these tables and display one working page. For example: It should work like [this](http://demo.codeursolitaire.com/multilanguage/index.php) **by using …

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Member Avatar for Dinesh_9

Hi everone, Currently i am working on an Pharmacy management project in MVC2 model i have written an servlet code to fetch,insert,update,delete MySQL table contents from the JSP page but my problem is i could insert the data successfully but i am failing at Update and delete here is my …

Member Avatar for Dinesh_9
Member Avatar for pritaeas

A while ago I explained how you could tag articles (see [this thread](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/387961/php-code-to-show-related-posts-on-a-blog)). Now you get a full working example. This code and the SQL script is also available on GitHub. The attached MySQL dump needs to be imported into your database, and you must update the credentials in the …

Member Avatar for aufche
Member Avatar for vexer007

Hi, I've run into absolute brickwall and am really desprate for your help please. I have a MYSQL Database with two Tables called user_comment and the second user_table. When a user register with the site, their details are kept in the user_table. the second table user_comment is so that users …

Member Avatar for chocolatte.lavista_1
Member Avatar for Mohamed_26

Hello I am trying to update the quantity value but I am not able to do it. As soon as the user clicks on Add To Basket, if the items exists I want it to update the value. At the moment, the quantity is one. //so this bit checks if …

Member Avatar for Mohamed_26
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hallo, This is funny. I export mysql codes to the webserver. Yet, I cannot run the codes correctly, there are some errors when I run the codes: Error SQL query: -- -- Database: `project_infracom` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `infracom_admin` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for Benjamin_4

Hello guys i want create a table which willl consist of Regions and Location therefore when i take a region it should give me a list of locations under that region. i hope my question is clear enough THank you

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for apoorvashah28

INSERT into tbl_inquiry (name,phone,email,subject,message) values ('apoorva','000012345','email@email.com','subject','hi what's up')

Member Avatar for chocolatte.lavista_1
Member Avatar for rosalyn cruz
Member Avatar for chocolatte.lavista_1
Member Avatar for rosalyn cruz

how to use sql like operator?how to use it give me example thanks!

Member Avatar for chocolatte.lavista_1
Member Avatar for showman13

I'm hoping that another set of eyes will see something that I'm not. I'm having an issue with a script that I just added a little routine to, so I know the issue is in the routine, because the sript as a whole was working before adding this... the routine …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for nana.k.denise

<?php if (isset($_POST['Login'])){ $Username = $_POST[ 'UserName' ]; $password = $_POST[ 'Password' ]; $user = 'localhost'; $pass = ''; $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ovs', $user, $pass ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM Voters WHERE UserName=:UserName"; $query = $db->prepare( $sql ); $query->execute( array( ':Username'=>$UserName ) ); $results = $query->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); foreach( …

Member Avatar for nana.k.denise
Member Avatar for mateusz.baran1

what iam trying to do is get field parameter and run mysql query to update(decrement) value from field quantity, can any one tell me how to do that? <form method="post"> <table class="bordered"> <thead> <tr> <th>No</th> <th>Drug Name</th> <th>Strength</th> <th>Quantity</th> <th>Dis Qty</th> </tr> </thead> <% try { String query="select * from …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for gihan.madushanka.773

I have written a code to add users into the database and validate their credentials when a user logs in. Only the added users are allowed to login and for non valid users, simply a username/password does not match error message is echoed. Password encryption and checking codes are not …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

Hey guys, me again. OK, I have this form that gets and populates the select boxes with the necessary info. Now, what I would like to do is to take the id field of the select box and use that to do a select query on the relevant table. So …

Member Avatar for CarterLangley
Member Avatar for nana.k.denise

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="admin/css/style.css" /> <?php include('dbcon.php'); include('header.php'); ?> </head> <body> <div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top"> <div class="navbar-inner"> <div class="container"> <a class="brand"> <img src="admin/images/dee.png" width="150" height="50"> </a> <a class="brand"> <h2>UNITOUCH GLOBAL ONLINE E-VOTING</h2> <div class="chmsc_nav"><font size="4" color="white">Uniquely Touching The Universe</font></div> </a> <?php include('head.php'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper_admin"> </br> </br> </br> …

Member Avatar for nana.k.denise
Member Avatar for skyscraper11

im creating a voting system that add votes to the database but it seems that my update/submit button don't add numbers(INT) in my database. what could be the problem here?help my database schema: | cid | cpos | cfname | cmname | clname | cyr | cparty | votes | …

Member Avatar for cxzei
Member Avatar for kgizo

Good day What I would like to do is to alter a mysql table with data in it then add manipulated string data to that created column i.e I first add an extra column to my table then add a reverse string coded from data that had already been inserted. …

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The End.